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Exemplary Chat Award!

Exemplary Chat Award!. Successful Digital Reference: It’s an Achievement and a Challenge!. Purpose of the QA Workgroup. To provide one form of assessment of the Florida AskALibrarian service by spotlighting excellent digital reference (Survey is another assessment tool). (started in 2003)

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Exemplary Chat Award!

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  1. Exemplary Chat Award!

    Successful Digital Reference: It’s an Achievement and a Challenge! Pat Barbier, Associate Faculty/Librarian St. Petersburg College Joyce Ward Reference/Assistant Branch ManagerPalm Beach County Library Co-Coordinators of Quality Assurance Workgroup Hot Topics::Customer Service Excellence or How to win an Exemplary Reference Award
  2. Purpose of the QA Workgroup To provide one form of assessment of the Florida AskALibrarian service by spotlighting excellent digital reference (Survey is another assessment tool). (started in 2003) QA members (all of whom staff the service too) read chats assigned by day of the month and nominate exemplary chats in the three categories (Rotation through days of the month to give everyone a “reading.” Lots of self-nominations come in also. (Very welcome!) QA Members then choose through voting, the Exemplary Chats in the different categories for the month.
  3. Benefits of Reading and Awarding Exemplary Chat Awards Recognition of librarians who give Good Digital Reference Service on statewide basis and (calls it to home library’s attention). Creates a bank of chat transcripts that serve as good examples for everyone. Allows for spot checking for problems (any problems are referred to AAL coordinator—usually need for more experience and training)
  4. Types of Exemplary Chat Awards Brief Chat - 15 minutes or under Detailed Chat - 16-30+ minutes Teaching Chat - Uses appropriate technology when possible (page pushing, or URL pasting) to instruct user. User should indicate some learning response through (can be public librarian working with middle school or high school students; does not have to be academic librarian)
  5. Newer Approach-Just sTarted FLA AAL has a Successful Service in place Librarians are experienced and have mastered the basics The librarians have grown and become very adept at the new format of Reference delivery—Florida AAL has been in existence almost 10 years! Newfocus is on specific skills in addition to the basic criteria.
  6. Some of the Specific Skills August/Sept—Examples of Good Customer Service Other Skills for the Future Months Finding Excellent Library Resources Finding Excellent non-library Resources Best handling of a challenging patron Best Rapport While Keeping it Real with a Patron Most Enthusiastic Service Most Efficient and Accurate Answer to a Patron at a library other than one’s own
  7. Digital Reference Requires many skills Good basic (anywhere) reference techniques (RUSA) Reference and User Service Association--subdivision of ALA Reference Interview–clarifying questions Approachable and interested (greeting) Listening (reading responses) Searching (use of proprietary or free resources) Follow-up (referral if needed to home institution or elsewhere or email more materials) Specialized training and practice in online communication RUSA guidelines for Reference
  8. “In all forms of reference services, the success of the transaction is measured not only by the information conveyed, but also by the positive or negative impact of the patron/staff interaction”__rapport with the patron is key Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers (ALA, June 2004)
  9. Pat’s-Hallmarks of Exemplary Chats Positive helpful interaction! Accurate pertinent information given Quality websites given to patron (can follow links) Able to navigate other libraries’ websites Reference interviewing/interaction skills to “get to the real question” Work with multiple windows to find information to copy and paste
  10. Guidelines Developed for Florida AskALibrarian Chat Transcripts Should Demonstrate the following qualities: Accuracy – Correct Information Authority – Valid credible sources Objectivity – Not biased Currency – If topic that requires it to be up-to-date Coverage –Enough information for the topic Full Criteria are found In Toolbox
  11. QA Workgroup’s Criteria for Nominating Exemplary Chats 2 or more of these qualities should be present to nominate a Chat A reference interview with the patron, asking questions to clarify the information need. Use of Knowledge Base if needed for patron’s library info. Staying communicative with the user throughout the chat. Use of information from library resources whenever possible. Use of a reference source to locate the answer to a question and give the patron the name of the source. (Don’t just give answer especially for academic as they are teaching opportunities) If unable to locate an authoritative answer to a question in a timely fashion, then either get back to the patron in a few hours or refer the question to the patron’s library. Establish and maintain good rapport with patron throughout session Word contact Enthusiasm Empathy
  12. Reference Interview Always a Good Idea for in-library or online reference! “The body of reference service literature has consistently emphasized that the quality of the reference interview is an important factor in reference service effectiveness (Kwon 187).” From Kwon, Nahyun and Vicki L. Gregory.“The Effects of Librarians’ Behavioral Performance on User Satisfaction In Chat Reference Services.” Reference & User Services Quarterly. 47.2 (2008): 139. The Reference Interview will get to the “real question.”
