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REVIEWBOWL RULES 1) Numbered questions are worth 2 pts. each. TOSSUP questions are worth 1 pt. Each. 2) You must raise your hand & be recognized by the game master (teacher) before answering a question.
REVIEWBOWL RULES 1) Numbered questions are worth 2 pts. each. TOSSUP questions are worth 1 pt. Each. 2) You must raise your hand & be recognized by the game master (teacher) before answering a question. 3) If members from two teams raise their hands to answer a question, the team with the lower score at that time (I.e., not counting bonus points) gets first chance to answer 4) If no one can answer the question, the game master gets the point(s). 5) No conferring on questions between team members or harassing or making fun of another player. That team could lose 1 pt. for such behavior at the game master’s discretion. 6) Students giving obviously silly answers to a question will cost their team one point. 7) Each team gets only one chance to answer a particular question. 8) Every time that everyone on a team has scored at least 1/2 point for answering a question correctly, the team gets one bonus point which will be added at the end of the game. The team must notify the game master each time they qualify for such a point. 9) Each member of the winning team can collect a fly 10) No clogging, tapping, or square dancing during the competition
Greeks destroy Persian navy at Mycale (479) Persians cleared out of Ionia Greeks defeat Persian fleet in narrows of Salamis Xerxes leaves his army in Greece (480 B.C.E.) Ionian Greeks rebel vs. Persia & ask Athens’ help Athens helps Ionians who burn Persian city Sardis All Greece except Peloponnesus abandoned to Persia Persians burn Athens in revenge for Sardis 7000 Greeks led by 300 Spartans hold Thermopylae until pass is betrayed Greek fleet forced to abandon Artemesium despite heavy Persian losses Persians crush Ionians at naval battle of Lade & destroy Miletus (494 B.C.E.) Persian king, Darius I, also wants revenge vs. Athenians 1st Persian expedition vs. Greece destroyed in a storm 2nd Persian expedition Athenians use shock of the hoplite phalanx charge to defeat much larger, but lightly armed, Persian army at Marathon (490 B.C.E) Strategy of holding narrow pass at Thermopylae & nearby straits of Artemesium to neutralize Persian numbers Greeks crush Persian army at Plataea (479) Persians cleared out of Greece FC.23A. THE PERSIAN WARS (c.500-478 B.C.E.) Athens relies on grain from Black Sea (FC.21) Persian expansion into Black Sea area (FC.15) Egypt rebels vs. Persia Darius I dies (486 B.C.E.) 3rd Persian exped. takes 10 yrs. for new Persian king, Xerxes to prepare Time for Greeks to prepare: Many, but not all Greeks, band together in an alliance Athens uses silver from mines of Laurium to build navy Storm in N. Aegean wrecks 400 Pers. ships Storm off Euboea wrecks 200 Pers. ships Set stage for Athenian Empire & golden age of Classical Greek civilization (FC.23)
Athens tries to expand across Greece & vs. Persia in Aegean Athens is defeated Peace w/Persia (448) & Sparta (445) Athens also controls its subjects through: Settling Athen.colonies (cleruchies) on subject lands Guard vs. rev. Peace w/Persia & Sparta after failure of more Ath. expansion Democracy & culture flourish under Pericles’ leadership Tragic & comic drama in form of myth Guidance & perspective on contemporary problems Classical sculpt. More realistic & natural poses Grk architecture reaches height with Parthenon Most members, being poor, pay Athens $ to maintain navy Greeks form Delian League, led by Athens w/ its large navy to guard Greeks from future Persian invasions, free Ionian Grks, & drives Persians from the Aegean Sea EVOLUTION OF DELIAN LEAGUE INTO ATHENIAN EMPIRE Athens uses navy to keep members from leaving league Red figure pottery art more available to common people Freed. of inquiry new ideas, but also questions old values Moving the League treasury to Athens for “safe keeping” The empire needs the navy More influence for poor Broader based Ath. democ. Poor need empire to pay for navy Navy uses poor Ath’s as rowers Making subjects use Athen. courts Jobs for Athen. jurors Subjects must use only Athenian coins Pro-Athen. propaganda FC.23 THE DELIAN LEAGUE & ATHENIAN EMPIRE (c.500-431 B.C.E.) Greeks, esp. Athens, defeat Persian invasions (FC.23A) EVOLUTION OF IMPERIAL DEMOCRACY Peace & prosperity continue until war breaks out w/Sparta (FC.24A) Basis for West. Civ. carried on by Rome & re-emerging in Renaissance (FC.76)
