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SUSTAINABILITY AND FREIGHT TRANSPORT. COST 355 (WATCH) WORKING GROUP 1 Christophe Rizet (rizet@inrets.fr). Defining our objectives. Freight and sustainability is large : Our proposal for this WG is to focus on global environment : energy consumption and GHG emissions.
Defining our objectives • Freight and sustainability is large : Our proposal for this WG is to focus on global environment : energy consumption and GHG emissions. • INRETS input in this WG (Supply chain) • We should keep in mind the possible convergences and synergies with WATCH other WGs. COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Convergences and synergies with WATCH other WGs • General objective of Watch : analysis of changes in behaviour for a better sustainability of transport • WG1 : freight, energy & GHG • WG2 : car ownership and car use • WG3 : National transport surveys (travellers) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Why energy consumption (& GHG) : World CO2 emission by sector • Source : IEA • Kyoto objective for EU : - 8% (2010/1990) • Next objective (IPCC) North : 75% (2050/1990) • Transport & Energy the big problems COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
GDP and Transport Growth : no decoupling in Europe (EU 15 ; source « EEA Signals 2004 ») COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Transport Emission of Air pollutants : mainly GHG (EEA 31 ; source : EEA Signals 2004) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
GHG Emissions in Europe : Kyoto objectives & 2001 situation COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Reduction of GHG Emissions & the economy • What could be done to reduce significantly energy consumption in the transport sector without stopping the economy ? • Shippers • Carriers • Public authorities COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Freight, energy & GHG : disaggregated observation • 1 Vehicles • 2 Shipment (transport chains) • 3 Shippers • 4 Supply chain COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
1 The vehicle approach • Necessary for any disaggregated approach • European projects : MEET, ARTEMIS • Simple model doesn’t exist for modes such as rail & waterways COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Vehicle Consumption as a function of its total weight (from MEET Hickman 1997) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Vehicle Consumption as a function of its total weight (from Roumegoux 1995) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
2) Shipment & transport Chain • Per shipment, 2 new problems arise • Assign part of the vehicle consumption to the shipment • Trace the shipment along the transport chain (more than half the shipments use complex chains, with several vehicles) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
2) Energy efficiency per shipment : goe/tkm is very scattered COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
2) Per shipmentdistances :on the network or straight line • Consumption related to distance - covered on the network (goe/tkm) - Straight Line (goe/tkmSL). • Differences come from - The networks - The places of transshipment. COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
3) Shippers logistical choices grouping shipments Les consommations unitaires, en Gep/tkmVO par chaîne de transport, sont plus importantes - pour les envois groupés (50 gep/tkm) - que pour les non groupés (35) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
3) Shippers choices : weight and distance in the global grouping effect COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
3) Shippers : Just In Time & energyconsumption Is Energy efficiency (Goe/tkm) decreasing when delivery time increases ? (NB : small sample, large confidence intervals) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
3) Shipper approach : INRETS survey • A first shipper survey in 1988 • The new shipper survey (2004-2005) designed to grasp energy consumption • With the objective of modelling freight demand and energy consumption according to the shippers logistical choices. COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
4) Energy consumption : the supply chain approach • Our input in this WG • INRETS, UoW & CERTH • With a cooperation from companies COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
INRETS Supply chain : objective • Analyse the influence of the supply chain organisation • type of retailers : Hypermarket or small shop • origin of the sourcing • Chain organisation : number and localisation of the warehouses, logistical tools, ..) COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Supply chain : method • Starting from the retailers • 2 products are traced • Yogurt : flux tendus et chaîne du froid • Textile : sourcing from Asia, magreb,… • 2 agglomerations in France (Paris & Aix) plus • Greece for yogurt (CERTH) & UK for textile (UoW) • We estimate energy consumption at each step with the operators COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Supply chain yogurt • Estimating energy consumption (and GHG emission) per kg of yogurt all along the supply chain • Comparing these energy consumption per yogurt kg according to the characteristics of the supply chain COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain : the 9 steps of energy consumption 4Yoplait Warehouse 4Yoplait yogurt factory Farm Milk 1 tank truck 3 reefer truck 5 reefer truck Consumer home 6 Retailer Warehouse 8 Retail shop 9 Person. car 7 reefer truck COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Map : V. Guilbault COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Map : V. Guilbault COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Steps 1 (collecting milk from the farms) & 2 (yogurt factory) • Energy consumed in these steps have been estimated with one single company. • For collecting milk : total consumption of the fleet / tonage = 3.5 l. /t. of milk. • More milk is needed and bought with higher energy consumption :9.1 l. / t. • On average : 6 goe/ kg of yogurt • For producing yogurt : 74 goe /kg COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain : Steps 3, 5 & 7 : road transport • Haulage Energy consumption / 100 km = f (total vehicle weight) • Total weight = empty weight + load • Count for empty distance • Reefer energy consumption = f (time) • Energy consumption /kg yogurt = Total consumption per travel / net weight COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain : Steps 4 & 6 : Warehousing • Determine the products ‘ equivalent to yogurt’ & their surface S in the warehouse • Estimate with the Warehouse manager • Energy cons. of this surface / year (Es) • tonage on this surface / year (Ts) • Warehouse energy / yogurt kg = Es / Ts COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain : Step 8 : retail shops • Energy for the yogurt surface in the shop • general energy /m2 of surface • + reefer for yogurt coolers (display units) • Retail energy /kg yogurt = Total ‘yogurt place energy’ / net yogurt weight sold • An important step for energy COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain : Step 9 : customer travel • The main objective is to differentiate the shop types ; many problems arise • Temporarily our method is : • Only car travels are counted, only 1 way • Average distance & average purchase weight (basket) are estimated with the shop managers and from national studies • Energy/ yogurt kg = energy of the average travel / average purchase weight COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Yogurt Supply chain analysis • Comparing the consumption per step (retail shop, warehousing). • Relative importance of each logistical step in the total energy consumption of a supply chain : transport, warehouse, retail, last km. • Comparing the total energy consumption of the different types of supply chain. COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Possible convergences with WATCH WG 2 & 3 • WATCH general objective is to analyse changes in behaviour • WG1 is on freight : behaviour = logistical choices • we should also consider the possible evolutions of these choices COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Possible convergences with WATCH WG 2 • With WG2 ( car ownership and car use ) possible convergences on land use • What type of retail shop (size & location) is more energy efficient • Influence of the town (size & density) and • Land use COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting
Convergence with WATCH WG3 • WG3 is on traveller national surveys. Freight analysis and surveys are late compared with traveller : • How to observe « freight behaviour » ? (several possible stakeholders for the shipment : more for the supply chain) • How to observe (or prepare an observation of) the changes in behaviour ? COST WATCH 1st WG1 meeting