  13. Reference Interview Helps create a rapport and dialog with the patron Important to get the patron’s input Use Clarifying questions narrow topic Patrons become more responsive. Mirroring what patron asks ensures the librarian understands the question.
  14. Reference Interview example from Exemplary Teaching Chat: Good Customer Service Question:  I am enrolled in TCC and am trying to use the database to find primary and secondary resources on Thomas Paine. I have absolutely no luck finding anything relevant. Can someone direct me on this (31 min) Nov 2012 Teaching Award Winner [07:36:55] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): OK, which databases have you tried?[07:37:42] Patron: My problem is that although I can find plenty of modern scholars writings about him i cant find much original.[07:37:45] Patron: ummmm[07:37:51] Patron: let me check[07:37:59] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): OK, so you need works by him...[07:38:55] Patron: not just works, I'd like to find letters, first hand accounts, that sort of thing[07:39:14] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): OK, let's see what we can find...[07:39:20] Patron: ok this is gonna take a second. I have tried...[07:39:24] Patron:abc-clio[07:39:53] Patron: oclc[07:40:02] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Ok, don't worry about that...[07:40:15] Patron: new york times historical[07:40:18] Patron: ok[07:40:37] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): TCC has a book called Collected writings : Common sense, The crisis, and other pamphlets, articles, and letters ; Rights of man ; The age of reason[07:41:12] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): it looks like it contains informations such as letters and other writings[07:42:35] PatronokI'm going to need several sources, do you have any tips for finding anything useful; through a database?[07:42:48] Patron: and thanks that sounds like EXACTLY what i need[07:43:05] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): For primary sources, let me see what you have access to...
  15. [07:43:14] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): here's the call number for that book:[07:43:15] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): JC177 .A5 1995[07:44:42] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Database wise, have you tried Credo Reference?[07:45:03] Patron: huh? no what is that?[07:45:19] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Let me see if that is one of yours...[07:47:39] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): To access your databases, can you select Databases A-Z?[07:47:49] Patron:yes.[07:48:13] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): OK, if you scroll down to the C's is Credo Reference one?[07:49:07] Patron: DO YOU MEAN JOURNALS A-Z?[07:49:13] Patron: sorry caps lock[07:49:14] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): No, databases A-Z[07:49:40] Patron: hmmmm, i would swear i can, but i'm not finding it now. hold on please[07:49:56] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Sure[07:51:58] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): I'm just not seeing it in any of TCC's lists.[07:52:42] Patron: yeah, me neither.[07:52:54] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): OK, plan B[07:53:06] The librarian is sending you to http://www.tcc.fl.edu/about_tcc/academic_affairs/division_of_library_services/online_databases_via_linccweb/databases_by_topic#ref.[07:53:20] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): I'd like you to scroll down to the History section[07:53:40] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): and select History Reference Center[07:54:08] Patron:ok[07:54:36] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Let me know when that database opens[07:55:56] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): When it does, please type Thomas Paine in the search box and click search[07:56:11] Patron: srry taking a min.[07:56:24] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): No worries. I'm not
  16. Wendy shows patience—Patron is very Grateful [08:00:50] Patron: OK, so can i do something similar to that on all databases?[08:01:13] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): You can narrow your search, yes, but not all will have primary source documents[08:01:39] Patron:Becauseyou have just given me exactly what i spent all weekend searching for.[08:01:54] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): I'm so pleased I could help[08:02:20] Patron: Do you have a way to recommend more databases that can be narrowed to primary sources or should i just manually seach?[08:03:18] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): The website that I sent you earlier, has a great listing of historical databases. Those would be the same ones I would recomend[08:03:25] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Do you need me to resend?[08:03:35] Patron: yes please[08:03:38] The librarian is sending you to http://www.tcc.fl.edu/about_tcc/academic_affairs/division_of_library_services/online_databases_via_linccweb/databases_by_topic#ref.[08:03:44] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Here it is,[08:03:51] Patron:ok[08:03:53] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): scroll down to History[08:04:08] Patron: yes.[08:04:26] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Archive Grid is also a good one...try that one first[08:04:57] PatronThankyou so much, i think you have cleared this up for me. Archive grid., Ok i will.[08:05:05] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Fantastic![08:05:17] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Is there anything else I can help with today?[08:06:04] Patron: Nope thank you so much, I think I'll end the session now. Have a nice day![08:06:10] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): You too![08:06:17] Wendy D (Gulf Coast SC): Thank you for using Ask a Librarian
