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E-Capability Strategy August 2012

E-Capability Strategy August 2012. AGENDA. Completed Actions to Date/Tasks Scope Clarification Review Updated Maturity Model Capability Prioritization Spider Web Model 2012-2015-2018 System Flows CLS Web Strategy Next Steps Discussion . E-Capability Strategy – Next Steps.

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E-Capability Strategy August 2012

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  1. E-Capability Strategy August 2012

  2. AGENDA • Completed Actions to Date/Tasks • Scope Clarification • Review Updated Maturity Model • Capability Prioritization • Spider Web Model • 2012-2015-2018 System Flows • CLS Web Strategy • Next Steps Discussion

  3. E-Capability Strategy – Next Steps Q4 2012 onwards Q2 - 2012 Q3-2012 Refine Define Business Architecture Define Future State Priorities Develop detailed roadmap Execute • Complete application inventory and identify application overlaps • Initial Inventory Created • Desired Capabilities Collected, Prioritized, & Ranked for 2013/2014 • Agreement on priorities from CLS Leadership • JJ SC CLS Review • Define the future state processes and organization • For each prioritized capability(and associated processes) define the high-level future state solution architecture in terms of: application, data, integration, and infrastructure • Creation of System View Roadmaps started • Innovation: Opportunity Assessment • Charter Created • Identify Gaps / Pain Points • Finalize RACI • RACI Created • Finalize global team membership • CLS Wide Business & IT Team Established • Working Team Established • Initiate creation of metrics supporting design principles • Vision & Principles Created • Strategy Timeline Created • Maturity Model Created • Multiple Gartner Briefings Held to Understand Vendor Strategies • Launch / continue with initiatives in execution plan • Assess benefits, costs, risk, & organizational readiness for each initiative • Sequence the initiatives into a roadmap based on the assessment • Lay out baseline Roadmap current state & future state • Establish go forward leadership structure & governance model

  4. eCapability CharterScope • The scope of this project is customer-facing eCommerce, and spans all sectors and countries. • The tactic will cover electronic data interchange (EDI), B2B portals like Gateway, industry exchanges like GHX, VMI , POU data capture systems (e.g., GHX Physician Preference Items), consigned inventory management, mobile solutions for orders/inventory management/etc., RFID, eIFU, electronic PI's, CSOS, etc. • It will include B2C and social media where it is necessary to the delivery of J&J products to our end customers. • eCommerce must be aligned with distribution network strategy and meet channel/geographic/commercial/etc.req's.

  5. Bridging Connectivity to Collaboration CUSTOMERS’ PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS What Level of Collaboration Do We Have with Our Customers?

  6. Capability Roadmap – Web Portal Aug 2012 Later (2014- 2016) Future (2017-2019) Now (2012 – 2013) • Mobile Platforms • DTC integration • CC Payments • X-sector Orders • Save & Subscribe Strengthen Customer Trust: make it easy to do business with J&J and enhance the customer experience while ensuring a safe and secure supply chain Orders Intake • B2B Portal (Gateway/ELMO, POL, ISA, VisionCare) • Manual (Phone, Fax, email) • DTC (3rd party/CC) • Business on Behalf • List Price • International Trade Order • Mobile access using Internet • DTC leverage opportunities • Real time pricing (Bracket/ Promotions) • International Affiliate Order • Strategic Customer Programs (loyalty programs) • Tier/Pallet Order Recommendations • Multi-lingual • Integrated Sales reporting • Allocation qty & Consumption reporting • Product Availability (ATP) • Product Catalog • Basic order history reporting, Purchase analysis • Cut Reporting • CPSIA – Compliance Reporting • Up Sell & Cross Sell – New Item launch • Customers of Distributor Access • Linkage to internal brand sites • Ratings/ Reviews • On-line Chat Data & Analytics • CC Acceptance (Cons) • Debit Memo posting • Shipment tracking linked to carrier • Real-time Status updates • Email status notification (push vs. pull) • eInvoice • ePayable • Return Authorization linked to Dispute Mgmt. • Link to approved images and rich content • Order Status (Batch) via Phone, Email and B2B Portal Sales/ Order Inquiry & Status • EDI (810, 820, 812) & eInvoice & ePayable CC (MD&D) • Broadcast messaging Messaging/Marketing Invoice/ Payment

  7. Capability Roadmap – EDI & GDSN Aug 2012 Later (2014- 2016) Future (2017-2019) Now (2012 – 2013) • X-sector Platform ? – GXS/GHX/Crossgate/SI Strengthen Customer Trust: make it easy to do business with J&J and enhance the customer experience while ensuring a safe and secure supply chain Orders • Sterling/GHX/wM • EDI 850/855 – • 816 – Customer Locations • 867 – Military rollup • 879 - Pricing • Debit Memo posting to B2B Portal • cLect off of Mainframe Invoice/ Payments • 810 (Invoice) • 820 (bank Payment) • 812 (Credit/Debit memo) • Eliminate redundant Data Warehousing of 852 & 830 Data across Functions • 860 Automatic PO Change • 861 Reverse ASN (Receipt Discrepancy) • Carrier status and ASN linked to B2B portal • Carrier (214, 204) • 870 • 856 (ASN) • Price Synchronization • 945, 947, 944, 940 – Internal WH Movements • 852, 830 – DC to Customer DC and Customer Product movement • VAN/AS2 Communication • GDSN via One Sync (product attributes) • WERCS (manual) Order Status Inventory Movements Data Transfer

  8. Capability Roadmap – CPFR, VMR, VMI Aug 2012 Later (2014- 2016) Future (2017-2019) Now (2012 – 2013) • Improve Forecast technology – SNC? • Cross Sector Customer Collaboration Strengthen Customer Trust: make it easy to do business with J&J and enhance the customer experience while ensuring a safe and secure supply chain VMR/VMI Planning via Manugistics, Customer Systems, • 830 integration to demand Planning • Improve Forecast technology – SNC? • Cross Sector Customer Collaboration • POS Data from Customer • Eliminate redundant Data Warehousing of 852 & 830 Data across Functions CPFR • Store Level Data from few customers • Better tools to analyze POS data from Customer Brio, ISIS, BW • Receipt of 830 & 852 into APO and ISIS Data & Analytics Organization S&OP & Demand Planning

  9. eCapability Roadmap High-Level Overview

  10. CLS Web Strategy

  11. Proposed Roadmap • Adopt a strategy to migrate the highest risk functionality off the current technology platform first • As functionality is migrate off current platform apply the most appropriate technology solution to maximize efficiency and lower future risks

  12. Current State

  13. Future State Best Technology Solution – allows flexibility Harmonized Customer Experience

  14. Build this first 3 Sector Core Capability Addresses highest risk functionality Short Term Proposal Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems inc. Confidential & Proprietary Information Subject to ongoing Legal and Regulatory review. For Internal Use Only. Not for Distribution.

  15. Next Steps: • Is our scope clarified? • Are our capabilities prioritized? • Group the larger list of capabilities (some are technology focused) on slide 6 into larger groups • Continue to work on, and enhance, the Capability roadmaps • According to our milestones, we need to define the future state processes and organizations for these capabilities. How can we best achieve this? • Will these capabilities now address our current pain points, gaps, and customer experiences?

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