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Thanksgiving is one of the most important holidays in the United States . We celebrate it on the last Thursday of November . This year , Thanksgiving is on the 25th of November .
Thanksgivingisone of themostimportantholidays in theUnitedStates. WecelebrateitonthelastThursday of November. Thisyear, Thanksgivingisonthe 25th of November.
ThefirstThanksgivingtook place in the 1620s. ThePilgrims, thefirstgroup of settlers in America, survivedtheirfirstyear in America. Tocelebrate, theymade a bigmeal and invitedtheNativeAmericanstothankthemfortheirhelp.
WealwaysspendThanksgivingDaywithfamily. Wespendthewholedaycooking, and theneveryoneeats a bigmealtogether in mid-afternoon.
ThemostfamousThanksgivingdishisturkey. Other popular dishesincludestuffing (similar to migas), cranberry sauce, sweetpotatoes, mashedpotatoes, cornbread and gravy. Buteveryfamily has differentdishesthey prepare everyyear, and eachfamily´srecipeisslightlydifferent.
As a dessert, thereisusually a pie. There are manykinds of pie, butsome of themost popular pies toeat at Thanksgiving are pumpkin pie and pecan pie.
Becausethereisalways a lot of foodonThanksgiving, peopleeatleftoversfor a long time afterwards. Manypeopleliketomakesandwicheswiththedifferentparts of themeal.
OnThanksgivingmorning, thereis a bigparade in New York City. ItissponsoredbyMacy´s, whichisone of New York´slargest and oldestdepartmentstores. Itisshownontelevision, so people can watchitalloverthe country. Itisfamousforitsgiantballoons.
Duringtheday, there are always (American) footballgameson TV. So onThanksgiving, manypeoplewatchfootball. Manyothersalsogooutside and playfootballwiththeirfamilies.
BecauseThanksgivingison a Thursday, thereis a longweekend (puente) everyyear, and no onegoestoworkon Friday. Weconsiderthisdaythefirstofficialday of the Christmas season, and allthe shops havebigsales. Wecalltheday Black Friday becauseall of theshops are verycrowded.
A commonThanksgivingtraditionisforeveryone at dinnertogoaroundthetable and saywhatthey are thankfulfor. So…