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Strategic Planning for LED A Five Stage Process

Strategic Planning for LED A Five Stage Process . Stage 1 Introduction to LED and Organizing for LED . Local Economic and Social Development. What is LED?

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Strategic Planning for LED A Five Stage Process

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  1. Strategic Planning for LEDA Five Stage Process Stage 1Introduction to LED and Organizing for LED

  2. Local Economic and Social Development • What is LED? • “The purpose of local economic development (LED) is to build up the economic capacity of a local community to improve its future and the quality of life for all”. • “It is a process by which public, business and nongovernmental sector partners work collectively to create better conditions for economic growth and employment generation.”

  3. Local Economic DevelopmentSome Misconceptions • It isn't rocket science • It isn’t all about high-tech • It is relevant for small and medium, as well as large communities, rural and urban • It is inclusive, collaborative and competitive • It is practical, involves all who want to play and is rewarding

  4. Key Drivers of Change • Globalization • Economic • Technology • Political • Governmental • Regulatory

  5. Economic Drivers of ChangeGlobal • Cost of oil • The impact of global strategic alliances between multi-nationals • The oversupply of manufacturing production in key global sectors • Increasingly mobile capital • The changing employment dynamic to service sectors • Environment

  6. Technology Drivers of Change • Technology advances and increases in efficiency • Logistical advances and reduced cost of transport • No national boundaries to Internet e-commerce • Importance of information services and IT to all sectors

  7. Political, Governmental, Regulatory Drivers of Change • Falling trade barriers/opening the economy • Impact of global environmental and labour standards • Impact of regional trade groups and regional integration • Privatization of industry (Limited in Syria) • Decentralization of governmental services

  8. Strategic Planning for LED OverviewA 5 Stages Process • Stage 1: Organizing • Stage 2: Local Economy Assessment • Stage 3: Strategy Making • Stage 4: Strategy Implementation • Stage 5: Strategy Review We will cover stages 1 to 3 in two sessions

  9. Stage 1Organizing • Step 1: Establisha Municipal staff team • Step 2: Establish political support within Municipality • Step 3: Develop a stakeholder partnership group • Step 4: Develop systems to work with other tiers of government (local/regional/national) • Step 5: Consider the appropriate type of organization to develop and implement LED strategies and projects

  10. Stage 2Local EconomyAssessment • Step 1: Undertake a review of business regulations and procedures in Municipality • Step 2: Identify the types of data to be collectedStep3: Undertake an audit of available data • Step 4: Undertake the local economy assessment • Step 5: Analyze the data and produce a local economy profile

  11. Stage 3StrategyMaking • Step 1: Create a Vision • Step 2: Establish Goals – Identify priority areas of action to meet the vision Step3: Develop Objectives - Timebound and measurable to ensure that goals are met • Step 4: Develop Programs - Address the objective and consists of several individual projects • Step 5: Select Projects – Specific initiatives that implemented collectively, fulfill the program

  12. Stage 4Strategy Implementation • Step1: Prepare an overall annual LED implementation plan • Step 2: Prepare individual project action plans • Step 3: Build institutional frameworks for LED • Step 4: Ensure relevant inputs are available • Step 5: Carry out projects tasks

  13. Stage 5Strategy Review • Step 1: What? Why? When? • Step 2: Monitoring • Step 3: Evaluation • Step4: Institutional Arrangements • Step5: Strategy Review and the Planning Process

  14. Strategic Planning forLED Stage 1 Organizing

  15. Stage 1Organizing Step 1 Establish a Municipal Staff Team

  16. Stage 1Organizing Establish a Municipal Staff Team • Identify all relevant departments and establish a LED interdepartmental team • Undertake a diagnostic of staff skills and experiences and identify gaps • Determine appropriate budgets for staffing, training, office set-up and LED strategy development • Establish staff management structures

