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FP7 Environmental Programme Natural Resources, Marine & EO Research. European Commission DG Research - Environment Directorate Management of Natural Resources Unit. Implemented on an annual basis through calls for R&D proposals. FP7-ENV-2007 632 proposals received 73 selected for funding
FP7 Environmental ProgrammeNatural Resources, Marine & EO Research European Commission DG Research - Environment Directorate Management of Natural Resources Unit
Implemented on an annual basis through calls for R&D proposals FP7-ENV-2007 632 proposals received 73 selected for funding Budget: 200 million € FP7-ENV-2008 425 proposals received 64 selected for funding Budget: 212 million € FP7-ENV-2009 227 proposals received 55 selected for funding Budget: 193.5 million € FP7-ENV-2010 (new) Budget: 175 million € Balanced combination of FP7 funding schemes Collaborative research (large, small-medium size projects) ERA-Nets SICAs Coordination and support actions FP7 Environment Theme Implementation RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Main Blocks of Activities: Climate Change, Pollution an Risks Sustainable Management of Resources Environmental Technologies Earth Observation & Assessment Tools Main Research Areas (sub-activities) Climate Change Environment and health Natural hazards Sustainable Management of Resources (soil, water, forests) Biodiversity Management of marine environments Land and urban management Environmental Technologies, including cultural heritage Earth and Ocean Observation systems and monitoring methods Assessment tools for sustainable development FP7 Environment Theme RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Some of these research areas can be covered by other sub-activities Marine research also covered by the climate change sub-activity Joint marine call Joint call (2010) Call FP7-ENV-2010: “The Ocean of Tomorrow” Theme 2 (Fisheries), 5 (Energy), 6 (Environment) , 7 (Transport) and 8 (Socio-economics and Humanities) Research topics requiring a cross-thematic approach. Guiding principles are cross-sectoral approach, multi-disciplinarity and integration between disciplines, as well as the emphasis on ambitious projects. Info day: 16 September 2010 in Brussel FP7 Environment Theme Other sub-activities RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
2007-2008-2009 Calls ~ 84 M€ 7 Large-Scale Integrating projects (M€ 6.2 to M€ 7) GENESIS:Groundwater systems WISER:Assessing the ecological status of water bodies SCALES:Scale dependency of sustainable use of biodiversity MOTIVE:Development of adaptive forest management models REFRESH:Water management and climate change impacts in the long-term perspective SoilTrEC:Soil processes and modelling SECOA:Sustainable development of coastal cities (SICA) 11 Small to Medium-Scale projects (M€ 1.5 to M€ 3.5) WETwin: River basin twinning initiatives as a tool to implement EU water initiatives (SICA) MIRAGE: Temporary water bodies management SOILSERVICE: Contribution of biodiversity to ecosystem services PALMS: Use of natural resources: the impact on biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services LiveDiverse, HUNT, and HighARCS: Biodiversity values, sustainable use and livelihoods(SICA) BRIDGE and SUME: Urban metabolism and resource optimisation in the urban fabric LEDDRA:Desertification process and land degradation STEP: Assess the pan-European status of pollinators Natural and Man-Made Resources & Biodiversity RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
4 Coordination and Support Actions (M€ 0.9 to M€ 1) VIVACE: Integrated resource management in international cooperation partner countries Twin2Go:Clustering River Basins Twinning Initiatives and knowledge transfer PRACTICE:Assessment of methods to combat desertification FoResTTraC:Forest ecosystem genomics Natural and Man-Made Resources & Biodiversity RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
2007-2008-2009 Calls ~69 M€ 8 Large-Scale Integrating projects (M€ 5.8 to 8 M€) CoralFISH: Habitat-marine species interactions in view of ecosystem based management in the deep-sea MEECE: Dynamic of marine ecosystem in a changing environment Knowseas: Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas Hermione: Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European seas Mesma: Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas ODEMM: Options for Delivering Ecosystem-Based Marine Management PEGASO: People for Ecosystem Based Governance in Assessing Sustainable Development of Ocean and Coasts FORCE: Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment: An ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change Marine Projects RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
2 Small to Medium-Scale projects (M€ 2.6 to M€ 3.5) EELIAD and SALSEA-Merge: Ecology of important marine species 5 Coordination and Support Actions (M€ 0.8 to M€ 2) CAREX: Investigating life in extreme environments CASPINFO: Fostering improved co-operation between marine science and the private sector DS3F: The Deep Sea & Sub-Seafloor Frontier MARCOM+: Towards an Integrated Marine and Maritime Science Community SEAS-Era: Towards Integrated European Marine Research Strategy and Programmes Marine Projects RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
