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Sudan Presentation. 5 th IPUMS International Workshop Lisbon-Portugal 21-29,August,2007. The First Population Census.
Sudan Presentation 5th IPUMS International Workshop Lisbon-Portugal 21-29,August,2007
The First Population Census The first Population Census was done by the British, in 1955/1956 and completed in a time spam of one year and a half. It had made remarkable use of traditional administration (chiefs of the tribes). The total population was 10.1 millions and adjusted to 10.3 millions and was satisfactory to all types of people.
The Second population census The Second population census was done in 1973 and was delayed for five years because of the war in the south (The Addis Ababa peace Agreement was in 1972).The Total population in 1973 was 14.8 millions. The first result was only 12.3 millions which is very much less than expected. It was unfortunate that the enumeration failed at the beginning to cover the camps in some Gezira areas and to cover comprehensively the Nomads. Adjustment had been made after post-enumeration.
The Third Population census The third Population Census was conducted in 1983 . The total population was 20.6 millions which was also adjusted to 19.1 millions. A notice was raised about accuracy in the South due to weak logistics . Some enumerators who found it difficult to walk for long distances had used the chiefs of the tribes to fill the forms on behalf of the households.
Fourth population census The fourth Population Census was done in 1993 and had come up with a total Population of 24.9 and adjusted to 25.9 million . This count did not include the rural areas in the South because of war and no comprehensive coverage of the nomads had taken place due to lack of logistics . In the 4th Population Census the proportion of the nomads was only 3% while it was 11% in the previous census. Over count was noticed in some areas by inhabitants in order to increase their sugar ration.
Comparison The 1956 Population Census was the most accurate census in Sudan compared with the others . Now this Population census has become the basis for all subsequent censuses.
The Fifth Sudan Census According to article 215(1) of the Constitution: A population census throughout the Sudan should be conducted and completed by the end of the second year of the interim period. Therefore this census is a constitutional one.
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) and the Southern Sudan Commission for Statistics and Evaluation (SSCSE) According to article 215 (2) and based on the comprehensive peace agreement (CPA )the Census shall be conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistic and the Southern Sudan Commission for Statistics and Evaluation
Supporting Bodies • Based on the (CPA), technical coordination is done by the UNFPA • Trusting countries of the (CPA) are also involved in the Census through their relevant institutions such as US Bureau of Census, French GIS research centre, DANIDA ,EU, Statistics Norway. • The world bank is also involved by monitoring the MDTF (Multi Donor Trust Fund)
Sudan Fifth Population Census(Organizational Setup) The Population Census Council was established by a presidential decree No (2) in 7th January 2006 Consists: of representatives of the Government of National unity (GNU), Government of South Sudan (GOSS), the Parliament and Senate and Academics . • The council Reports to the Presidency. • Established Strictly for the Censuses
Monitoring & Quality assurance A committee for monitoring and quality assurance was established by the PCC in March 2006 . It consists of : • International Experts. • National Experts. • Civil organizations. • Political parties. • The committee is chaired by the states council.
The Technical Working Group A technical working group has been formed by the council. It consists of the two executing agencies, The supporting bodies (US census, Statistics Norway, French cooperation), Line ministries, and national experts . • The TWG has conducted 13 meetings in different states of the country . • The TWG has finalized most of the work on the census documents/tools (census project proposal, timetable, budget, questionnaires etc). • The TWG has raised important recommendations which were indorsed by the council. • The committee is chaired by CBS director.
TWGImportant Recommendations and Decisions 1- Quick count methodology is selected. 2- Data entry will be decentralized and it was suggested that 9 centres could be established for data entry. 3- The census results will be produced centrally. 4- The British 1930, maps should be used as the basic reference maps for state boundaries.
5- The geocoding is from North to South at each level: * State. * Locality. * Administrative Unit/Town/City. * Popular administrative * EA * City quarter/ block/ village/ farique. 6- OMR will be used in both entry.
Advocacy A National Advocacy committee: Was established by the PCC in March 2006 its responsibility is to plan and execute the census publicity programs at national and state levels. The committee is headed by the under secretary of the ministry of information.
Finance A Finance committee:- Was established by the PCC in March 2006 to make available the Financial resources for the census from both local and international sources. The committee is headed by minister of finance.
Technology • Scanning will be used for the census data capturing of the short and long forms for quick results processing • GPS maps are used to ensure full coverage and to speed up the cartographic work of the census • GIS is used for data presentation, analysis and dissemination. • The internet is going to be used as another tool for data dissemination
Achievements :- (1) A detailed and comprehensive project document has been prepared through project appraisal meetings attend by (CBS) and (SSCCSE) world bank, UNFPA, and other supporting bodies. The document consist of the followings :- • A detailed work plan. • A detailed Budget with activities and time frame for implementation for each activity.
(2) Two questionnaires has been designed:- Short and long • The short Questionnaire will be used for the full coverage of the population with a minimum number of questions (11 questions). A long questionnaire will be applied for 10 percent of the population (EAS). (3) The Enumerators and supervisors manuals have also prepared.
(4) Cartographic Work was:- Started in the early 2006 and continuing up to now. GPS is used for the accurate location of settlement and delineation of (EAS). It is also used for allocating service centers. Almost all cartographic work have been finished in the North except Darfour which in a half way. The south is also in a half way. We except to finish mapping by the end of September.
Enumeration phase :- • The actual enumeration will start in the second of feb.and finish by the15 of feb. 2008. (a proximally 2 weeks). • Defacto method will be applied.
Decentralization :- • Decentralized data capturing will be followed for the first time on Sudan. • Final data processing and tabulation will be performed centrally.
Datadissemination :- • National and regional tabulation will be analyzed and published using different data dissemination methods such as:- • Printed reports. • Electronic media (websites, Emails). • Data archiving. • Seminars and workshops.
Challenges :- • Lack of Proper infrastructure and experienced manpower in South Sudan due to the war. • Mines and insecurity in some parts of Sudan. • Continues population movement to the South (returnees) from inside and out side the country. • Insecurity in some areas in Darfur States and Equatoria. • Problems concerning nomadic population and their continues movements in huge areas and across the boards. • Lack of continues flows of Funding from both government and Donors.