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Competency 003: A, C-D MTT Prep.

Competency 003: A, C-D MTT Prep. Olivet Delgado-Castillo EDTC 6343.63 March 6, 2012. Competency 003: A, C-D. A. Demonstrates knowledge of mechanisms for navigating, accessing, transferring, sharing and storing Web-based information across networks (e.g., the Internet, intranets)

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Competency 003: A, C-D MTT Prep.

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  1. Competency 003: A, C-DMTT Prep. Olivet Delgado-Castillo EDTC 6343.63 March 6, 2012

  2. Competency 003: A, C-D • A. Demonstrates knowledge of mechanisms for navigating, accessing, transferring, sharing and storing Web-based information across networks (e.g., the Internet, intranets) • C. Knows how to establish and access a folder/directory hierarchy for the management of a website and its related files. • D. Demonstrates knowledge of network security and access issues (e.g. firewalls, password controls) related to the maintenance of a website.

  3. Competency 003: A • A. Demonstrates knowledge of mechanisms for navigating, accessing, transferring, sharing and storing Web-based information across networks (e.g., the Internet, intranets)

  4. Internet • Internet: By defintion is “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communicating facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized protocals.” • It is referred to as the World Wide Web. Tree of routing paths through a portion of the Internet as visualized by the Opte Project.

  5. Protocal“rules determining the format and transmission of data” • ARP: Address Resolution Protocol • DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol • DNS: Domain Name Service • DSN: Data Source Name • FTP: File Transfer Protocol • HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol • IMAP: Internet Message Access Protocol • ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol • IDRP: ICMP Router-Discovery Protocol • IP: Internet Protocol RLWD Web/Email Resources • IRC: Internet Relay Chat Protocol • POP3: Post Office Protocol version 3 • PAR: Positive Acknowledgment and Retransmission • RLOGIN: Remote Login • SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol • SSL: Secure Sockets Layer • SSH: Secure Shell • TCP: Transmission Control Protocol • TELNET: TCP/IP Terminal Emulation Protocol • UPD: User Datagram Protocol • UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply

  6. Intranet • it is the “term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization.” • For the use of the employees within the company or district. • Used for access to email, services provided by server. • Examples: - www.donnaisd.net - www.utb.edu www.donnaisd.net www.utb.edu

  7. Navigating across Networks • Navigating across networks – also referred to as “surfing the web”. • Each web site contains information on a certain topic, but it also gives you access to other web sites with additional information. • One must be careful when surfing the web, because you could easily get off topic – quick! • Important to pick a good search engine.

  8. Top Ten Search Engines of 2012by : Paul Gil about.com • http://netforbeginners.about.com/od/navigatingthenet/tp/top_10_search_engines_for_beginners.htm

  9. Accessing Web-based information across Networks • In order to access information from the Web, you need to have the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). This is the “code” for the website. (i.e. <html>) and a web browser. • The web browser will read the html format and compose it to an easy to read web page. • The web page is very organized and well thought out. Wikipedia.com

  10. Transferring Web-based information across Networks • How you are able to transfer data across networks deals with - Bandwidth vs. Transfer Data • Bandwidth is basically the speed of how information is transferred across networks • Transferring Data is set up by deciding how much data will be allowed to transferred. • Both (Bandwidth and Transfer of Data) is important to keep in mind when trying to meet the needs of the website.

  11. Transferring Web Pages • Important to Consider: • -Back up files • -After your web page is set up, upload your files • -Will be set up with your new domain • Windows Easy File Transfer Manager (free)

  12. Sharing and Storing • Hard drives, USB flash drives • Computer crashes!!! Information is lost!!! Run out of room!!! • Store it on the web! “Web-based storage services let you back up your data, store your files on a Web server, or share them quickly and simply with anyone, often at no cost.” • Examples: • Pbworks.com

  13. Free or at low cost web pages • http://websearch.about.com/od/web20/a/online-storage.htm • Mozy – up to 2GB free storage • MediaFire – unlimited uploads and downloads, up to 200MB • Photobucket – photo and video storage only, thousands of images

  14. Establish/Access folder/directory for Management of Website • Files for a website are created to help “organize” the structure of a web page. • Compared to writing an essay.

  15. Network Security and Access Issues(Firewalls, password controls) • The Network Access Control is defined to have standards and restrict who has access to the website. • A big part has to do to prevent viruses, host intrusion, or identifying the vulnerabilities of a system.

  16. Firewalls, password controls • Firewalls are designed to blocknetwork transmitting based on the websites policy or rules. It will however, allow certain networks to transmit their information. • Without firewall, your data in the system is unsafe and can be accessed by anyone. • Password Controls is a way to authenticate users to have access to asystem. • Creating “strong passwords” reduces the threat of password compromise and will ensure user authentication.

  17. Vocabulary • Internet – a global computer network providing a variety of information and communicating facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized protocols. • Protocol – rules determining the format and transmission of data. • Intranet – a company network, such as donnaisd or utb.edu • Navigating– being able to move around the website “surfing the web” • Accessing– being able to locate the appropriate web pages based on the URL • Transferring– using bandwidth and transfer data to send your web pages to a new domain.

  18. Vocabulary • Bandwidth – is the speed of how information is transferred • Transfer Data – is how much data will be allowed to transfer. • Sharing and storing – being able to create and store your data/information on a website such as pbworks.com • Firewalls – a computer system designed to block unauthorized access while allow outward communication based on the websites policy. • Password Control – to authenticate users who have access to website and its content.

  19. GAME • Quizlet.com • http://quizlet.com/_687t8

  20. Resources • Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, “Internet” Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 25 Feb.2012 • Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, “File:Internet map 1024.jpg. Wikipedia Foundation Inc., 28 April 2011 • CareAce. “Samsung Galaxy S: Will Wifi Turn Off 3G?” July 1, 2010 • Wikipedia: File: Wifi Logo. December 17, 2011 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Wi-Fi_Logo.svg • SilabhadraSen. 2005.“Surfing through the Web/Navigating through a Web site” http://bestnetguru.com/internetbasics/surfing_navigating.html • “How an Internet Marketing Company Implements Search Engine Optimization” BP Guest., 2012. http://www.bloggingpro.com/archives/2012/01/30/how-an-internet-marketing-company-implements-search-engine-optimization/ • Wikipedia Image • “Bandwidth vs. Data Transer What you Should Know” 2009 Findbestwebhosting.com - http://www.findbestwebhosting.com/Web-Hosting-Article.aspx/Bandwidth-Versus-Data-Transfer-What-You-Should-Know/8

  21. Resources • Computer System and Tutorial. “Why it is very necessary for your system?” http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://comtrec.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/firewall.png&imgrefurl=http://comtrec.com/firewall-why-it-is-very-necessary-for-your-system/&h=256&w=256&sz=132&tbnid=HXiYgYdME_oQTM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=98&prev=/search%3Fq%3DImage%2Bof%2BFirewall%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Image+of+Firewall&docid=dJDbT7fvVzxODM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5kdRT9iGJ8nLtgf-8eGxDQ&ved=0CFsQ9QEwDA • Real Life Web Designs. 2012 Web/Email Resources. Http://www.realifewebdesigns.com/web-resources/web-protocols.html • PC Help Online. “Firewalls” 2007. http://www.pc-help-online.co.uk/libdoc.php?doc=45 • Deposit Photos. “Transfer Files” http://depositphotos.com/7306880/stock-illustration-Laptop-computers-transferring-files.html • Tansfering Files. http://www.utexas.edu/learn/upload/ssh_client.html

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