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Automated, Standardized, Self-service Private Cloud Service Delivery

Automated, Standardized, Self-service Private Cloud Service Delivery. Travis Wright Principal Program Manager Microsoft Corporation. Agenda . Introduction Standardization, Self-Service, and Automation High Level Solution Architecture Automated Request Fulfillment in Six Steps

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Automated, Standardized, Self-service Private Cloud Service Delivery

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  1. Automated, Standardized, Self-service Private Cloud Service Delivery Travis Wright Principal Program Manager Microsoft Corporation

  2. Agenda • Introduction • Standardization, Self-Service, and Automation • High Level Solution Architecture • Automated Request Fulfillment in Six Steps • Self-Service Reporting • Q&A

  3. PublicCloud Configure Deploy Service Model Private Cloud Virtual Monitor Service Provider Operate Physical System Center Helps Deliver IT as a Service App Controller Orchestrator Service Delivery & Automation Self Service Virtual Machine Manager Operations Manager Configuration Manager Data Protection Manager Customer Service Manager Service Manager Application Management Service Delivery & Automation Infrastructure Management

  4. Service Delivery and Automation Key Value Enablers STANDARDIZATION SELF SERVICE AUTOMATION Standardize the services provided by IT to Customers Define the services to be offered Define the request offerings that will be part of a service offering Identify who needs to be involved (approvals, notifications, fulfillment) Create templates to capture standard process for request fulfillment Give Customers of IT services the ability to identify, access and request services as needed Controlled empowerment Request offerings displayed based on user role Intuitive, easy to navigate portal Self-service reporting Automate the processes and systems necessary to fulfill Customer requests. Automate routing of requests for approval and manual steps Automate fulfillment of the service request Automate notifications Compliance with Policies Increased Reliability Simplicity of Choice Increased Customer Satisfaction Nothing Lost in Translation Reduced Costs Faster Time to Delivery Minimize Human Error Reduced Costs

  5. Service Delivery and Automation Architecture Portal Self Service Mobile Email Reporting and data warehouse Standardization Templates Service Catalog CMDB Workflows Knowledge Work Items Configuration Items Automation 3rd Party Management Tools

  6. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR

  7. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR

  8. IMPORTING DATA & RUNBOOKS TO ENABLE SELF-SERVICE AND AUTOMATION Service Manager Orchestrator Virtual Machine Manager Operations Manager Configuration Manager

  9. Virtual Machine Manager Operations Manager Service Manager Configuration Manager Active Directory Orchestrator LOB 3rd Party Management Tools Import Users Groups Computers Printers User Manages User Runbooks Author workflows to sync data from line of business applications (LOB) or other 3rd party management systems Computers Hardware Software Computer Primary User Desired Configuration Management CSV Data Import Custom Connector using SDK PowerShell Service Templates Virtual Machine Templates Storage Classifications Logical Networks Load Balancers Load Balancer VIP Templates Servers Clients Hardware Web Sites Databases Web Services Virtual Machines Hosts Exchange Servers Domains Sites And much more… ACTIVE DIRECTORY ORCHESTRATOR VIRTUAL MACHINE MANAGER CONFIGURATION MANAGER OPERATIONS MANAGER OTHER OPTIONS

  10. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR


  12. Templates Minimize data entry by providing default values Standardize processes Ensures compliance Standardized data capture Can be used to create or update any object

  13. Request Offerings Offering created by IT service provider that Customers request using the Service Catalog Based on a template Creates a Service Request or Incident Defines user prompts for data input Free text entry List Query-based list for selection of CMDB objects Other types of input Defines mapping of user responses to properties of the service request or incident being created

  14. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR


  16. Service Offerings Container used to identify and classify standard IT services Contains one or more request offerings Consistent display of service-related details including: Knowledge articles Service level agreement information Cost and chargeback–related information

  17. Configuring Role-Based Access • User sees offerings based on their role • User roles mapped to user groups within Active Directory • Provide access at the service offering level or at the individual request offering level Private Cloud Offerings Enterprise LOB App Offerings VDI Offerings Development Offerings

  18. DEMOBuilding and Publishing Standardized Request Offerings to the Service Catalog

  19. Cloud Services Process Management Pack Model Extensions & Views Project Capacity Pool Cost Center Logical Network Placement Tag VIP Template … Service Request Templates 20+ service request templates Provision VMs Project creation Capacity management Automated work item activity templates Service Catalog Content 20+ request offerings Based on service request templates Runbooks/Workflows New runbooks for Orchestrator and workflows for Service Manager to automate request offering fulfillment

  20. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR


  22. Simplified Portal Easy to use Portal • Silverlight web parts provide rich experience • Familiar SharePoint user experience Easy to customize Portal • Customize look & feel using standard SharePoint admin tools • Dynamic forms are configuration driven using wizards • Extensible via custom web parts

