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99 participants 43 First Time 29 students 36 female, 63 male 6 continents Africa Asia Europe

99 participants 43 First Time 29 students 36 female, 63 male 6 continents Africa Asia Europe North America Australia/NZ South America. Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark Estonia Germany. Welcome to GLEON 9!!!. Ireland New Zealand Sweden Taiwan Tanzania

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99 participants 43 First Time 29 students 36 female, 63 male 6 continents Africa Asia Europe

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  1. 99 participants 43 First Time 29 students 36 female, 63 male 6 continents Africa Asia Europe North America Australia/NZ South America Australia Brazil Canada Chile China Denmark Estonia Germany Welcome to GLEON 9!!! Ireland New Zealand Sweden Taiwan Tanzania Turkey United Kingdom United States GLEON 8 in New Zealand

  2. Progress since GLEON 8 in New Zealand • Steering Committee topics • Breakout Groups • Goals/Challenges for this meeting www.gleon.org

  3. Progress since GLEON 8 GLEON Student Association • 29 students at this meeting • Physical limnology with media workshops yesterday • GLEON grad students helped with NSF-invited GLEON exhibit at AAAS annual meeting • Students involved in cross-GLEON projects • 3 student exchanges since NZ (U. of Waikato, and U. of Wisconsin) Note for US students: NSF EAPSI Program: deadline 8 Dec 2009 Countries involved: Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Singapore or Taiwan (http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=5284)

  4. Progress Since GLEON 8 (cont.) Information Technology • DataTurbine being field tested • Antarctic Dry Valley Lakes data available via GLEON web site • Lake Analyzer program used by Climate/lake mixing group • Controlled Vocabulary finalized • Data Access policy in draft • Website overhaul • Independently developed iPhone app for Lake Mendota buoy data

  5. Progress since GLEON 8 (cont.) • Membership growth: • 169 individual members (increase of 34 since New Zealand) • 24 site members (increase of 2 since New Zealand) • New GLEON Brochure • GLEON was part of NSF promotion at 2009 AAAS annual meeting • GLEON involved in PASEO project in Argentina (March 2009) • GLEON/PRAGMA collaboration in remote sensing • GLEON Documentary to aired on UCSD TV and UC-TV (dvd’s available upon request) • CI-team: developed web page interface for GLEON/citizen scientists

  6. Progress since GLEON 8 (cont.) Newly funded initiatives • Environmental Aquatic Resource Sensing IGERT to Craig Williamson, Mike Vanni, Darren Bade et al. U. of Miami-Ohio and Kent State U. • CDI award to Paul Hanson et al. U of Wisconsin. • Virtual Observatory and Ecological Informatics Observatory. SusanHendricks et al. Murray State U. and U. of Montana • Carbon balance and CO2 exchange in lakes and streams: Integrating entire watersheds. Peter Staehr and Kaj Sand-Jensen. Univ. of Copenhagen • Terrestrial carbon in aquatic ecosystems: experimental tests of the subsidy-stability hypothesis. Jay Lennon and Stuart Jones. Michigan State U.

  7. Progress since GLEON 8 (cont.) Workshops • PASEO workshop/course: Tom Harmon et al. Bahia Blanca, Argentina: March 2009 • Respiration around the world: Chris Solomon et al. Madison: 25-27 May 2009 • GLAMMR: Modeling Lake Mendota: Paul Hanson et al. Trout Lake: July 2009

  8. Progress Since GLEON 8(cont.) Publications • Carlos R. Fragoso Jr., David M.L. Motta Marquesa, Walter Collischonna, Carlos E.M. Tucci, Egbert H. van Nesb. 2008. Modelling spatial heterogeneity of phytoplankton in Lake Mangueira, a large shallow subtropical lake in South Brazil. Ecological Modelling 219:125–137. • Carlos R. Fragoso, Jr. , Egbert H. van Nes, Jan H. Janse, David da Motta Marques. 2009. IPH-TRIM3D-PCLake: A three-dimensional complex dynamic model for subtropical aquatic ecosystems. Environmental Modelling & Software 24:1347–1348. • Baastrup-Spohr, L and Staehr P.A. (2009) Surface microlayers on temperate lowland lakes. Hydrobiologia. 625:43-59. • Sand-Jensen K. and Staehr P.A. (2009) Net heterotrophy in small Danish lakes: A widespread feature over gradients in trophic status and land cover Ecosystems. 12: 336-348.

