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LEADERSHIP HELPS FROM ENGSTROM. Prof. Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary (845) 353-2020 ext.6978 E-mail: Jintae.kim@nyack.edu Website: http://all4jesus.net. LEADERSHIP HELPS. From “The Making of a Leader” by Ted W. Engstrom. DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP.
LEADERSHIP HELPS FROM ENGSTROM Prof. Jintae Kim, PhD Alliance Theological Seminary (845) 353-2020 ext.6978 E-mail: Jintae.kim@nyack.edu Website: http://all4jesus.net
LEADERSHIP HELPS From “The Making of a Leader” by Ted W. Engstrom
DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP • Leadership is an act or behavior required by a group to meet its goals, rather than a condition. It is an act by either word or deed to influence behavior toward a desired end.
10 PRINPLES OF LEADERSHIP 1. Determine your objectives. 목표설립 2. Plan necessary activities. 활동계획 작성 3. Organize your program in the order of priority. 우선순위에 따른 프로그램 구성 4. Prepare a timetable. 장단기 계획표 작성 5. Establish control points: determine where and when you will receive progress in relation to objectives. 성취점검의 바로미터 설정
6. Clarify responsibilities and accountability. 확실한 업무분장 7. Maintain channels of communication. 의사소통로 유지 8. Develop cooperation. 함께 협력하라. 9. Resolve problems. 문제요소 발견및 해결. 10. Give credit where credit is due. 성과가 있을 때에 한해서 칭찬하라.
4 STEPS OF PROBLEM SOLUTION 1. Spot the problem, clarify it, tackle problems one at a time and analyze underlying causes and contributing conditions. 문제지적, 성격을 밝히고, 한번에 하나씩 처리한다. 무엇이 근본원인임을 분석한다. 2. Develop possible solutions: select the best one. 해결책 모색 3. Determine a plan of action: put it into effect. 이른 따른 행동계획 수립 4. Check results in terms of improvements and objectives. 개선상태와 목표에 비추어 결과점검작업
WHAT THE NT LEADERSHIP IS NOT 1. It is not political power-play. 2. It is not authoritarian attitude. 3. It is not cultic control.
It is focused on Individuals the Scriptures Christ Purpose and clear-cut goals. It is nurture. 1. We think of leadership as “handling” adults, but God thinks of it as nurturing children. 2. Admonishing or witnessing truth so that people walk patterns acceptable to God. WHAT THE NT LEADERSHIP IS
Enthusiasm Trustworthiness Disciplined Confidence Decisiveness Courage Humor Loyalty Unselfishness TRAITS OF A SPIRITUAL LEADER
Creativity 창의성 Self-discipline 절제 Delegation 위임 Decisiveness 흔들리지 않는 믿음 Persistence 시종여일 Balanced life 균형잡힌 삶 Faith and Prayer 믿음과 기도 PERSONALITY TRAITS OF LEADERSHIP
Criticism 비판 Fatigue 피로 Time to think 생각할 시간 Loneliness 고독 Identification Make unpleasant decisions 괴로운 결정 Competition 경쟁 Abuse of power 직권남용 False pride and jealousy 근거없는 교만과 질투 Utilization of time 시간활용 Rejection 거부 PRICE OF LEADERSHIP
GUDIDELINES FOR EXCELLENT LEADERSHIP 1. Integrity 언행일치 2. Deal with causes 문제의 뿌리부터 3. Emphasize the future 미래를 강조 4. Learn from mistakes 실수에서 배워야 5. Be flexible 유연한 사고 6. Involvement with people 인간관계
MAINTAINING VISION 1. Define it specifically. 애매모호하지 않도록 확실히 정립해야 2. Express it so people understand it. 누구나 이해할 수 있는 말로 표현해야 3. Get both organizational and personal acceptance of the vision. 교회와 개인 모두가 비전을 끌어안게 해야 4. Repeat the purpose over and over. 목표를 반복해서 상기시켜야
1. Stop talking! 너는 제발 입 다물어라 2. Put the talker at ease. 편안히 말하도록 해야 3. Show him/her you want to listen. 들을 자세가 되어 있음을 보여야 4. Remove distraction. 헷갈리게 하지 마라 5. Empathize with him/her. 상대와 마음과 수준을 맞추어야 6. Be patient. 인내 7. Hold your temper. 성질부리지 말아야 8. Go easy on argument and criticism. 의사가 안 맞더라도 부드럽게 9. Ask questions. 긍정적인 질문을 해야 10. Stop talking!!! 제발 입 다물어라 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
SIGNIFICANCE OF COMMUNICATION 1. To prepare for changes. 변화에 대비 2. To discourage misinformation. 오해예방 3. To lessen fear and suspicion. 두려움과 의심 축소 4. To let your people feel the confidence of being well informed. 사람들로 하여금 의사소통이 잘된다는 확신을 심어주기 위해 5. To reduce grievance. 불평불만을 줄이기 위해
HOW TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE 1. Never belittle a subordinate. 우습게 보지 마라 2. Never criticize a subordinate in front of others. 다른 사람 앞에서 나무라지 마라 3. Never fail to give subordinate your undivided attention. 대화시에는 온전히 주의를 기울이라 4. Never seem preoccupied with your own interest. 당신일만 챙긴다는 인상을 주지 마라
5. Never play favorites. 편애하지 마라. 무사평등주의 6. Never fail to help your subordinate grow. 성장하도록 항상 도와주라 7. Never be insensitive to small things. 작은 일이라고 무관심하지 말라 8. Never embarrass weak employees. 연약한 사람을 당황스럽게 만들지 말라 9. Never vacillate in making a decision. 일단 내린 결정에 대해서는 흔들림이 없어야 한다
PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN MATURATION 1. Behavior depends on both the person and their environment. 인격과 환경 2. Each individual behaves in ways which make sense to him/her. 자신이 마땅하다고 여기는 대로 3. An individual’s perception of a situation influences their behavior in that situation. 개인의 상황인식
4. An individual’s view of themselves influences what he/she does. 자아관 5. An individual’s behavior is influenced by their needs, which vary from person to person and from time to time. 당장 무엇이 필요한가?
1. Communicate standards, and be consistent. 2. Be aware of your own biases and prejudices. 3. Let people know where they stand. 4. Give praise when it is appropriate. 5. Keep your employees informed of changes that my affect them. 6. Care about your employees. 7. Perceive people as ends, not means. 8. Go out of your ways to help subordinates. 18 WAYS OF EMPATHY
9. Take responsibility for our employees. 10. Build independence. 11. Exhibit personal diligence. 12. Be tactful with your employees. 13. Be willing to learn from others. 14. Demonstrate confidence. 15. Allow freedom of expression. 16. Delegate, delegate, delegate!!! 17. Encourage ingenuity. 18. Let them participate in decision making!!