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Riemannian wavefield extrapolation of seismic data

Riemannian wavefield extrapolation of seismic data. J. Shragge, P. Sava, G. Shan, and B. Biondi Stanford Exploration Project S. Fomel UT Austin. Overview. Prelude Remote sensing/Echo sounding Seismic wavefield extrapolation Fugue Riemannian wavefield extrapolation Example.

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Riemannian wavefield extrapolation of seismic data

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  1. Riemannian wavefield extrapolationof seismic data J. Shragge, P. Sava, G. Shan, and B. Biondi Stanford Exploration Project S. Fomel UT Austin jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  2. Overview • Prelude • Remote sensing/Echo sounding • Seismic wavefield extrapolation • Fugue • Riemannian wavefield extrapolation • Example jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  3. Why seismic imaging? • Applied seismology • Hydrocarbon exploration • “Easy” targets already located • remaining large fields located in regions of complex geology • 3-D seismic imaging • Delineate earth structure • property estimation and prediction • improve probability of finding oil jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  4. Echo soundings of the earth Transmit sound-waves into earth Record echoes from earth structure Determine earth structure that created echoes jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  5. Seismic imaging - Similarities • Related methods • Acoustic wave methods • Ultrasound • Sonar • EM wave methods • Radar • X-ray • Related applications • Medical imaging • Non-destructive testing • Marine navigation • Archaeology site assessment jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  6. Seismic imaging - Differences • Complex earth structure • Velocity • V(x,y,z) – 1.5 – 4.5 km/s • Strong gradients • Material properties • heterogeneity • anisotropy • Wave-phenomena • Multi-arrivals, band-limited • Frequency-dependent illumination • Overturning waves • Ray theory cannot capture complexity jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  7. Wavefield Extrapolation Monochromatic frequency-domain: Helmholtz equation Recorded wavefield U(x,y,z=0) Want U(x,y,z) Wavefield extrapolation Wave phenomena Wave-equation jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  8. One-way wavefield extrapolation Wave-equation dispersion relation Wavefield propagates by advection - with solution Want solution to Helmholtz equation jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  9. Migration by wavefield extrapolation • Robust, Accurate, Efficient • Current Limitations • steep dip imaging • no overturning waves jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  10. One-way wavefield extrapolation Wave-equation dispersion relation Steep Dip limitation Advection solution on Cartesian grid Overturning wave limitation jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  11. Migration by wavefield extrapolation • Robust, Accurate, Efficient • Current Limitations • steep dip imaging • no overturning waves • Our solution • Change coordinate system to be more conformal with wavefield • Riemannian spaces jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  12. Riemannian wavefield extrapolation x z jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  13. Overview • Prelude • Remote sensing/Echo sounding • Seismic wavefield extrapolation • Fugue • Riemannian wavefield extrapolation • Examples jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  14. Helmholtz equation Laplacian Coordinate system (associated) metric tensor jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  15. (Semi)orthogonal coordinates jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  16. Helmholtz equation 2nd order 1st order 1st order 2nd order jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  17. Dispersion relation Riemannian Cartesian jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  18. Dispersion relation Riemannian Cartesian jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  19. Wavefield extrapolation Riemannian Cartesian jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  20. interpolate interpolate jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  21. Summary • Riemannian wavefield extrapolation • General coordinate system • Semi-orthogonal (3-D) • Incorporate propagation in coordinates • Applications • Overturning waves • Steeply dipping reflectors jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  22. Collaboration? • Numerical development • Wave-based imaging • Ultrasound • Sonar • Radar • Applications • Medical imaging • Non-destructive testing • Marine navigation • Archaeology site assessment jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  23. distance depth jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  24. RWE vs. time-domain finite differences distance depth jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  25. angle time jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  26. angle time jeff@sep.stanford.edu

  27. distance depth jeff@sep.stanford.edu

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