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The European Social Dialogue Creating Added Value

The European Social Dialogue Creating Added Value. Chemical Industry, Prague 23 March 2006 Markus Handke, European Commission, DG Employment & Social Affairs. Why a social dialogue?. Bargaining area (Joint initiatives). Good Governance (Consultation). Legislation

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The European Social Dialogue Creating Added Value

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  1. The European Social DialogueCreating Added Value Chemical Industry, Prague 23 March 2006 Markus Handke, European Commission, DG Employment & Social Affairs

  2. Why a social dialogue? Bargaining area (Joint initiatives) Good Governance (Consultation)

  3. Legislation Mobility - Gender equality Health and Safety Social Policy Agenda European Social Dialogue European Social Funds Open Method of Coordination Employment Social protection

  4. Trade Unions Trade Unions Commission Commission Employers Employers 1991-2001 1985-1991 Towards a new era of partnership Trade Unions Commission Employers 2002-...

  5. Institutional recognition Article 138 of the EC Treaty The European Commission promotes consultation of social partners at Community level facilitates their dialogue ensures a balanced support of both sides The place of social dialogue at European level

  6. Institutional recognition Article 139 of the EC Treaty The dialogue between the social partners can lead, if they wish, to contractual relations, including agreements Barcelona European Council 2002 The European social model is founded on a healthy economy, a high level of social protection, education and social dialogue The place of social dialogue at European level

  7. Commission Autonomous agreements: Understanding the mechanisms – Art. 138, 139 Social Partners Consultation No negotiation or failure Negotiation Opinions Council Legislative process Autonomous Agreement Agreement implemented by a Decision LEGISLATION COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT

  8. Cross-industry organisations (UNICE, CEEP, ETUC) Cross-industry organisations representing certain categories of workers or undertakings (CEC, Eurocadres, UEAPME) Sectoral organisations representing employers organisations or workers unions European social partners

  9. What forms of European Social Dialogue? Tripartite dialogue Macro-economic dialogue Dialogue on employment and social protection Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment Bipartite dialogue “Val Duchesse” Social Dialogue - Social Dialogue Summits, Social Dialogue Committee Sectoral Social dialogue Committees Company level: EWC

  10. Fora for Tripartite Concertation Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment (before Spring European Council each year) Macro- Economic Dialogue (DG ECFIN) Concertation onSocial Protection (SPC) Concertation on Employment (EMCO) Trilogue on Education and Training (DG EAC)

  11. Voluntary Autonomous Commission support Cross-industry dialogue Sectoral dialogue 31 Sectoral dialogue committees established (Commerce, Agriculture, Banking, Insurance, Postal Services, Rail Transport, Construction…) Bipartite dialogue

  12. sectoral social dialogue committees 23 500 000

  13. Topics addressed by the social dialogue

  14. The Commission Green Paper "Faced with demographic change, a new solidarity between the generations", adopted on 16 March 2005 The number of older workers (aged 55 to 64) will increase by 24 million between 2005 and 2030. The number of people aged over 80 will rise from 18.8 million today to 34.7 million in 2030. Demography Social partners' initiatives Cross-industry (campagne) Construction Commerce (solidarity between generations) Contributions to the European Youth Pact

  15. European employment strategy Objective: Increase and improve investments in human capital One worker out of two does not have access to vocational training Vocational training Social partners' initiatives Cross-industry (framework of actions) Construction (tutoring) Banking HORECA Agriculture Personal services Employment per category of worker

  16. European strategy for health and safety at the workplace 2002-2006 Evaluation and preparation of new strategy Simplification and rationalisation of interventions Health&Safety Social partners' initiatives Cross-industry (stress) Construction (Guide) Agriculture (MSD) Sea fishers (accidents)Maritime transport (harrassment) Extractive industries (silica-crystalline) Poor and unsafe working conditions 3% of GNP 500 millions work days a year lost Accidents at work 4% of workers during the year

  17. Communication adopted the 31 March 2005 Second stage consultation of the Social Partners Restructuring Social partners' initiatives Cross-industry (Orientations) Banking Textiles Sugar Employment – evolution in the last 25 years (millions)

  18. Typology of social dialogue texts Declarations/Opinions Recommendations Agreements 139.2 Consensus Information Follow-up Reporting Implementation Monitoring ex-ante evaluation monitoring

  19. The need for synergies Tripartite dialogue Tripartite Social Summit for Growth and Employment, macroeconomic dialogue, … Bipartite dialogue Sectoral social dialogue committees Company level EWC Cross-industry Social dialogue

  20. Employer organisation rate

  21. Union Density > 55 % 45 - 55 % 35 - 45 % 15 - 35 % < 15 %

  22. More 80% Around 60% Bargaining Coverage Less 40%

  23. Greater need for social dialogue Increased diversity Technical capacity of national social partners Technical capacity of European social partners Representativeness Enlargement

  24. Website of the Commission http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/index_en.htm EIRO ( European industrial relations observatory online) : http://www.eiro.eurofound.ie/ Information sources

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