Georgia! By, Kati Valentine
Trades/Farming • Milliner-Shops owned by almost always women, sells fabric for clothing. Makes shirts, aprons, cap, hats, muffs, and trim for gowns. Many young girls were made apprentices to millers to learn how to cut, fit and sew fabric, so customers could get the right fit. Known to furnish everything that could possible help women’s beauty.
Family Life&Pastime/Hobbies • Fathers ruled over the house and extended family. Basic European family, basic political, and religion. • Hobbies-Upper middle homes had really good toys, the middle homes would play board games , puzzles, and cards.
Communication& Relations with other People Groups • They would have to walk to the people to talk to. • Relations with other People Groups- Yes, because it was a place for everyone was welcome excepts for Roman Catholics.
Religion& Education • Every religion was welcome, there was no specific religion. The only exception was Roman Catholic which were not welcome because of the wars fought in England. • Education- The boys were educated better then girls because the girls had to do housework chores/ cooking and then the boys would have to work on the farm also.
Daily Life • Food-Atlantic coast-fish, farmers-wheat, barley, corn, tobacco, and rice. • Games: Archery- to help with the boys hunting, Quoits- to help the children practice there aiming and throwing. The favorite game was hoops-the boys would run and push the hoops, the girl would toss and catch their hoops with sticks. • Transportation- Horses, sleds, wagons, and if not far from home they would walk. • Huts, Some small homes with only a large room and an attic, Not much furniture, No windows, and No closets.