  17. Good Teaching Chat I am working on ENC 1102 Project 2 draft 1. My topic is gay marriage and for me to effectively prove my point I need to find a source that addresses whether homosexuality is a choice or a genetic trait. I have had the most difficult time trying to find a scholarly article and was hoping you could help me. 08:13:44] You have been connected to UF Ann L.[08:13:52] UF Ann L: Hi Jessica[08:14:06] Patron: Hello[08:14:11] UF Ann L: What sources have you checked?[08:15:06] UF Ann L: A general academic journal database, such as Academic Search Premier, would be a good place to start[08:15:31] UF Ann L: from the advanced search screen you can filter for scholarly articles[08:15:48] Patron: CQ Researcher, ProCon, Metlib, Opposing Viewpoints, Google Scholar.Facts on file, and social movement and culture[08:16:17] UF Ann L: Opposing Viewpoints didn't have any related content?[08:17:26] Patron:No, I have checked all of those websites and have not found anything relating to the research/conclusion of homosexuals choosing to be gay or if it is genetic[08:19:11] Patron: I think i might of found one, would you mind looking at it?[08:19:52] UF Ann L: Sure[08:20:30] Patronhttp://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?hid=105&sid=330a78da-8e95-4602-8eca-31680339ae03%40sessionmgr113&vid=3&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=36043293 The title is Born Gay? By Andy Coghlan[08:23:57] UF Ann L: That seems more like an editorial than a scholarly article[08:24:36] UF Ann L: STay in that database and do this search[08:24:42] UF Ann L: homosexuality and causes[08:25:00] UF Ann L: then filter for academic journals (on the side)...or check the box on the main search screen[08:25:06] UF Ann L: this should yield 95 hits[08:26:42] Patron:itdid, thank you very much for your helpt[08:29:52] Patronhasleft the session.
  18. Tip* Always Check the Knowledgebase first. Don’t Assume you can’t help the patron If a patron from another library asks a simple question concerning how long a book can be checked out, cost of fines, meeting rooms, hours, etc. First go to the Knowledgebase and explore the patron library website. Won’t get nominated with a response like—Go to your home library or automatic “Here’s the phone number.” The QA Workgroup is looking for someone who will do searching for the patron and then if no luck refer back to the home library
  19. Using Knowledgebase and Navigating Patrons’ library websites Makes a Difference! The Knowledge Base contains the websites of other libraries and a lot of quick information that can help. Many Patrons are not adept at navigating their own library websites. Librarians areskilled at navigating other libraries’ websites especially using the Knowledgebase
  20. Question: I lost a library book on an airplane and I would like to replace it. Can I buy a new one and take it to the library?[08:49:57] You have been connected to Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System).[08:50:04] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): Hello, welcome to Ask a Librarian. I am Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System) and I will be assisting you. How may I help you today?[08:50:53] Patron: I wanted to find out if i could replace a book I lost to the library?[08:51:39] Patron: I lost it in an airplane, they would not let me go back in to get it. I will like to buy another and take it to the library but I [08:51:58] Patron: didn't know if it was allowed.[08:52:24] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): Ok[08:52:30] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): I am going to push you a web page. If it does not open automatically, please click on the link to open the page.[08:52:48] The librarian is sending you to http://www.hcplc.org/hcplc/account/checkout.pdf.[08:53:26] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): On page 2 it says: Lost or damaged items are billed for the full cost.You may not check-out any other items until finesare resolved.[08:55:07] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): I would suggest that instead of buying a lost book, just go and reported it. They will charge the value of the book and you will be able to check-out items again.[08:55:27] Patron: ok. thanks[08:56:28] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): Can I help you with anything else today?[08:57:22] Patron: o, thank you[08:57:46] Patron: you have been very helpful.[08:57:50] Juan L (Ana G. Mendez University System): Thank you for using Ask a Librarian; we hope you come again.
