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KIC(k) the Baltic baltkic.eu. BSR Seed Money Facility (SMF) Powerpoint presentation is accompanying by both of documents: the Baltkic Summary and the EIT BSR compliance tabel. What the BALTKIC is?.
KIC(k) the Balticbaltkic.eu BSR Seed Money Facility (SMF) Powerpoint presentation is accompanying by both of documents: the Baltkic Summary and the EIT BSR compliance tabel
What the BALTKIC is? • the macro- regional initiative that aims at exhausting the BSR interlinked, collaborative ecosystem of innovation by well- established network with a major purpose of collective access to the future Knowledge and Innovation Communities of EIT (slide 5) • the initiative will be designed on the principles of EUSBSR triple helix extended model: traditional 3H and the EUSBSR finance* and the social arms (slide no 7) as well as the integrated knowledge triangle PA Innovation flagship ,,Create Funding model for transnational I&R inthe BSR”*
the project that aims at setting up the BSR vehicle contact point between European Institute of Innovation and Technology Headquarter (EIT HQ) in Budapest and Service InterLab of University of Szczecin and its posible project partners [Business Development and Technology Transfer Corporation of Schleziwg-Holstein (WTSH) on business/federal state side and Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Authority on regional government side] • the vehicle contact point will be strategically centre- placed between the EUSBSR priority and horizontal actions (slide 4) and Innovation Union flagship initiative – the EIT KIC (slide 5) and will be acting as a knowledge intensive service provider
BALTKIC vs EUSBSR initiatives BALTKIC BSRStars Baltfood Others Promo Innovation Involve Turku Process ScienceLink EUSBSR
BaltKic Innovation Diamond Europe 2020 Innovation Union EIT KIC EUSBSR BALTKIC NGO’s & Citizens BSSSC Finance Clusters Government Business Society BSR Programme Academe FLAGSHIPS Knowledge Triangle CBSS
The Triple Helix (3H) model and its balticextensions (BE) EUBSR 3H BE
Triple Helix and Baltic extensions • Government: Helsinki- Uusimaa Authority (the current BSSSC chairmanship) • Business: WTSH (EEN), BCCA • Academe: University of Szczecin); other members of Baltic University Program (BUP) • Baltic extensions: Baltic NGO Network (social arm), European Investment Bank/Nordic Investment Bank (financial arm)
Who can be part of BALTKIC? • BALTKIC will be composed of Direct Stakeholders and Indirect Stakeholders that are networked within the BCCA, EEN, BUP, Baltic NGO Network and BSSSC (BALTKIC summary accompanying this presentation explains the above definition in details) • Network strongly invites other organizations that are innovation-driven e.g industrial clusters, research and innovation intensive clusters, consultancy firms, centres for excellence, international financial institutions and social organizations to get involved
What is the mission? • To engage in dissemination of information between EIT and BSR project stakeholders and their networks acting within the EUSBSR and EIT ,,boundaries”” • To undertake step by step action that shall result in joint access of the BALTKIC network or its interested parts to Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) of European Institite of Technology and Innovation (EIT) for 2014 -2018 period • To exploit the full potential of the Region by its collective intelligence network and integrated approach to fullfil the selection criteria and guidelines of EIT for potential application to KIC(s) • To use a financial instrument of ETC/BSR Programme or Horizon 2020 for development of BALTKIC mission (slide 11) • To contribute to development of the concept of new EUSBSR flagship for period 2014-2018 towards enhancing baltic KIC capacity and competence
Financial scheme to access the KIC Financial Advantage Identyfing and match- making partners for future KIC’s BALTKIC Building trust and exploring possibilities of KIC’s Ensuring financial sources for national actions Developing the potential of KIC’s by mutual projects Exploiting the KIC’s potential/innocommerce
BALTKIC vs EUBSR • Major area: Increase Prosperity • Subarea: To exploit the full potential of the region in research and innovation (7) (to develop efficient innovation systems that offer entrepreneurial dynamism and intensive linkages between top-level knowledge institutions, private investors, incubators and related business services) Action Plan (February 2013 version, coordinated by Sweden and Poland)