2007-2008-2009 Calls ~ 56 M€ 4 Large-Scale Integrating projects (M€ 5.8 to 8 M€) EnerGEO: Energy Observation for monitoring and assessment of the environmental impact of energy use EuroGEOSS: European approach to GEOSS enviroGRIDS: Building Capacity for a Black Sea Basin Observation and Assessment System supporting Sustainable Development (SICA) EO2HEAVEN: Earth Observation and ENVironmental modelling for the mitigation of HEAlth risks Earth Observation RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
8 Small to Medium-Scale projects (M€ 2.6 to M€ 3.5) E-SOTER: Regional pilot platform as EU contribution to a Global Soil Observing System EBONE:European Biodiversity Observation Network; a project to design and test a biodiversity observation system integrated in time and space ACOBAR: Acoustic Technology for observing the interior of the Arctic Ocean CEOP-AEGIS: Coordinated Asia-European long-term Observing system of Qinghai – Tibet Plateau hydro-meteorological processes and the Asian-monsoon systEm with Ground satellite Image data and numerical Simulations (SICA) euroSITES: Integration and enhancement of key existing European deep-ocean observatories HYPOX: In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas, and land-locked water bodies ImpactMin: Impact Monitoring of Mineral Resources Exploitation (SICA) EO-MINERS: Earth Observation for Monitoring and Observing Environmental and Societal Impacts ofMineral Resources Exploration and Exploitation (SICA) Earth Observation RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
6 Coordination and Support Actions (M€ 0.8 to M€ 2) DevCoCast: GEONETCast for and by Developing countries COCOS: Coordination Action Carbon Observation System AEGOS: African-European Georesources Observation System EUGENE: Improving coordination, visibility and impact of European GEOSS contributions by establishing a EUropean GEoss Network GEONetCab: GEO Network for Capacity Building SEOCA: GEO capacity building initiative in Central Asia Earth Observation RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Structuring the European Research Area BONUS+:Supporting multilateral calls for research projects within the Joint Baltic Sea Research Programmes (Eranet+, CA, 9 M €) Article 169 under preparation (2010) Horizontal Actions Marine TT: European Marine Research Knowledge Transfer and Uptake of Results (SA, 0.8 M€) Other Initiatives RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Approach Continue supporting the main environmental policy and S&T drivers in the area of climate and environmental change and the link to other sectors such as energy, transport, agriculture etc. To address new policy drivers such as the European Economic Recovery Plan, the Energy-Climate Package as well as the Renewed Lisbon Agenda. Overarching Theme - 'Environmental safety and welfare‘ ‘Through research, to contribute to assessing, reducing and preventing tensions and conflicts related to the depletion of natural resources and environmental serviceswhich are arising due to rapid environmental changes and/or natural and man-made hazards’ 2010 Call Context RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call Integrated resource management Integrated resource management based on land and land use management(Call for Africa – Info day tomorrow) Integrated resource management based on land and land-use management (large scale integrating project) Understanding of the policy context and decision making processes, including public participation at the relevant scales Provision of an interdisciplinary scientific basis to inform land use and natural resource management policies and decision-making RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call Water resources Evaluation of effectiveness of economic instruments in integrated water policy (Small or medium scale research project) Support the current and future EU water legislation EU water policy objectives in a representative set of European environmental and cultural situations ERA-net on water management Should involve the main research funding bodies involved in water management research areas and soil related aspects Relevant European Directives (Water Framework Directive,EU Directive on the assessment and management of flood risks, the Soil Thematic Strategy, the Directive on greenhouse gas emission allowance trading etc.) RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call Biodiversity Functional significance of forest biodiversity(large scale integrating project) Has also to be addressed in the context of climate change. Should take advantage of similar scientific networks developed in US and also take into account the project under Life+ ENV/D/000218 ERA-net on Biodiversity: Towards integrated European biodiversity research strategy and programmes Coherent vision of research planning and use of research infrastructures Current partnership of BiodivERsA should however be enlarged, in particular towards Member States and Associated Countries not members of the BiodivERsA ERA-net Developing a European scientific