  17. Stage 1Organizing Establish a Municipal Staff Team • Individuals with economic, financial, community and technical skills • Local municipal officials e.g., urban planners, lawyers, engineers, architects, financial, property and environmental experts etc. • Multi-disciplinary teams that can work across departmental lines

  18. Stage 1Organizing Establish a Municipal Staff Team • Leadership should be provided by the Mayor and/ or chief local government officer • Municipal leadership should have the authority and respect to unite local government departments and all stakeholders to support the staff team • Will require effective strategic and political leadership that can bring legitimacy, credibility and commitment to the team

  19. Stage 1Organizing Determine where the LED team will be established in the Municipal Government In the Chief Executive’s or Mayor’s Office: • Advantage of visibility and ‘weight’ of the most senior staff to support it • Likely to have a higher profile, and exhibit more of a policy and facilitation focus • Maybe able to help guarantee coordination with other municipal departments

  20. Stage 1Organizing Determine where the LED team will be established in the Municipal Government In a functional Department: • In a functional department such as Land and Property Registration or Urban Planning • LED could potentially be subverted to supporting the major discipline of the department

  21. Stage 1Organizing Step 2 Establish Political Support within Municipality

  22. Stage 1Organizing the Effort Step 2: Establish Political Support • Establish a LED group that consists of members of the council • Develop accountable political mechanisms and reporting systems within local government for council member decision making • Undertake an information needs assessment for elected members to understand LED

  23. Stage 1Organizing Step 3 Develop A Stakeholder Partnership Group

  24. Stage 1Organizing Why Stakeholder Involvement? • Stakeholders from out with the main public sector agencies can provide a fresh perspective on LED activity and approach • May link local communities into the decision-making process and widen local involvement, understanding and support for LED

  25. Stage 1Organizing Public Sector Stakeholders • Local governments • National and state governments • Provincial and regional governments • Health authorities and public transport authorities • Colleges and universities • Education boards/ authorities • State owned enterprises

  26. Stage 1Organizing Private Sector Stakeholders • Chambers of Commerce • Private Businesses • Small Business/ Trade Associations • Utilities and Banks • Trade and Professional Associations • SME representatives • Private developers • New media

  27. Stage 1Organizing Community/ Voluntary Sector Stakeholders • Individuals • Religious and youth groups • Neighborhood groups • Environmental groups • Historic societies; cultural and arts groups • Educational groups

  28. Stage 1Organizing Establishing a Stakeholder Steering/ Liaison Group • Set up a steering group • Establish terms of reference • Arrange regular meetings • Establish reporting structures • Formalize the system later • Determine what other stakeholder structures are needed and their purpose

  29. Stage 1Organizing Maintaining Stakeholder Participation • Include stakeholders on relevant committees and subcommittees, and include them in the strategy making process • Phone/ meet stakeholders on a regular basis both formally and informally • Survey stakeholders and act on results • Call focus group meetings and hold scheduled stakeholder meetings (at least 4 a year)

  30. Stage 1Organizing Step 4 Working with Other Tiers of Government

  31. Stage 1Organizing Working with Other Tiers of Government • Liaise formally/ informally with other tiers of government • Identify areas of mutual LED interest with other local, regional and national levels of government • Inform other tiers of government of your LED activities and invite feedback and liaison • Include representatives of different tiers of government on relevant committees/ subcommittees • Ensure open and transparent processes to build trust amongst government partners

  32. Stage 1Organizing Step 5 Consider the Appropriate Type of Organization to Develop LED Strategies and projects

  33. Stage 1Organizing Types of LED Organization • Public-private-community arms length group • Public-public • Not-for-profit • Chamber of Commerce/business association • Private • Community-based LED organization • Local Economic Development Agency (LEDA)

  34. Stage 1Organizing Step 5: Consider the Appropriate Type of Organization to Develop LED Strategies and Projects an LED Agency • The ‘Agency’ approach has the potential for improved coordination and synergy with different governmental and non-governmental entities • A LEDA can provide a more sustainable organizational framework by avoiding interruptions caused by political processes

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