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Mapping Governance, Citizenship, and Social Cohesion in Cities: A Research Agenda

Explore governance's impact on social cohesion, citizenship practices, and participatory governance in cities. Examine research needs, the transformation of state, role of cities, and citizenship practices.

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Mapping Governance, Citizenship, and Social Cohesion in Cities: A Research Agenda

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  1. EF6 – Towards a research agenda on Governance, Citizenship and Social Cohesion in Cities. www.socialpolis.eu Marisol García Marc Pradel Santiago Eizaguirre Xavier Martínez Albert Terrones .

  2. Outline • Debates on Governance, Social Cohesion and citizenship Governance and the transformation of the state Governance and social cohesion Governance and citizenship practices • Participatory governance, new practices fostering democracy and socially creative strategies. • Research needs

  3. What has been studied?Governance and the Transformation of the State • The emergence of complex and multi-scalar decision-making processes. (Rodhes, 1997) • A process of reshaping states that is taking place at global level. (Brenner, 1999; 2004a; 2004b; Jessop, 2002; Moulaert, 2007) • Increasing role of cities and regions as collective actors. (Le Galès, 2002; MacLeod, 2001) • New agents collaborating with public administrations (Czische and Pittini, 2007)

  4. What has been studied?Governance and Social Cohesion Role of third sector organisations in the provision of welfare. (Mayer, 2003) Attention to social ties as an explanatory factor of economic development, equality and democratic participation (relational dimension). (Mayer, 2003) Polices and practices giving strength and identity to people in vulnerable situations (cultural dimension). (Andersen and Van Kempen, 2001; Moulaert and Nussbaumer, 2003)

  5. What has been studied?Governance and Citizenship Practices (I) Contradictions between national citizenship concept and the migratory world. (Issin, 2002; Sassen, 2003) Emergence of local and supranational dimensions of citizenship (Bauböck, 2003; Desforges et al., 2005) To what extent the provision of a social dimension of citizenship at sub-national level is reinforcing the political dimension of citizenship and the creation of a sub-national public sphere. (García, 2006; Desforges et al., 2005)

  6. What has been studied?Governance and Citizenship Practices (II) Citizenship education as a relevant tool for civic socialisation and empowerment. (Lindblad & Popkewitz, 2001) Role of bottom-up initiatives in the definition of citizenship practices. Relevance of ‘sense of place’ and ‘associational citizenship’. (Varsany, 2006)

  7. What has been studied?Participatory governance, new practices fostering democracy and socially creative strategies How institutions affect the participation of people. Innovative institutional schemes to achieve certain degree of coherence with increasing diversity. (Blanco & Gomà, 2003; Bifulco & Centeneri, 2008; Gbikpi & Grote, 2002; Melo & Baiochi, 2006; Beaumont & Nichols, 2008) How to freely define and develop political identities emerging in the margins of the public sphere. How to allow political subjects to exert multiple identities in a conflictive way. (Mouffe, 2000)

  8. What should be studied?Research needs (I) Analysis of the relationship between civil, social and political exclusion with citizens practices and urban governance in different contexts. To map the negative consequences of social inequalities and the fragmentation of civil, political and social rights in cities through comparative research. Role of neighbourhood and district actors in the construction of social justice. The mediation role of local institutions as well as small organisations from civil society in fostering democracy through bottom-linked initiatives.

  9. What should be studied?Research needs (II) Comparative evaluation of participatory processes in qualitative terms (organisation, efficiency, citizen’s competences, representation, leadership, hegemonic consensus, socially creative strategies). Political disaffection among young generations in relation to traditional organisations (political parties, unions …). Analysis of coordination, communication, decentralisation dilemmas and accountability in new dynamics of governance.

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