biodiversity Network to inform policy-making and economic actors (coordinating action) Network open and transparent, equally accessible to all knowledge holders should take into account topic ENV.2010. (ERA-net) Increasing the understanding of the role of soil biodiversity in ecosystem functioning (large scale integrating project) Bring together the relevant specialised scientific communities (including economists) RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call Urban Development Assessing vulnerability of urban systems, populations and goods in relation to climate-induced natural disasters in Africa(Small or medium scale research project - SICA) resilience of cities against climate-change-induced risks under locally adapted IPCC scenarios of climate-change should draw upon and be linked to the activities of UNHABITAT well-balanced representation of EU and African partners RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call North Atlantic Ocean and associated shelf-seas protection and management options – collaboration with US & Canada (Large scale integrating project) Close collaboration with similar initiatives in the US and Canada Reinforce cooperation and coordination of research programmes between the two sides of the Atlantic Informing policy makers at national, EU and global level Global plankton data set building in view of modelling (Small or medium scale research project - SICA) Expands existing data sets where these data are missing, or insufficiently developed, more particularly in the Southern Ocean Applications should be made freely available to marine scientists Coordination actions to support FP6 NoEs durable integration (Coordinating action) Common structure may need to be established between the NoEs to coordinate/integrate their actions Business plan to attract funding also from other sources than the FP for funding research activities (see also Call « Ocean of Tomorrow ») RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development
Sub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit Introduced in FP7 Environment priority Cooperation Specific Program to support Research activities needed for GEOSS: • Development and integration of observation systems for environmental and sustainability issues in the framework of GEOSS (complementary to GMES) • Making systems interoperable and optimising the information for understanding, modelling and predicating environmental phenomena, for assessing, exploring and managing natural resources. • European efforts to be brought in the global context as foreseen through GEO
Contribution of FP7 ENV to the GEOSS FP7 2007 Call 9 projects selected and started FP7 ENV related to GEO FP7 2010 Call 6 projects to be awarded FP7 2008 Call FP7 2009 Call 6 projects under negotiation 4 projects selected and started RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Contribution of FP7 Topic 6.4.1 projects to GEOSS CEOP-AEGIS(07) ACOBAR (07) HYPOX(08) COCOS(07) EuroSITES(07) Call 2010 Call 2010 EnviroGRIDS(08) HYPOX(08) EnerGEO(08) Disaster Biodiversity Health Agriculture Energy EO2HEAVEN (09) Call 2010 Ecosystem Climate Weather Water EBONE (07) HYPOX(08) EO-MINERS (09) Impact Min (09) RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit Sub-activity 6.4.1 Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development: Overall budget: 17 M€ • take stock of the progress made at international level to build GEOSS • Continued research and development activities necessary for future observation systems • Upgrading and expanding Earth observations and building the capacity of individuals, institutions and systems, particularly in developing countries • Area Integration of European activities within GEO ENV.2010. Supporting the integration of European and international R&D programmes in GEO (Coordination and Support Action) • Area Cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO ENV.2010. Building observational datasets for the predictability of global atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes using reanalysis techniques (small or medium-scale focused research project) ENV.2010. Integrating new data visualization approaches of Earth Systems into GEOSS development (small or medium-scale focused research project) • Area Earth Observation activities in emerging areas ENV.2010. Exploring GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) applications for Global Environmental Earth Observation and GEOSS (Coordination and Support Action) ENV.2010. Global Observation Systems for Mercury (large scale integrating project-SICA) • Area Developing capacity building activities in the domain of Earth Observation in the new EU countries and in the developing countries ENV.2010. Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area (Coordination and Support Action)