FC.24A. THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR (431-404 B.C.E.) Sparta dominates Pelop. League (FC.20) Athens dominates Delian League (FC.23) Any war b/w members of each league Drags in all Greeks When Athens backs Corcyra vs. Corinth Sparta backs Corinth War involving whole Greek world Sparta, w/strong army, invades Attica, devastating its agr. & hoping to beat Ath’s in land battle Ath’s, w/strong navy, raid Peloponnesus & avoid Sp. army by crowding inside Long Walls ARCHIDAMIAN WAR (431-421 BCE) Ath. strategy works until epidemic kills ~1/3 Ath’s, incl. Pericles Athenians bitter over losses War becomes increasingly vicious: Ath’s brutally suppress rev’s by Mytilene & Skione Spartans totally destroy Plataea after 2-year siege Peace of Nicias (421 BCE) after 10 yrs of costly but inconclusive warfare Ambitious politician, Alcibiades, convinces Ath’s to invade Sicily Alcibiades runs to Sparta when enemies charge him with sacrilege Ath. army has initial success until it besieges Syracuse Alcibiades convinces Sp’s to help Syracuse vs. Athens SICILIAN PHASE (415-413 BCE) Entire Athenian expedition gets trapped & destroyed at Syracuse Athenians face seemingly overwhelming problems: AEGEAN PHASE (413-404) AEGEAN PHASE (413-404) Ath. navy & $ are gone Much of its emp. revolts Alcibiades gets Persia to give Sp. $ for a fleet in return for promise of Ionia Sp’s occupy fortress in Attica Ath’s can’t farm Ath’s rebuild navy & bring Alcibiades back as gen’l Beat Sp’s, restore emp. & even refuse offer of peace Sp’s beat Ath’s despite Alcib’s orders not to fight while he is away raising funds Alcib., fearing Athen. mob, flees to Persia Sp. gen’l, Lysander destroys last Athen. fleet at Aegospotami Athens falls to Sparta (404 BCE), but fighting continues among Greeks Decline & fall of the Polis(FC.24)
FC.24 THE DECLINE & FALL OF THE GREEK POLIS (431-338 B.C.E.) Spartan system full-time professional army (FC.20) Ath. Emp. Full-time navy & mercenaries (FC.23) Other poleis need merc’s to compete Need $ Raise taxes on hoplite farmers Ruins many hoplite farmers Become merc’s Fewer hoplites for polis Grk’s divided b/w Ath. & Spartan leagues (FC.23) Grk’s divided b/w Ath. & Spartan leagues (FC.23) War b/w members of opposing leagues Most Grks dragged in Greeks gang up vs. biggest power War b/w members of opposing leagues Most Grks dragged in New polis emerges as big power Sparta destroys Ath. Emp.. in Pelopon. War (431-404) Thebes leads other Greeks vs. Sparta Athens & Sparta join forces to stop Theban dominance Greek. colonies Grk civ. spreads to Macedon (FC.19) Greek. colonies Grk civ. spreads to Macedon (FC.19) Rise of Philip II (359-336 B.C.E.) seizes Amphipolis gold mines of Amphipolis to build up his power with: Roads to unify Macedon Prof. army using latest milit. techniques & tactics Bribes to Grk. politicians Philip advances into Greece using combin. of diplomacy & war Dilemma esp. for Athens: If Athens fightsPhilip Its econ. collapseDefeat If Athens doesn’t fight Philip will conquer Greece Philip conquers Greece, ending age of the polis & paving the way for his son, Alexander the Great (FC.25)
FC.25 ALEXANDER THE GREAT & THE HELLENISTIC AGE (336-31 B.C.E.) Antigonid Macedon which also tried to control Greece Constant wars vs Aetolian & Achaean Leagues of Grk. cities & occasionally vs Ptolemies & Seleucids Weakened Antigonids They never got firm control of Greece Egypt’s stability & wealth The longest lived of the 3 kgd’s Most isolated of the kgd’s Most peaceful & economically stable, serving as trade link b/w Asia & Mediterranean Ptolemaic Egypt centralized govt like under the pharaohs Constant wars & revolts Gradually shrinking borders Found many colonies of Grk’s & Maced’s esp. in W. Asia to keep control, but have little cult. impact outside the cities Seleucid Asia Rich & big Hardest area to control Philip II’s excellent army (FC.24) Persia’s decline in 