  23. Controlled Empowerment • Provider-published and Customer-initiated • Expresses IT requests in business language • Consistent delivery of service each time, every time • Enables Customer to choose what level of service + cost they want

  24. DEMOCreating a Service Request in the Self-Service Portal Service Catalog

  25. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR


  27. Virtual Machine Manager Operations Manager Service Manager Configuration Manager Active Directory Orchestrator LOB 3rd Party Management Tools Invoke

  28. Automation Concepts ACTIVITIES Units of execution that perform defined actions RUNBOOKS System level workflows that execute a series of linked activities DATABUS Publish and consume data between activities as a runbook runs DESIGNER Drag, drop, and configure Visio-like authoring Invoke Web Services Run .Net Script Send e-mail Create Incident Create Checkpoint Start Maint Mode Shut Down VM Create Recovery Point Get Data Sources Get Server ID from DPM Check Schedule Update on success E-mail on error Return Data Compare Values Query Database

  29. Orchestrator Integration Packs Third Party Integration Packs • VMWarevSphere • BMC BladeLogic • BMC Remedy • BMC Atrium • BMC Event Manager • HP Operations Manager • HP Service Manager • HP iLO & OA • IBM Netcool Microsoft Integration Packs • System Center 2007 Operations Manager • System Center 2007 Configuration Manager • System Center 2010 Service Manager • System Center 2008 Virtual Machine Manager • System Center 2010 Data Protection Manager • System Center 2012 Operations Manager • System Center 2012 Configuration Manager • System Center 2012 Service Manager • System Center 2012 Virtual Machine Manager • System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager • Active Directory Or build your own!

  30. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR

  31. MONITORING AUTOMATED RUNBOOKS Service Manager Orchestrator

  32. Monitoring Progress View status in work item forms Easily link over to Orchestrator console to view detailed status Retry failed runbooks ORCHESTRATOR Detailed status down to activity level Historical view of runbook execution Input, output and runtime variable data SELF-SERVICE PORTAL Summarized view of status for Customer EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Notify about progress, failure, or successful completion Rich HTML formatted emails with context data inserted SERVICE MANAGER

  33. Automated Request Fulfillment in 6 Steps Monitor for New VM Created and Deployed Import Deploy VM Runbook & Data Publish ‘New VM’ to Service Catalog Create a ‘New VM’ Request Invoke Deploy VM Runbook Build ‘New VM’ Request Offering CREATE INVOKE 1 2 3 5 6 4 MONITOR

  34. DEMOInvoking a Runbook and Monitoring Progress & Authoring Runbooks

  35. DEMOAutomatic Remediation (if time allows)

  36. REPORTING Service Manager

  37. Service Manager Data Warehouse Cross System Center Reporting Solution Report and Dashboard Authoring with OLAP Cubes Pull data from Service Manager, Operations Manager, Configuration Manager, Virtual Machine Manager and Active Directory for a comprehensive view of IT Enable direct publish to the data warehouse from custom sources (such as SAP and HR) OLAP cubes powered by the System Center management pack model Report authoring with Microsoft Office integration for knowledge workers or Custom SQL Repository Data Warehouse OLAP Cubes

  38. SQL Reporting Services Self-service reporting in a browser or in Service Manager console Publish reports automatically to SharePoint, file share, or send via email Author new reports or customize reports using Microsoft tools or creating linked reports 30+ reports provided out of box

  39. Microsoft Excel Pivot tables and charts present formatted data queried from the Service Manager data mart cubes Excel enables ad hoc self-service analysis SharePoint enables sharing and collaboration Access workbooks from inside the Service Manager console

  40. Dashboards Create SharePoint document libraries with Excel workbooks which contain dashboard style pivot charts Format SQL Reporting Services reports in a dashboard format Embed the Excel workbooks or SRS reports in a SharePoint site as web parts Use Performance Point in SharePoint (Enterprise only)

  41. DEMOSelf-Service Reporting

  42. Service Delivery and Automation Key Value Enablers STANDARDIZATION SELF SERVICE AUTOMATION Standardize the services provided by IT to Customers Define the services to be offered Define the request offerings that will be part of a service offering Identify who needs to be involved (approvals, notifications, fulfillment) Create templates to capture standard process for request fulfillment Give Customers of IT services the ability to identify, access and request services as needed Controlled empowerment Request offerings displayed based on user role Intuitive, easy to navigate portal Self-service reporting Automate the processes and systems necessary to fulfill Customer requests. Automate routing of requests for approval and manual steps Automate fulfillment of the service request Automate notifications Compliance with Regulation Increased Reliability Simplicity of Choice Increased Customer Satisfaction Reduced Costs Nothing Lost in Translation Faster Time to Delivery Reduced Costs Minimize Human Error

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