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit • Area Integration of European activities within GEO ENV.2010. Supporting the integration of European and international R&D programmes in GEO Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action) • Support to strategic GEO related S&T activities: 1) Promote awareness and benefits of GEO in the S&T Community 2) Promote active engagement at national level to include collaboration with GEOSS tasks in national and international R&D programs • Support the European Members of GEO and the EC in their effort to structure an effective coordination process between the various EU potential contributors of GEO • Contribute to promoting synergies between European projects and between European Research Programmes • facilitating the registration of data in the GEOSS, including existing data bases, data being developed, research data, operational data, • prepare a sustainable process to support the interaction between the GEOSS and the European Science and Technology stakeholders for all SBA’s and TAA’s
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit • Area Cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO ENV.2010. Building observational datasets for the predictability of global atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes using reanalysis techniques Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small- or medium scale focused research project) • contribute to building atmospheric oceanic and terrestrial observational datasets which are crucial resources for the study of processes and predictability, through the reanalysis of multi-decadal series of past observations. • Improved gridded weather and climate time series that will be made available to the research community as well as for societal applications envisaged in the GEO initiative • Area Cross-cutting research activities relevant to GEO ENV.2010. Integrating new data visualization approaches of Earth Systems into GEOSS development Funding scheme: Collaborative Project (small- or medium scale focused research project) • screening and quality-control of EO data used in visualisation Google-like web services registered in the GEOSS and used in such data visualisation applications by the science community and operational users. • contribute to the development of a GEO S&T label that is broadly acknowledged in the Science Community.
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit • Area Earth Observation activities in emerging areas ENV.2010. Exploring GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) applications for Global Environmental Earth Observation and GEOSS Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action) • potential of EGNOS for use in domain requiring a high-accuracy of signals – e.g. atmospheric research and wildlife studies • Close implementation with other GMES and ESA projects • European GNSS promotion and use within the GEO community. • GNSS support of GEO activities • Area Earth Observation activities in emerging areas ENV.2010. Global Observation Systems for Mercury Collaborative Project (large scale integrating project) for specific cooperation actions (SICA) dedicated to international cooperation partner countries • developing a global monitoring system able to predict the spatial distribution of atmospheric mercury deposition loads to and fluxes from terrestrial and aquatic receptors for current and projected scenarios of economic development strategies on the environment • Based on results from past EU research projects, long-term data set from different locations will be provided, improving current mercury monitoring and observing system. • contributing to GEO task HE-09-02d and related tasks in other SBA’s, all being relevant for the S&T community.
Topics for FP7-ENV-2010 Call RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit • Area Developing capacity building activities in the domain of Earth Observation in the new EU countries and in the developing countries ENV.2010. Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area Funding scheme: Coordination and Support Action (coordinating action) • assess the status of Earth observation facilities and related research in the broad Balkan region • develop and strengthen collaboration between the relevant organizations • Comprehensive review and gap analysis of the needs, potential and prospective contribution of the Southeast European region to GEO
Environment Research Programme http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index_en.cfm FP7: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/environment/home_en.html Projects’ catalogues: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/environment/library_en.html Newsletter: http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=mailing Marine Research http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index_en.cfm?pg=marine Projects: http://ec.europa.eu/research/environment/index_en.cfm?pg=projects&area=marine Research Infrastructures in Europa http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 723/2009 of 25 June 2009: http://ec.europa.eu/research/infrastructures/pdf/council_regulation_eric.pdf FP7 Reports (statistics, etc.) http://ec. europa.eu/research/index.cfm?lg=en&pg=reports EU Strategy for Marine & Maritime Research http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=ENVIRONMENT_NEWS&ACTION=D&DOC=7&CAT=NEWS&QUERY=0122ebdd1e53:0dc3:49c8c4b7&RCN=29824 Information sources RTD I.4 Management of Natural Resources Unit
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