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Mentors’ Meeting December 2013

“An outstanding partnership for outstanding learner outcomes: working together to develop and support confident, creative, knowledgeable and reflective teachers”. PGCE Spring Placement. Mentors’ Meeting December 2013. People and their Roles. Programme Director – Julie Brierley

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Mentors’ Meeting December 2013

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  1. “An outstanding partnership for outstanding learner outcomes: working together to develop and support confident, creative, knowledgeable and reflective teachers”. PGCESpring Placement Mentors’ Meeting December 2013

  2. People and their Roles • Programme Director – Julie Brierley • School Experience Coordinators – Kay Fraser/Caroline Lundy • Partnership Coordinator – Cecily Simpson • Schools Liaison Officer – Kim Metcalfe • Placement Tutor –Nikki Mountain, Cecily Simpson, Julie Brierley, Yvonne Wilson • PATs: Suzi Storr, Bernadette Cooley, Theresa Brentnall and Sarah Teasdale • Mentor • Class Teacher Contact details in handbook

  3. Website • Google – Hull University Primary Partnership • Placement Overview • Handbook – conduct and absence, key details • Contact details • Dates • Documents

  4. Overview • On website – can be amended to meet needs of school and trainee • Key features of overview • Gives details about each week, the proportion of teaching, suggested tasks and formative and summative assessment

  5. Weekly Meeting • Crucial • Agree when and where with trainee at start (build in time today). Trainee to take lead in negotiating • Private, uninterrupted, appropriate length of time • Work through TDP section of the TPDP (trainee underlines standards met with evidence – should be in more than 1 grading band)and identify standards each week to focus on – agree developmental targets for following week with trainee taking lead – ensure they are CLEAR and trainee knows how to meet • Weekly evaluation form – complete and sign with trainee • Questions – how do they know, evidence, impact on pupil • There is funding built into to your school’s budget to enable you to do these meetings

  6. Observations and Grades • Suggested ( be flexible to meet school needs) *Deadline • 13-17 January – Review Point A – mentor driven. Send to Placement Tutor(grade grid will be placed on website). Contact PAT if support is required. • Before Partnership Meeting w/b 3 Feb -observation by Placement Tutor. Confirm grades at Week 4 w/b 27 Jan. Mentor emails grades to Placement Tutor. 2nd Visit by Placement tutor in week 6 or 7 if required and arranged by tutor. Grading firmed, and mentor to confirm with PT • Final grades – mentor and Placement Tutor discuss. Send grade in by 4 March. • Joint observation with PAT as quality assurance, date to be agreed. Mentor completes form and feeds back to trainee. Time after for mentor and PAT to discuss process

  7. Targets • Weekly targets set by mentor or the placement tutor using evidence and TPDP standards booklet • Final targets to be completed by Personal Supervisor after placement finished. • Use support material (NASBT and UCETT) guidance on web page • Observation grids have been developed and are available to support you (on website) – do not replace standards but is a tool

  8. Visits to other schools • Suggest use PPA time for visiting other cluster schools with identified foci linked to development areas/needs from ACE • Share banners/information from each school • Discuss with your trainee development needs • Arrange visit with other schools. Trainee to take lead • No transport costs available

  9. Issues • Inform – early as possible, informal chat better than leaving it • Remember to complete Cause for Concern early so that intervention arranged quickly. Inform PT • Discussed with Personal Tutor/Placement Tutor • School Experience Coordinator alerted • Action taken – Placement Tutor in communication with the School Experience coordinator(s) • If any changes to mentor – illness etc, please arrange for someone from your school to inform us

  10. Next Steps! THANK YOU!!

  11. Time!etc • Time now to sort observation and visits to other schools – need to consider transport • Might want to consider arranging local mentor moderation meeting with the local PAT looking at evidence and grades • Partnership Meetings: Tuesday 4th February 9.15, Malton CP School Tuesday 4th February 1.30, Scarborough Campus Thursday 6th February 1.30, Saltburn Primary School Monday 10th February 1.30, Staff House, Hull Campus • NQTs – any University of Hull NQTs in your school?

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