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THE TAX COLLECTORS AND HARLOTS ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD BEFORE YOU:. Text: Matthew 21:28-32 Intro: S ome that prove better than they promise, represented by the first of those sons; Others that promise better than they prove represented by the second. AIM:
THE TAX COLLECTORS AND HARLOTS ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD BEFORE YOU: Text: Matthew 21:28-32 Intro: Some that prove better than they promise, represented by the first of those sons; Others that promise better than they prove represented by the second.
AIM: • For us to understand why the tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before those who are godly by profession. • For us to work in the vineyard of the Lord today. • CONTEXT • He was teaching in the temple-v 23 • Mar 11:15 So they came to Jerusalem. Then Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves.
He was confronted as to whose authority He was doing those things-v 23 • He answered them with a question, the baptism of John, “where was it? From heaven or from men?” II. THE PURPOSE AS TO WHICH THE PARABLE WAS INTENDED. • To reprove the chief priests and the elders of the people who were too religious • They did not believed the baptism of John, a baptism of repentance-v 25 • They themselves knew that they did not believed on John’s baptism so they didn’t answer Jesus’ question.
Jesus started the parable with a question-what do you think?-v 28 • A man had two sons • Same Father, which signifies that God is a common Father to all mankind. • There are favours which all alike receive from Him, and obligations which all alike lie under to him • Even the tax collectors and harlots are God’s children. • We have the same Father yet a vast difference on each other. • He came to the first and said, Son, go, work today in my vineyard.
To-day because the night comes when no one can work-John 9:4. • We were not sent to the world to be idle, nor had we daylight given us to play by • Mal 3:17 "They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him." • Therefore, if ever we mean to do any thing for God and our souls, why not now? • Why not to-day? • Parents should not breed their children to idleness.
Lam 3:27 [It is] good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. • It is God’s command for us to work for His vineyard (CHURCH). • For people to know Him and be won into His kingdom. III. THE FIRST SON WHO REPRESENTS THE TAX COLLECTORS AND HARLOTS • The first son answered, “I WILL NOT” • This is a very rude answer, a disrespect to the father, show impudence • Excuses are bad, but downright denials are worse • His answer was bad, but his actions were good.
He did better than he said • He proved better than he promised. • Some love their ease, and will not work; they would live in the world as leviathan in the waters, to play therein • Psalm 104:26 There the ships sail about; [There is] that Leviathan Which You have made to play there. • In other words if you’re not working in the vineyard of the Lord, you’re just playing with your life. • They do not love working in God’s vineyard • Their hearts are so much upon their own fields
Phil 2:3 [Let] nothing [be done] through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. • They love the business of the world better than the business of their Father. • Thus some by the delights of sense, and others by the employments of the world, are kept from doing that great work which they were sent into the world about, and so stand all the day idle. • There are many who in the beginning are wicked and unwilful, and very unpromising, who afterward repent and mend, and come to something.
Such were some of us. • Afterward he repented. • When he repented he went; that was the fruit meet for repentance. • The only evidence of our repentance for our former resistance, is, immediately to comply, and set to work. • See what a kind Father God is; he resents not the affront of our refusals, as justly he might IV. THE SECOND SON WHO REPRESENTS THE RELIGIOUS PEOPLE • The other son said better than he did • Promised better than he proved • His answer was good but his actions bad.
The gospel call, though very different, is, in effect, the same to all. • He said, I go, sir. • He gives his father a title of respect, sir. • It is one branch of that honour which the fifth commandment requires. • He professes a ready obedience, I go; not, "I will go by and by,’’ • Sir, you may depend upon it, I go just now. • This answer we should give from the heart heartily to all the calls and commands of the word of God.
How he failed in the performance, He went not. • Note that there are many that give good words, and make fair promises, in religion, and those from some good motions for the present, that rest there, and go no further, and so come to nothing. • Saying and doing are two things; and many there are that say, and do not. • Especially the Pharisees, they are good at saying but not in doing. • Many with their mouth show much love, but their heart goes another way. • They had a good mind to be religious, but they met with something to be done.
They found the work to be hard , or something to be parted with, that was too dear, and so their purposes are to no purpose. • Buds and blossoms are not fruit. V. MAIN LESSON • Which of the two did the will of His Father? –v 31 • They both had their faults, one was rude and the other was false. • Which was the better of the two, and the less faulty? • If you have said you gonna serve and you haven’t, today is your chance to make it right
If you refused in the past, now is your chance to serve the Lord. • Ezek 18:21"But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die. • Ezek 18:22 "None of the transgressions which he has committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness which he has done, he shall live. • There are lots of people who hasn’t attended church but when the gospel was preached they responded into it.
On the other hand we could a church goer, too religious but slighted John the Baptist (REPENTANCE) and ran counter to the designs of his mission which is to PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD. • Mat 3:1 In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, • Mat 3:2 and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!“ • Sad to say people nowadays are becoming unrighteous the longer they are in the church.
VI. APPLICATION-v 32 • He came back to the baptism of John which was from heaven wherein the religious people did not believe John • John came in the way of righteousness • In his ministry, he taught people to repent, and to work the works of righteousness. • Christ therefore submitted to the baptism of John, because it became him to fulfil all righteousness. • By the success of his ministry; The publicans and the harlots believed him. • He did abundance of good among the worst sort of people.
1Cr 9:2 If I am not an apostle to others, yet doubtless I am to you. For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. • Deuteronomy 18:22 vs. Deuteronomy 13:1-5 • If publicans and harlots believe his report, surely the arm of the Lord is with him. • The people’s profiting is the minister’s best testimonial. • He reproves them for their contempt of John’s baptism, which yet, for fear of the people, they were not willing to own. • To shame them for it, he sets before them the faith, repentance, and obedience, of the publicans and harlots
Which aggravated their unbelief and impenitence. • The tax collectors and harlots were the worst but repented. • The chief priests and the Jews are the too religious but did not repent. • Mat 19:30 "But many [who are] first will be last, and the last first. • Mat 3:2 and saying, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!“
CHALLENGE: • Which one are you? • Are you now serving the Lord in His vineyard? • If you’re not employed in the Lord vineyard, where are you employed? • Aren’t you idle or playing with your life?
CONCLUSION: • Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.“ • Mat 21:31 "Which of the two did the will of [his] father?" They said to Him, "The first." Jesus said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.
Oh Lord When I think of all You've done My heart sings of Your love That saved my soul And made me whole My life is Yours
So no matter what the cost I will go for You No matter what it takes I'm Yours Because You paid the price At Calvary I give You my whole life I'm Yours
Oh Lord My everything to You I lift My heart and soul I live For You alone I'm not my own My life is Yours I'm Yours