  21. Knowledgebase works wonders! Question: how do i register for comp classes : [08:23:56] You have been connected to Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library).[08:24:10] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): Hello, welcome to Ask a Librarian. I am Miami Dade Public Library System and I will be assisting you today. Please wait a moment while I consider your question...[08:25:15] Customer: in kissimmee digital camara classes 2/1/11[08:25:55] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): give me a second I am looking for the info in your library's webpage[08:26:18] Customer: okay ty[08:32:45] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): I looked on the library's colander and on 2/1 there is no computer class. There is a basic PC class on 2/2 is this what you are interested in?[08:33:27] Customer: yes i was told i had to register for class in comp.[08:33:58] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): But do you want basic computer class or digital camera class?[08:34:14] Customer: class is on 2/22/11 for digitalcamara class[08:35:01] Customer: have to register but cant find form[08:35:19] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): The registration for the digital class offered 2/22 will not open until 2/1.[08:35:48] Customer: oh i see well tysm for the info [08:35:57] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): If you are on the colander just click on the desired class and a pop-up window will display the info for the class[08:36:31] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): Once registration opens there will be an area to enter your information to register[08:36:43] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): Can I help you with anything else today?[08:36:43] Customer: ty again bye[08:36:55] Julio G (Miami-Dade Public Library): Thank you for using Ask a Librarian, and we hope you come again.[08:37:02] Customer: happy new year[08:37:11] Thank you for using Ask a Librarian. You may now close this window.
  22. Quality Resources and Age appropriate Middle School Student [12:00:15] You have been connected to Katie T (Winter Park Public Library).[12:00:21] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): Hi Amy, how can I help you?[12:00:32] Patron: compare and contrast green snakes vs. rattlesnakes ??[12:01:03] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): I can send you some websites about rattlesnakes and green snakes, if you'd like. Are they called "green snakes" or is it a certain kind of snake that's green?[12:01:19] Patron:ok thank you[12:01:48] Patron: oh they are just green snakes and rattlesnake[12:01:49] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): You're welcome! Just a moment while I find the information for you.[12:02:15] Patron: okay[12:02:22] Patron: :)[12:02:24] The librarian is sending you to http://animal-world.com/encyclo/reptiles/snakes/roughgreensnake.php.[12:02:30] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): Is that the right kind of green snake?[12:03:00] The librarian is sending you to http://www.desertmuseum.org/books/nhsd_rattlesnakes.php.[12:03:05]Patron: yes thank you[12:03:09] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): That second site has information about rattlesnakes.[12:03:19] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): Is that enough to get you started, or would you like me to find some more sites for you?[12:03:53]Patron: no this is fine thank you for you helping me thank you[12:04:08] Katie T (Winter Park Public Library): You're welcome! Have a good day![12:04:15] Thank you for using Ask a Librarian. You may now close this window.
