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Recall & Recap. What made the Weimar Republic sow weak ?. What made the Weimar Republic sow weak?. Recall & Recap. 1. 4. 5. 2. 1 2 3 4 5. 3. To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles at the core of Germany’s problems?.
Recall & Recap What made the Weimar Republic sow weak?
What made the Weimar Republic sow weak? Recall & Recap 1 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 3
To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles at the core of Germany’s problems? Why did the Weimar Republic face such a series of crises in this period? What were the social and economic problems of 1919-1923?
To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles at the core of Germany’s problems? Why did the Weimar Republic face such a series of crises in this period? What were the social and economic problems of 1919-1923?
To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles at the core of Germany’s problems? Why did the Weimar Republic face such a series of crises in this period? What were the social and economic problems of 1919-1923?
Prestructural: The point or concept has not been understood. The student may have a number of unconnected ideas but cannot distinguish relevance. Unistructural: One relevant idea is explained. Can separate relevant from non-relevant ideas. May be a couple of simple and obvious connections but their significance isn’t grasped. Multistructural: Several relevant ideas on the topic. Several connections may be made but their significance to the whole isn’t grasped. Relational: Understands and explains complex relationships related to the idea or concept. Understands relationship of parts to the whole. Extended Abstract: Shows profound understanding. Transfer takes place. Makes new connections. Can apply to wider contexts and new applications.
Economic Problems of the Weimar Republic • The Occupation of the Ruhr (1923): • The Treaty of Versailles ordered Germany to pay £6600 million in reparations. • In 1922 the German government announced it could not pay reparations any longer. • The French invaded the Ruhr industrial region to get reparations by force. • The French took control of the Ruhr’s factories, steelworks, mines and railways. • The Weimar Government could not defend itself because Versailles had limited the size of the German armed forces. • The French shot 132 Germans and expelled 150,000 Germans from the region for refusing to obey the orders of the French military controlling the Ruhr. • As a result of the occupation of the Ruhr and the resistance against it industrial production in Germany ground to a halt. • Hyperinflation (1923): • To pay for reparations the German started printing money but this caused hyperinflation because the more money it printed the more worthless it became. • As a result of hyperinflation prices would rise, which led to the demand for wages to rise, which led more money being printed, which led to prices to rise more. • The price of goods always tended to rise faster than workers wages. • Workers were seen carrying their wages home in wheelbarrows. • The rise in prices meant that incomes were too small to live on. • People struggled to buy food, clothes and to heat their homes. • People with savings in banks now found that their savings were worthless. • People on fixed incomes like pensioners suffered the most. • Only people who had debts or had taken out loans benefited from hyperinflation. • Hyperinflation increased the unpopularity of the Weimar government.
Why was 1919-1923 a period of crisis for the Weimar Government?
A BAD START • Germany had no tradition of democracy and had always had strong leaders. Germans weren't ready for democracy. • Germans had suffered very badly because of the war. Many were starving and many were furious at the loss of the war - they blamed the new government. • NO AGREEMENT • There were huge political divisions in German society. • Opinion was polarised with extremists on the left (Spartacists and socialists), and on the right, (nationalists and conservatives) both getting a lot of support. • There were many small political parties. • WEIMAR CONSTITUTION • Proportional representation meant that the lack of political consensus was reflected closely in elected parties. • There were many political parties and frequent changes of government. • It was very difficult to establish stability or even get laws passed. Why was 1919-1923 a period of crisis for the Weimar Government? • TREATY OF VERSAILLES • The Treaty had been very hard on Germany and the Weimar Government had been forced to accept it. • Many Germans hated and resented the loss of territory, the reparations and the war guilt clause • It wasn't their fault but the Weimar government tended to get the blame • EXTREMIST ATTACKS • The Spartacists Rebellion 1919 • The Munich Communist Soviet 1919 • The right wing Kapp Putsch 1920 • The assasination of foreign Minister Rathenau 1922 • Hitler's failed Munich Putsch 1923 • CRISES 1923 • 1922 reparations crisis. • France invaded the rich industrial Ruhr area in retaliation. • Weimar ordered passive resistance on the part of Germans in the Ruhr. • Weimar printed more money to try and solve the problem (hyperinflation) • Hitler's Munich Putsch