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What’s New in Xilinx Ready-to-use solutions

What’s New in Xilinx Ready-to-use solutions. Key New Features of the Foundation Series 1.5/1.5i Release. New device support Integrated design environment with advanced design flow automation control Full verilog support “Point” tool productivity enhancements Design tools Synthesis

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What’s New in Xilinx Ready-to-use solutions

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  1. What’s New in Xilinx Ready-to-use solutions

  2. Key New Features of the Foundation Series 1.5/1.5i Release • New device support • Integrated design environment with advanced design flow automation control • Full verilog support • “Point” tool productivity enhancements • Design tools • Synthesis • Implementation tools • Web-enabled Design Features

  3. Foundation Series 1.5New Device Support • XC9500 XL - true ISP, 3.3V cplds • Spartan XL - no compromise architecture at 3.3V • Virtex - system level programmable logic • Continued device support for: • Xc3000x, xc3100x, XC4KX, XC5200, XC9500, spartan

  4. Foundation Series 1.5Integrated Design Environment • Synopsys FPGA Express 2.1 directly embedded within foundation PCM • Xilinx implementation tools with A.K.A. Speed Technology embedded within PCM • Aldec’s Active-VHDL direct push button interface (purchased as an option from Aldec)

  5. Foundation Series 1.5Full Verilog Support • State Editor Now Generates Verilog HDL • Full HDL Editor Support • Color Coding • Language Assistant Verilog Templates • Verilog HDL Syntax Checking • Schematic Editor • Supports Verilog Modules (Macros) • Verilog Source Code Debugging via MTI* * Evaluation copies of ModelSim are included with all Foundation Series HDL packages. Licensed, Sold, and Supported separately by Model Technology Inc.

  6. Foundation Series 1.5Point Tool Enhancements • Synthesis (FPGA Express) • Implementation Tools (A.K.A. Speed Technology) • Schematic Editor • HDL Editor • Gate Level Simulator

  7. Point Tool EnhancementsExpress Synthesis • Embedded with foundation series PCM • Virtex specific optimization • Addition of important VHDL ‘93 constructs • Endkeyword - component keyword • Is keyword - labels on assignments • T’image(x) - block in generate • Alias keyword - array slices with others • Addition of other HDL constructs • Rising_edge/falling_edge • ‘Else • Hex, octalandbinaryfor std_logic_vectors

  8. Point Tool EnhancementsExpress Synthesis • State machine synthesis options • FSM Encoding Style • One Hot • Binary • FSM Extraction Method • Safest (all possible states) • Smallest (defined states only)

  9. Point Tool EnhancementsImplementation Tools • Embedded within foundation series PCM • A.K.A. Speed technology • Device floorplanner • Xilinx constraints editor • New timespecs • Temperature pro-rating • Min-delays • K-paths timing analysis algorithm

  10. Point Tool EnhancementsSchematic Editor • Re-implemented bus behavior • Complex buses • Bus editing now similar to wire editing • Enhanced wire behavior • Selection, deletion • Autowiring / rubberbanding • Local menus (e.g., right-click > hierarchy push, copy/paste, symbol properties, etc.) • “SC symbols” dialog box enhanced - project components separated from unified library comps

  11. Point Tool EnhancementsSchematic Editor (continued) • “Replace symbol” option now has a drop-down selector from which to pick new symbol • Symbol attributes can now be moved directly (no need to bring up properties dialog) • Multi-level undo (5 levels) • Copy/paste enhancement: objects to be pasted are visible as copy buffer is moved around on the schematic • Enhanced CORE generator 1.5 interface (i.E., Symbol generation)

  12. Point Tool EnhancementsHDL Editor • New “insert file” item in edit menu • Provides easy method for insertion of logiblox and CORE generator created instantiation templates • Verilog syntax checking, color-coding, language templates, schematic flow macro synthesis • VHDL language assistant templates updated to be express compliant

  13. Point Tool EnhancementsGate-Level Simulator • Virtex LUT support • Some limitations at first release; may be addressed in performance pack • Typical user will want to use behavioral simulator anyway • Memory allocation tuning to support larger netlists • Signal selection dialog “search” feature enhanced

  14. Point Tool EnhancementsGate-Level Simulator (continued) • New simulation script wizard • Invoke at script editor start-up or • Invoke from script editor’s tools menu • “Enable global netlist analysis” feature • May speed up simulation if disabled • Project-specific (not always needed)

  15. Foundation Series 1.5 Web-enabled Design Features • Integrated into Project Manager • Instant Access to http://support.xilinx.com • Netscape and MS Explorer compatible News Bulletins Searchable Knowledge Base(includes agent reports) Designer Tools & Services

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