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Countywide SRSD Meeting

Countywide SRSD Meeting. January 15, 2009. Presented by Oakland Schools. Topics. Fall Review Spring 2009 Updates MSDS Rollout Early Childhood Reporting Ethnic Code-Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity & Race Graduation Cohorts Q & A. Fall Review Janell. Fall Review. Late Submissions

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Countywide SRSD Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Countywide SRSD Meeting January 15, 2009 Presented by Oakland Schools

  2. Topics • Fall Review • Spring 2009 Updates • MSDS Rollout • Early Childhood Reporting • Ethnic Code-Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity & Race • Graduation Cohorts • Q & A

  3. Fall ReviewJanell

  4. Fall Review • Late Submissions • 2/3 of the file submissions occurred after the ISD deadline • With MSDS, there will be no mercy! • New Submitters • MSBO Data Quality Symposium 2/12 • OS Staff meeting with districts

  5. Spring 2009UpdatesJanell

  6. Spring 2009 Updates • MDE has updated the definitions for educational systems and facilities. • Please reference the EEM for information on the new definitions. • Submitting entity – Entity responsible for collection certification. Similar to the operating district SRSD Field • Reporting entity – Entity providing the services to the student and "reporting" the data. Typically (though not exclusively), this will be a building/facility code. • Glossary & Definitions

  7. Spring 2009 Updates • Field 28: Course Enrollments (Grades 7 through 12) has been retired. • In order to allow local districts to minimize code changes in student information systems, this field may be treated as "optional." Data will be accepted in this field; however, it will not be used for reporting purposes. • Minor programming edits to Field 45: Special Education Exit/Completion Reason and Field 78: • LEP Exit Reasonto accommodate the exit codes for middle and early colleges. Coding changes are not necessary for most districts; only those with middle and/or early colleges will be affected.

  8. MSDS RolloutJoyce

  9. MSDS Rollout 2008/9 School Year

  10. Early ChildhoodReportingJoyce

  11. Early Childhood • The Early Childhood component of MSDS possesses the following features: • The MSDS will correct an important timing issue by aligning data collection windows with the typical initiation of district programs (October). • District users will be able to report enrollments and exits for each individual program. • The system will be available throughout year, allowing early childhood providers to update their data as needed. • All grantee recipients will be reporting data in the MSDS

  12. Early Childhood • Upcoming Deadlines: • March 15, 2009: (February 28 snapshot) Early Childhood collection due in the MSDS for children receiving services from October 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009. • July 15, 2009: (June 30 snapshot) Early Childhood collection due for children receiving services from March 1 through June 30, 2009. Include all new enrollments, changes to services, and exits. • October 15, 2009: (September 30 snapshot) Early Childhood collection due for children receiving services from July 1 through September 30, 2009. Include all new enrollments, changes to services, and exits.

  13. Getting UIC’s in MSDSCindy RakocyHuron Valley Schools

  14. Ethnic CodeHispanic/Latino Ethnicity & RaceJoyce

  15. Ethnic Code Changes • Determining Ethnic Status for reporting purposes is changing • Changes driven by increased reporting standards from US Dept. of Education. • Country-wide compliance required by fall 2010 • CEPI still determining effect on AYP, other federal reporting

  16. Ethnic Code Changes • What does this mean to you? • Ethnicity question will become a two-part question format: • Ask if the individual is Hispanic/Latino (yes/no) • Ask what race(s) the individual is/are • Opportunity to re-identify • Changes to enrollment process/forms • SIS update (?) to allow for proper collection of data

  17. Ethnic Code Changes • The two-part question may look like this: • Part A. Is this student (are you) Hispanic/Latino? (Choose one) ___ No, not Hispanic/Latino ___ Yes, Hispanic/Latino (A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.) The above part of the question is about ethnicity, not race. No matter what you selected above, please continue to answer the following by marking one or more boxes to indicate what you consider your student’s (or your) race to be.”

  18. Ethnic Code Changes • Part B.What is the student’s (or your) race? (Choose 1 or more) ___ American Indian/Alaska Native ___ Asian ___ Black / African American ___ Native Hawaiian / Other Pacific Islander ___ White

  19. Ethnic Code Changes • Self Identification is preferred • Re-evaluation using new mandates preferred but not mandated. • See “Managing an Identity Crisis” on the OS Pupil Accounting website

  20. Graduation CohortsJanell

  21. Graduation Cohorts • Changes in cohorts no longer processed • Changes attributed to the tracking for four and five year cohort rates

  22. Sign up for SSOJanell

  23. New State of Michigan Single Sign On • Sign up • Required for EEM and MSDS access • https:/sso.state.mi.us • Self registration • Response from state w/ user code & pwd w/in 24 hrs. • Subscribe to an application • Subscribe w/ MEIS login • Subscribe w/out (need signed forms)

  24. Submitting SRSD for Spring and EOY ’08-09Janell

  25. Submitting to Oakland (still…) • Send your SRSD data files to us via the secure site https://secure.oakland.k12.mi.us/SRSD/ User ID: oakland Password: uploadme2002!

  26. Questions?

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