  23. Websites given should be useful, accurate—Edgar well known government business source [07:17:53] You have been connected to Elaine S (Indian River State College).[07:18:33] Elaine S (Indian River State College): Hi John. Welcome to Ask a Librarian. How can I help you today?[07:20:44] Patron Hi Elaine, I see you're from a different college than the one I attend. Would you know if the college online websites contain information regarding company metrics or balance sheets or income statements for various companies?[07:21:18] Elaine S (Indian River State College): Let me see if I can get into your college databases. Just a moment[07:24:34] Elaine S (Indian River State College): I cannot get into your college databases. However, I do see a business subject guide that may help[07:24:40] The librarian is sending you to http://guides.lib.usf.edu/content.php?pid=57947.[07:25:40] Elaine S (Indian River State College): There is also another guide that may be very helpful[07:25:48] The librarian is sending you to http://guides.lib.usf.edu/datasets.[07:26:00] PatronY ea, this seems like it may be the right direction[07:26:22] Elaine S (Indian River State College): For sure, the second link looks like it is what you need![07:26:26] Patron: I'm trying to see if I can get financial statements from various companies i.e. AT&T[07:30:56] The librarian is sending you to http://www.att.com/gen/landing-pages?pid=5718.[07:30:57] Elaine S (Indian River State College): You can always go directly to the company website. For example AT&T provides an Investor Relations page that includes annual reports[07:31:17] Elaine S (Indian River State College): (see link above)[07:32:15] Elaine S (Indian River State College): In addition, you can always go to EDGAR - government site "All companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free. Here you'll find links to a complete list of filings available through EDGAR and instructions for searching the EDGAR database."[07:32:16] Patron Yea that's true. Thanks for helping me![07:32:37] The librarian is sending you to http://www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml.[07:32:44] Patron Wow, I'm surprised you know all this[07:33:20] Elaine S (Indian River State College): Especially considering I have an investment phobia gene![07:34:13] Patron Haha I guess you take extra precaution in the places to avoid by knowing them then![07:34:28] Elaine S (Indian River State College): Right![07:34:32] Elaine S (Indian River State College): Can I help you with anything else today?[07:34:52] Patron No you've helped me more than enough, thanks Elaine[07:35:15] Elaine S (Indian River State College): You're welcome! Thank you for using Ask a Librarian, and we hope you come again.
  24. Maintain Good rapport with patron throughout session Offer Reassurance, Interest, or Approval Examples: *Librarian: Okay, I found their site and it looks like you were starting in the right place. *Librarian: Thanks for your patience. It took me a minute to locate your school’s library page. Which campus do you attend? Patron: I’m at North Campus Librarian: Thank you. That is helpful. *Librarian: You have given us quite a challenge. I have another librarian helping me look now also. Librarian: It’s O.K. We like a challenge.
  25. Not worried about punctuation and spelling Other Priorities: Getting the job done quickly efficiently Patrons get impatient Sometimes disconnected through technical problems Can email results of a search Refer to the home library
  26. Chat Can Be A very Challenging form of Reference but very rewarding and fun! I need some ideas for how to change up a pixie cut. Make it more girly, and just style it differently. Thanks! [12:07:18] Sally B (Lee County) has entered the session.[12:07:54] Mary K (Leon County): Elizabeth, Sally B at Lee County will be helping us with your question...just a moment longer while we transfer your request to her! Thanks for your patience![12:08:10] Sally B (Lee County): Hi Elizabeth, Looks like we're a tad too busy here for our own good this afternoon. So let me see what I can help you with.[12:08:10] Patron: Okay, thank you.[12:08:29] Patron: Don't worry about it, take your time.[12:08:34] Sally B (Lee County): Are you looking for book sources or just hoping for some styling ideas online?[12:08:59] Patron: Online. I doubt there are too many books available. :)[12:09:34] Sally B (Lee County): I was just thinking of that talented young lady who recently played Marilyn Monroe and was nominated for an oscar. she had a great pixie cut.[12:09:45] Patron: I'm looking for ideas along the lines of hats, headbands, things like that.[12:10:37]Patron: Yes, Michele Williams. :) I got my cut styled after hers! How funny.