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F ormative Assessments. Name: ____________________________. Daddy Daycare Passage 1A. Unit 2 Formative Assessment.
Name: ____________________________ Daddy Daycare Passage 1A Unit 2Formative Assessment The article describes male emperor penguins as "tough.” What details does the author give to prove they are tough? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RI 4.1 Why does the author include the map below? How does it help you better understand the article? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RI 4.7
KEY Name: ____________________________ Daddy Daycare Unit 2Formative Assessment The article describes male emperor penguins as "tough.” What details does the author give to prove they are tough? The author says that they take on the deadly Antarctic winter, where it is harsh and frigid, and survive. RI 4.1 Why does the author include the map below? How does it help you better understand the article? I think the author included it because he/she wanted to show where penguins live in relation to the rest of the world. It helps me understand because I can see how far Antarctica is from where we live, so it makes sense that the weather would be so different. RI 4.7
Name: ____________________________ Daddy Daycare Passage 1B Unit 2Formative Assessment How do male Emperor penguins stay alive in the cold Antarctic conditions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RI 4.1 Explain how Emperor penguins stay warm when they form huddles. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ RI 4.2 What causes the penguins to come out of the huddle square-shaped? What information from the article supports your answer? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RI 4.3
KEY Name: ____________________________ Daddy Daycare Unit 2Formative Assessment How do male Emperor penguins stay alive in the cold Antarctic conditions? Emperor penguins have feathers, fat, and other adaptations that keep them alive. RI 4.1 Explain how Emperor penguins stay warm when they form huddles. Hundreds to thousands of penguins crowd together in a huddle. They take turns being in the center of the group where it can get up to 77 degrees! They constantly rotate from the center of the huddle where it is very warm, to the outside of the huddle where it is cold. RI 4.2 What causes the penguins to come out of the huddle square-shaped? What information from the article supports your answer? Then penguins come out square-shaped because the article says that the birds are packed in the huddle very tightly. The pressure from this group creates the shape. RI 4.3
Name: ____________________________ Penguin Perfection Passage 2 Unit 2Formative Assessment
Unit 2 RI 4.5 Formative Assessment What is the text structure of Penguin Perfection? Explain how you know. __________________________________________________________________________________________ RI 4.3 Based on the information in Penguin Perfection, how are the penguins different from each other? Support your answer with specific details from the text. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________
Unit 2 RI 4.5 Formative Assessment KEY What is the text structure of Penguin Perfection? Description Explain how you know. I know this is a description text structure because the author listed a set of characteristics about each penguin. Unit 2 RI 4.3 Formative Assessment Based on the information in Penguin Perfection, how are the penguins different from each other? Give at least 2 examples. Support your answer with specific details from the text. While Chinstrap, Gentoo and Adelie penguins have some things in common, such as where they live, but they also have a lot of differences. All of the penguins are different sizes. Adelies are the shortest at 18 inches, which the Chinstrap can grow up to 30 inches, and the Gentoo up to 35 inches. Also, while the penguins are all black and white, each has special patterns which make them recognizable. Chinstraps have a thin black line that stretches from one side of their chin to the other side. The Gentoo penguins also have a special color marking. However, theirs is white and stretches from one eye to the other. Adelie penguins are the most plain, with black backs and a white stomach and no special markings. These two things makes the penguins different enough to identify if you ever venture to Antarctica.
Unit 2 RI 4.2 Formative Assessment Create a graphic organizer on the back of this page to organize the key ideas and details from the passage. Then, using the space below, summarize the text. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What is Antarctica? Passage 3 Unit 2Formative Assessment NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Name: What is Antarctica?
KEY RI 4.8 RI 4.2 What is Antarctica RI 4.3 RI 4.1 RI 4.5
Unit 2 RI 4.2 Formative Assessment KEY Create a graphic organizer on the back of this page to organize the key ideas and details from the passage. Then, using the space below, summarize the text. Students should have created a graphic organizer to go along with the text of the article. A good choice would be an idea web or boxes and bullets. Chinstrap penguins live on Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Islands. They have a thin black line that stretches across their chin and can grow up to 30 inches tall. They mainly eat fish and krill. The Gentoo penguins live on sub-Antarctic islands. They are black and white with a white strip from eye to eye. They can grow up to 35 inches, and are the fastest Penguins in the water. The Adelie Penguins live in Antarctica and make their nests on rocky areas of land. These penguins are all black and white and can grow up to 18 inches tall.
Name: Text: RI 4.1 Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip Text: RI 4.1
Name: Text: Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip Text:
Name: RI 4.7 Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip RI 4.7
Name: RI 4.2 Text: Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip RI 4.2 Text:
Name: RI 4.2 Unit 2 Exit Slip Name: Unit 2 Exit Slip RI 4.2
Name: RI 4.2 Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip RI 4.2
Name: RI 4.2 Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip RI 4.2
Name: RI 4.7 Unit 2Exit Slip Name: Unit 2Exit Slip RI 4.7
Name: RI 4.3 Unit 2 Exit Slip Name: Unit 2 Exit Slip RI 4.3
Name: RI 4.5 Unit 2 Exit Slip Name: Unit 2 Exit Slip RI 4.5