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TEKSON IT Services Provides HADOOP Online Training Classes by highly qualified experienced Professional Trainers. We preserve all the high quality values and make use of up-to-date technologies to teach HADOOP in detail & descriptive manner. Our faculty team having lot of experience in HADOOP Training to explore the most complicated concepts. Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches. Contact Number: INDIA: 91 9391855249, USA: 1 323 300 8993, Email: teksonit@gmail.com, Web: http://www.teksonit.com/hadoop-online-training/
HADOOP ONLINE TRAINING TEKSON IT Services Provides HADOOP Online TrainingClasses by highly qualified experiencedProfessionalTrainers.Wepreserveallthehighqualityvaluesandmake useofup-to-datetechnologiestoteachHADOOPindetail&descriptivemanner.Our faculty team having lot of experience in HADOOP Training to explore the most complicated concepts. We placed our learners in India, USA, UK, Singapore, South Africa, CANADA,andScotland. Some of the HADOOP Course topics thatcovered byour professionals: Basics ofHadoop. Motivationfor Hadoop. Large scale systemtraining. Surveyofdatastorageliterature. Literature survey of data processing. Networkingconstraints. Newapproach requirements. Basic conceptsofHadoop. Whatis Hadoop? DistributedfilesystemofHadoop. And manysub topics are there for moredetails please go through thewebsite. Please callusfor theDemo Classes we have regular batchesandweekend batches. Contact Number: INDIA: +919391855249,USA: +1 3233008993, Email:teksonit@gmail.com, Web:http://www.teksonit.com/hadoop-online-training/