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JSNA briefing for Royal Borough Windsor and Maidenhead NHS Berkshire East. Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act (2007) places a duty on local authorities and PCTs to undertake Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).
JSNA briefing for Royal Borough Windsor and Maidenhead NHS Berkshire East
Guidance on Joint Strategic Needs Assessment • The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act (2007) places a duty on local authorities and PCTs to undertake Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). • JSNA is a process that will identify the current and future health and wellbeing needs of a local population, informing the priorities and targets set by Local Area Agreements • It should lead to agreed commissioning priorities that will improve outcomes and reduce health inequalities • The JSNA should inform the sustainable community strategy as well as WCC strategic and operational plans
Accomplished Smoking cessation – targets met Alcohol Recommissioned Tier 3 service Introduction of arrest referral officer Pan flu response practice HIV service commissioned Carers respite services Telecare equipment evaluated, positive outcomes Improved delayed discharge arrangements Ongoing/to do Children's Trust priorities for; Pakistani and traveller groups, Healthy Minds programme Childhood obesity Older people; joint commissioning plans for dementia Long term conditions needs assessment Introduce national recommendations for improving the falls service Review Carers Services Transforming Social Care Prevention Agenda What has happened since last year?
The next 5-10 years • Financial climate: (-) growth • PCTs/ LAs need recession management plans • Wave 1: increase unemployment, decrease house prices • Wave 2: increase mental health problems,domestic violence, alcohol/ addiction • Wave 3: unequal recovery, growth back to trend • Inequalities increase
rs • Significant increase in older people • Increased pressure on health and social care services and carers • Long term conditions • Mental health problems • Significant rise in dementia
What do National Health Profiles say? • Health of people in RBWM generally better than England average • Pockets of deprivation: male life expectancy 5 years lower in most deprived areas • 2800 children+ living in poverty, 900 eligible free school meals
JSNA outcomes supported by evidence • Violent crime is a problem • Rate is higher than England average • 18.4 per 1000 population (England 17.4) • = 2564 incidents 2007/08
All Age All Cause Mortality • New national measure to show how PCTS & Las are tackling inequalities • Evidence shows that most effective way to achieve 1 year increase in life expectancy and narrow the gap between worst and best wards is by targeting • Male cardiovascular disease • Female COPD