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Title : Transportation problems among UMP students

UHL2332 Academic Report Writing Dr Nik Aloesnita Nik Mohd Alwi. Title : Transportation problems among UMP students. Prepared by: Muhammad Safie bin Mahadi SA10082 Didi Safina bt Abdul Rahim SA10053 Nur Adila Fatin bt Mohd Khir SA10073.

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Title : Transportation problems among UMP students

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  1. UHL2332 Academic Report Writing Dr NikAloesnitaNikMohdAlwi Title : Transportation problems among UMP students Prepared by: Muhammad Safie bin Mahadi SA10082 DidiSafinabt Abdul Rahim SA10053 NurAdilaFatinbtMohdKhir SA10073

  2. Background of study: • Due to far distance from students residents to lecture buildings and other facilities around the campus. • Hectic daily schedule attending class • The situation of public transportation

  3. Problem statement :Undergraduates of Universiti Malaysia Pahang tend to face difficulties in attending class and reaching other facilities outside the campus due to the transportation problems.

  4. Objectives of study: • to identify the types of difficulties that is faced by • UMP students to attend class. • to investigate the effects of not having any transport in UMP. Research questions: • what are the types of difficulties that is faced by • UMP students to attend class? • what are the effects of not having any transport in UMP

  5. Significance of study: • Helps students whom facing transportation problem. • Stress the recurrent factors which influence transportation problem among students. Scope of study: • transportation problem among undergraduates of UMP • respondents are 40 students of UMP

  6. Methodology: • Respondance 40 UMP students, around 18-24 years old. The respondentswere randomly selected from varies faculties and courses and grouped according to their years of study . • Data collection: • Questionnaire The respondents have to answer 14 question which is divided in 2 parts; 7 question in parts A and another 7 question in part B . The result of the questionnaire will be analysed. • Interviewed This session were conducted by interviewing 4 students which comes from different year of study. The questions consist of 5 questions. • Data analysis By referring to the data collection that have been analysed from the questionnaire and surveys, we can conclude the result of the report.

  7. Questionnaire Gender : Male / Female Age: Faculty: Year of study: Please answer the following questions: Do you own any transport in UMP? (Yes/No) . (Car, Motorcycle, Bicycle, State others: ) If Yes, answer the questions in Part A. If No, answer the question in Part B. Part A • Do you have any transportation problem in UMP? (Yes / No) • When do you start using own transport in UMP? (state year of study) ( ) • Do you have any problems by owning a transport in UMP? (Yes/No ) If yes, state the problems? (Parking / Traffic/ Mantainance/ State others: ) • By owning a transport in UMP, your academic result (better/ worser/ maintained) Part B • Do you have any transportation problem in UMP? (Yes / No) • Do you have any problems by not having a transport in UMP? (Yes/ No ) If yes, state the problems? (you may tick more than one)( ) far distance from students residents to lecture buildings and other facilities around the campus.( ) hectic daily schedule attending class. ( ) punctuality in attending classState others: ( ) • By not having a transport in UMP, your academic result (better/worser/maintained) In your opinion, should a college student own a car?

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