[12:11:21] Sally B (Lee County): Ohhhh, so not different ways to comb it out? Hmmm-actually I think you would be better with books for that. Are you going to make these hats/headbands, etc. No way, you did? That's a crackup! OK< let me see what I can find.[12:12:47] Patron: Hey, if you can find books, that would be wonderful! I just didn't think they would be as...I don't know, available? Fitting? Whatever is easiest for you! :)[12:17:33] Sally B (Lee County): Well, this sure isn't easy. I think I'm not using the right words to get what I want. I'm sending you a link to one website that shows little bows and jewelry to decorate a pixie. but hats? Well, that seems to be a bit harder.[12:17:41] The librarian is sending you to http://www.girls-hair-fashion.info/2012/03/26/cute-pixie-haircuts-for-kids/.[12:18:44] Sally B (Lee County): Here's something that looks nice.[12:18:51]Patron: :) You're having exactly the problem I had. That page was helpful, thank you! I also just found a blog, http://www.unspeakablevisions.com/ whick is helping me.[12:18:55] The librarian is sending you to http://www.stylebakery.com/ask-us/hats_for_short_hair.html.[12:19:26] Sally B (Lee County): Check this one out at syle bakery. You know, I'm also thinking along the lines of a blog or an online forum.[12:20:01] Sally B (Lee County): Here's another set of pictures with berets.[12:20:13] The librarian is sending you to http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=yfp-t-701&va=hats+for+short+hairstyles.[12:21:04]Patron: Those look great![12:21:18] Sally B (Lee County): Not bad, huh?[12:22:43] Patron: Perfect! Thank you so much! I'm going to let you go, seeing as you're busy, and keep doing my own personal research, and I'll come back later if I still need help. Thank you, though, for your time![12:23:13] Sally B (Lee County): OK, that was fun. Happy hat hunting. I'm feeling a shopping opportunity![12:23:53]Patron: :) I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did! I'll look for you if I come again. I'm thinking the same. (wink) Have an awesome day.[12:24:11] Sally B (Lee County): Thanks, bye now.
  27. Patrons from Out of State I'm looking for a newspaper article from January 13, 1976, can you help? 09:03:01] You have been connected to Amanda S.[09:03:10] Amanda S: Hello, welcome to Ask a Librarian. I'm Amanda and I will be assisting you today from Boca Raton.[09:03:47] Amanda S: Which newspaper are you looking for? Have you tried any library databases yet?[09:04:23] kristi: I have, but found nothing.. it was Naples Daily News[09:04:33] kristi: they don't keep records that far back[09:06:01] Amanda S: Yeah, it's really tricky. Let me see if there is a physical library that keeps those in print or in microfiche.[09:06:11] Amanda S: Give me a moment to search.[09:06:30] kristi: great, thanks[09:08:40] Amanda S: Okay, it looks like the Collier Co library has that on microfiche. Let me try to find out which branch and call to confirm.[09:11:32] Amanda S: Calling now.[09:13:09] Amanda S: Okay, I have an answer for you. You can find 1976 issues on microfiche at the Naples Regional location. You can contact them at (239) 263-7768 for more information.[09:13:26] Amanda S: I have their address, as well. Would you like that?[09:14:04] kristi: I'm in Birmingham AL, so I can't go there.. so I hope that isn't required.. Thanks[09:14:43] Amanda S: Well, I would call them and ask if there is any way to get the information that you need. They will let you know.[09:14:56] kristi: I will, thanks for all your help![09:15:05] Amanda S: Is there anything else I can help you with today?[09:15:12] kristi: no, that's it[09:15:24] Amanda S: Thank you for using Ask a Librarian! Have a great day!
  28. Some Tough Questions—Received Exemplary Service Where is the best place to find information regarding administrative codes. Can you describe The Big Bang Theory in simpler terms ? do you have the tax booklets there this year or do you know where i can get them I need to find 2 sources for a discussion. I need to identify one of the common approaches to qualitative research. I am not sure what to type in to help me find what I am looking for. What are some books I could use for a research paper on the college football BCS vs. playoffs. I am looking for court cases about safety on college campuses and campus crime. Particularly sexual assault. Can you please help? Thank you I have to create a marketing plan for the Chevy Volt and need to find some source that has documented the results of any marketing or demographic research. Where can I look?
  29. Keep the Self-Nominations Coming Even if you are on the fly and don’t have time to thoroughly analyze your Chat, please feel free to self-nominate. Usually you’ll have a good feeling for how your Chat went. Many of our winners are self nominated! And, read the previous winners transcripts. AskALibrarian is a wonderful service!
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