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Bullying and Mental Health

Bullying and Mental Health. Dec 2011. Mental Health. 1 in 5 1 in 3 2/3 of those who have mental health are not diagnosed. Stigma

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Bullying and Mental Health

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  1. Bullying and Mental Health Dec 2011

  2. Mental Health • 1 in 5 • 1 in 3 • 2/3 of those who have mental health are not diagnosed. • Stigma • Stigma is a barrier and discourages individuals and their families from getting the help they need. It closes minds and fuels discrimination. Many say tht living with the stigma is worse than living with the illness itself (CMHA)

  3. Some Things You Can Do to Fight Stigma and Discrimination • Learn more about mental illness, to become more informed – and teach about mental health and mental illness • Listen to people who have experienced mental illness – how they have been stigmatized, how it affected their lives • Watch your language – avoid terms and expressions that can perpetuate stereotypes, such as “lunatics’, ‘nuts’ or schizophrenic’ • Provide supportive space for youth who are living with mental disorder • Provide positive feedback to youth who are exhibiting stigmatizing behaviour.

  4. What are we doing? • All grade 9 PE classes are involved in a polite project with Ontario shores. They will be completing a 5 day on mental health awareness. • Mandy McKinley is doing a series of mental health awareness with staff • Training for in house staff • Brooke Pemberton • Tracy Croll • Deanne Pattenal • Darlene Davison All completed the Mental Health First Aid Training. BULLYING – suicide

  5. What is Bullying • Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behaviour meant to hurt or cause discomfort to another person. Bullies always have more power than victims. Their power comes from physical size, strength, status, and support within the peer group.

  6. Bullying • How common is bullying? • A 2004 Study found that 1 in 7 of Canadian children age 11 – 16 are victims of bullying. • It is estimated that bullying occurs once every 25 min. in the classroom.

  7. Effects of Bullying: • Mental Health – depression, suicide • Skipping classes • Difficulties sleeping • Difficulties with memory – result in academics • Boys produce more of the stress hormone cortisol so their system is on permanent overdrive. • Girls tend to produce less of the stress hormone cortisol, thus their stress response system is overly subdued. • At some point their brains stop reacting.

  8. What are we doing about bullying at ENSS: • Step 1: All grade 9 classes have had a lesson on Bullying. In the lesson they learned, what is bullying, what does it look like and how to be part of a solution. • Step 2: 5 clubs are organizing an assembly for all grade 9 students. The assembly will focus on prevention. • Step 3: 5 clubs will organize a bullying prevention week in Feb. for the school. • Step 4: Survey

  9. What can Teachers do? • Video video

  10. What else can we do? • Be a caring adult: • Research shows that touching base with a student for as little at 5 min. a week has a lasting positive impact on mental health. • Research also shows that when a student perceives someone cares they feel there is hope and they will try to find solutions.

  11. What is the Government doing? • Harassment legislation • Bill 157 – must report • Bill 13 and 14 – gone through the first reading

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