300s (FC.15) Philip II’s son, Alexander III (336-323) conquers entire Persian Empire, but leaves no capable heir Other generals ally to bring him down Power struggle One dominant general By 275, three major kingdoms emerge from Alexander’s empire Hellenistic Civ. (i.e., Grk civ. after Alexander) which is characterized by: Much larger scale kgd’s, cities, trade & royal patronage of arts Contact with & influence from older cultures, esp. Egypt & Mesopotamia Greek civ. is dominant in cities, but barely found in countryside Hellenistic Civ. flourished in several areas: Medicine: • Use of pulse for diagnosis • Saw heart as pump w/valves • Surgery on hernias, hemorrhoids, bladder stones, etc. & dissections showing diff. b/w arteries & nerves Philosophy: • Stoicism which stressed duty & bearing up under hardship • Epicureanism: Life’s goal should be to avoid pain through moderate lifestyle Math & mechanical science: • Disc. of hydraulics, valves, pumps, syringes & steam power • Eratosthenes’ accurate calculation of earth’s circumference • Archimedes’ mechanical principles Rome absorbs Grk. civ. & passes it on to West. Civ. during Pax Romana (FC.33)
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY? Lower levels were farther in from water=> Equal length oars
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY? Lower levels were farther in from water=> Equal length oars ECT: TROPHY GRK'S BROUGHT BACK FROM HELLESPONT?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY? Lower levels were farther in from water=> Equal length oars ECT: TROPHY GRK'S BROUGHT BACK FROM HELLESPONT? Ropes holding Xerxes’ rope bridge together
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY? Lower levels were farther in from water=> Equal length oars ECT: TROPHY GRK'S BROUGHT BACK FROM HELLESPONT? Ropes holding Xerxes’ rope bridge together ECT: PAUSANIAS' BANQUET?
LATER GREEK REVIEW BOWL 1) CAUSES OF PERSIAN WARS? Persian expansion toward Black Sea; Ath. Reliance on grain from Black Sea 2) NUMBER OF INVASIONS & WHEN? Three: 492 BCE, 490 BCE, & 480 BCE ECT: CITY IONIAN GREEKS BURNED? Sardis ECT: ARISTAGORAS' MISTAKE IN TRYING TO GET SPARTA TO JOIN IONIANS? Said Persepolis was 90 days from sea ECT: PHRYNICUS' PLAY & ATHENIAN REACTION? “Sack of Miletus”=> big fine ECT: TASK FOR DARIUS' SLAVE? Tell him 3X/day to remember the Athenians ECT: WHO WAS PHEIDIPPIDES? Runner from Marathon who told Ath’s of their victory & died=> marathon race ECT: WHAT MAKES US THINK ATH'S REALLY DID KILL 6400 PERSIANS? They were paying promised debt 50 yrs later ECT: HOW DO WE KNOW THE APPROX. UPPER LIMIT OF # OF PERSIANS? How many men Gr’s rivers could support ECT: WHO OR WHAT DID XERXES WHIP & WHY? Hellespont for wrecking his bridge of boats in a storm ECT: ORACLE'S REPLY TO SPARTANS? Either Sparta or one of its kings must perish ECT: ORACLE'S ORIGINAL REPLY TO ATHENIANS? #1 Flee to ends of the earth #2 Trust to the wooden walls ECT: WHO WAS ARISTEIDES THE JUST & STORY SHOWING HIS HONESTY Leader of Ath. Oligarchs who helped illiterate Ath. Who didn’t know him to vote to have him ostracized ECT: WHO WAS DEMARATUS? Exiled king of Sparta at Xerxes’ court ECT: WHO WAS EPHIALTES? Shepherd who betrayed Thermopylae to the Persians ECT: LETTER THEMISTOCLES SENT TO XERXES BEFORE SALAMIS & WHY? Block Grk retreat=> #1 Forced Grks to fight Where Themist’s wanted to fight & #2 It took part of the Persian fleet out of the battle ECT: ROWING ARRANGEMENT ON A TRIREME & WHY? Lower levels were farther in from water=> Equal length oars ECT: TROPHY GRK'S BROUGHT BACK FROM HELLESPONT? Ropes holding Xerxes’ rope bridge together ECT: PAUSANIAS' BANQUET? He had a sumptuous Persian banquet & Spartan goat’s blood soup & said wasn’t it amazing that people who ate like the Persians wanted to conquer people who ate like the Greeks?
ECT: WHO WON VOTE AS MOST VALUABLE GENERAL & HOW? Themistocles; everyone voted for himself & him #2
ECT: WHO WON VOTE AS MOST VALUABLE GENERAL & HOW? Themistocles; everyone voted for himself & him #2 ECT: WHERE DID THEMISTOCLES SPEND HIS LATER YEARS & WHY?As a Persian gov. after being ostracized fr Athens => wrote Xerxes saying he tried to help him before Salamis but it didn’t work=> Xerxes made him gov. of Magnesia