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Chris Strauss 3-20-08 Aerothermodynamics Semester Recap

Chris Strauss 3-20-08 Aerothermodynamics Semester Recap. Sizing Codes. Initial Sizing Code Used Excel and dimensions from Vanguard and Purdue Hybrid Rocket to linearly scale project rocket based on payload mass

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Chris Strauss 3-20-08 Aerothermodynamics Semester Recap

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  1. Chris Strauss3-20-08AerothermodynamicsSemester Recap

  2. Sizing Codes • Initial Sizing Code • Used Excel and dimensions from Vanguard and Purdue Hybrid Rocket to linearly scale project rocket based on payload mass • Problem arose when small payload masses yielded unreasonably small launch vehicles (ex. 200g payload total vehicle length of 0.5112 m) • Decided to make new sizing code based on fuel volume • Sizing Based on Fuel Volume • Used Excel and fuel density and total fuel burned for to calculate total fuel volume for multiple fuels • Sized vehicle using arbitrary diameter to calculate height of each stage • Work discontinued in favor of MAT code for sizing Aerothermodynamics

  3. CFD • Fluent • Worked with Brian Budzinski and Jayme Zott to make a Fluent model of Vanguard to test modeling method • Created half of Vanguard in Catia and loaded that shape into GAMBIT for grid construction • Helped with initial grid construction until Fluent team reduced to single person • CMARC • Worked with Liaquat Iqbal to create a CMARC model of the rocket to run faster CFD cases • CMARC discontinued after it was discovered that the results are only valid up to Mach 0.9 Aerothermodynamics

  4. Backup Slides-Other Work • Monte-Carlo Standard Deviations • Created method for calculating the Standard deviation of CD • Method used a randomizer to generate values of angle of attack • Angles of attack then fed into CD code (created by Jayme Zott) to obtain CD values • Values then entered into Excel where standard deviation was calculated using standard deviation function (Excel calculations by Brian Budzinski) • Results: Standard Deviation for CD is 13.29% Aerothermodynamics

  5. Backup Slides- Sizing Code Tables • Initial Sizing Code Table of Results Table Created by Chris Strauss

  6. Backup Slides-CFD • Models to be used for GAMBIT griding of project rocket • Initial models of project rocket • Model would have been used to simulate each stage of flight in Fluent Models Created by Chris Strauss

  7. Backup Slides-CFD • CMARC Model • Model of aircraft launched rocket initially conceived • Model was flexible enough so that multiple configurations could be made quickly • Model was scrapped after it was discovered CMARC results are only valid to Mach 0.9 Model Created by Chris Strauss

  8. References • Wade, M., “Vanguard”, 1997-2007. [http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/vanguard.htm] • Tsohas, J., “AAE 450 Spacecraft Design Spring 2008: Guest Lecture Space Launch Vehicle Design”, 2008 • “The Vanguard Report”, The Martin Company, Engineering Report No. 11022, April 1960

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