EUSBSR Action Plan 2013 (Innovation) • Coordination: Sweden (Vinnova) and Poland (MS&HE) • Hotspot: The division between more established R&D institutions in the northern and western shores vs. newly established or reformed institutions at the eastern and south eastern shores in the Baltic (indicated in Innovation Union strategy; slide 14) • Strategic action: Establish a common Baltic Sea Region innovation strategy; 1) facilitate trans-national cooperation for the development and commercial exploitation of joint research projects, 2) jointly develop new and better innovation support instruments, including Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) support
BSR territorial disparities and triangle of co-operation Government Business Academe RIS 2012 innovation performance sub-groups
BALTKIC vs EUBSR horizontal actions • Involve - to strengthen multi-level governance including involving civil society, business and academia and involve all BSR actors with the focus on innovation to exploit full potential of collaborative spirit of the BSR with a purpose to establish the Baltic Co-location Centres (CLC) with its macro- regional nodes (co-ordinators: Region Västerbotten and Kalmar and the Baltic Sea NGO Network) • Promo – to join forces to internally and externally articulate ,,many voice- one choice”” approach of BSR as an integrated, strongly networked and innovation driven region that collaborate with other non-BSR future KICs partners (co-ordinators: Baltic Metropoles Network and Baltic Development Forum)
BSR possible fields of excellence and future EIT KICs themes *EUBSBSR Future, Innovation and Transfer of Knowledge conference report, 30/11/11
Forecast for BALTKIC development under BSR Programme 2014-2020 • Tool of excellence for supporting the Baltic strategic partnerships towards establishing the Baltic co-location centres of future Knowledge Innovation Communities of European Innovation and Technology Institute in 2018 • Development of the vehicle contact point of BALTKIC by employing 3-6 other member of the staff who will be specialized within 2014-2018 KICs themes
Part of Baltic Innovation System based on the principle of the triple helix model extension, integrated knowledge trangle and RIS3 (regional innovation strategies/smart specialization strategies) Collaborative mechanism to support the activities for transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology and promotion of large-scale industry-driven research and enhance the development of major technologies (Strategic Innovation Agenda of EIT, 2011)
BALTKIC at SMF guidelines • BALTKIC project scope is directly addressed by Action Plan PA Innovation and indirectly by HA Promo and Involve therefore indicate a potential to be in line with EUSBSR • 3 BSR located, financialy involved partners • 3 institutional dimensions and 3 geographical locations [academe- University of Szczecin (Poland), government- BSSSC (Helsinki-Uusimaa/Finland), business- WTSH/EEN (Germany)] • Lead Partner: University of Szczecin (partner category: B) • Other partners: categories A and B • Budget of the project: 30-50K EUR/year • SMF co-finance: 85% SMF • Own sources: 15% • Duration of the project: upto 15 months (implementation phase- 12 months)
Annual costs of BALTKIC SMF project* • Employing project co-ordinator [25-30 K EUR/year (standard rate for Poland at 14EUR/hour] responsible for project management process • Travel and accomodation costs [3-5 K EUR] (including stakeholders and sponsors costs) • Stakeholder match-making, seminar, workshops [5-8K]- organization of 3 events at sponsors premises • External expertises [4-5K EUR] • Web design [1K EUR] • Public Affairs and marketing- related [1K] *Subject of negotiation
Next steps • Project proposal presentation to Centre for Transfer of Knowledge and Innovation Service InterLab of University of Szczecin- 21/02/2013 -accepted Go: • Letters of PA Innovation support from PAC Innovation (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland and Vinnova of Sweden)- 10/04/2013 • Letters of support from the past BSSSC Chairmanship- The Marshal of Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship (Poland)- by 25/04 • Project proposals acceptance form partners: Helsinki- Uusimaa Region of BSSSC Chairmanship and WTSh- by 25/04-30/04 No Go: • PAC Innovation refusal → other PAC/HAL search • Project partners refusal of acceptance→ further search for partners
Project intellectual property Kazimierz Anhalt Innovation Management Consulting Mob: +48 692 218 363 E-mail: kazik_anhalt@yahoo.com Project is pre-eliminary consulted with the member of staff of SMF and PAC Innovation co-ordinator- Vinnova and MS&HE (21/02/2012, Berlin, SMF info day)