  9. Progress Since GLEON 8 (cont.) Publications (cont.) • Gaiser, E., N. Deyrup, R. Bachmann, L. Battoe, and H. Swain. 2009. Multidecadal climate oscillations detected in a transparency record from a subtropical Florida lake. Limnology and Oceanography. 54: 2228-2232. • Porter, J. C., E. Nagy, P. C. Hanson, T. K. Kratz, S. Collins and P. Arzberger. 2009. New eyes on the world: advanced sensors for ecology. BioScience 59:385-397. • Gaiser, E., R. Bachmann, L. Battoe, N. Deyrup and H. Swain. 2009. Effects of climate variability on transparency and thermal structure in subtropical, monomictic Lake Annie, Florida. Fundamental and Applied Limnology. In Press. • Staehr, P.A., Sand-Jensen, K., Raun, A.L., Nielsson, B. and J. Kidmose. (2009). Drivers of metabolism and net heterotrophy in contrasting lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. Accepted. • Shade, A., C.C. Carey, E. Kara, S. Bertilsson, K.D. McMahon, and M. Smith. 2009. Can the black box be cracked? The augmentation of microbial ecology by high-resolution, automated sensing instruments. ISME journal.

  10. Progress Since GLEON 8 (cont.) Publications (cont.) • Benson, B. J., B. J. Bond, M. P. Hamilton, R. K. Monson, and R. Han. In press. Perspectives on next generation technology for environmental sensor networks. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. • Hanson, P.C., D.P. Hamilton, E.H. Stanley, N. Preston, O.C. Langman. /In review/. Fate of organic carbon pulses to temperate lakes. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences. • Pierson, D.C., G. Weyhenmeyer, L. Arvola, T. Blenckner, T. Kratz, G. Marzec, K. Weathers, and others(?) (in internal review). An automated method to monitor the onset and loss of lake ice cover.

  11. Steering Committee Meeting Topics • Diversity/Rotation of Steering Committee members • Future meeting schedule: frequency and type. • Data Access Policy • Future funding opportunities • GLEON/PRAGMA interactions • Networking Partnership Program New Members David Motta-Marques Brazil Eleanor Jennings Ireland Evelyn Gaiser USA Susan Hendricks USA

  12. Breakout Groups • Information Technology: Fang-Pang Lin, Barbara Benson • Microbes: Stephan Bertilsson, Trina McMahon • Domains of control: Eleanor Jennings, Don Pierson • Metabolism: Chris Solomon, Peter Staehr, Susan Hendricks • Physics/climate: David Hamilton, Ian Jones • Others???

  13. Goals for this meeting • Learn about new initiatives/activities • Make progress on existing projects • Look for opportunities to develop new science/technology • Keep GLEON at cutting edge of science/networking

  14. Agenda Tuesday 13 October 2009 • 08.30-09.10 Welcome, logistics and updates (Leadership Center) • 09.10-10.15 “Cool things with GLEON data” (Students) • 10.15-10.45 Break • 10.45-12.15 “Cool things with GLEON data” continues • 12.15-13.30 Lunch in Nash Lodge (network partnership partners meet) • 13.30-13.45 Introduction to working groups • 13.45-15.30 Working groups meet • 15.30-16.00 Break (set up posters) • 16.00-18.00 Poster session/social (Schwartz Lodge) • 18.00 Dinner in Nash Lodge • 19.30 Unstructured time

  15. Agenda (cont.) Wednesday 14 October 2009 • 07.30 Breakfast in Nash Lodge • 08.30-10.15 Spillover of Cool Things/working group meetings (Leadership Center) • 10.15-10.45 Break • 10.45-12.00 Working groups meet • 12.00-13.30 Lunch in Nash Lodge • 13.30-15.00 Working groups meet • 15.00-15.30 Break • 15.00-17.30 Unstructured time: ad hoc group meetings • 18.00 Dinner in Nash Lodge • 19.00 Entertainment: folk band with square dancing (Leadership Center, upstairs)

  16. Agenda (cont.) Thursday 15 October 2009 • 07.30 Breakfast in Nash Lodge • 08.30-9.00 IT demo • 09.00-9.30 Invited speaker from NSF??? • 09.30-10.15 Discussion of local, regional and global funding opportunities • 10.15-10.45 Break • 10.45-12.00 Working groups meet • 12.00-13.30 Lunch in Nash Lodge (Steering Committee meeting) • 13.30-14.30 Formal reports from working groups • 14.30-15.15 Report from Steering Committee and open discussion; preview of GLEON 10 (David da Motta Marques) • 15.15-15.30 Fill out GLEON 9 feedback survey • 15:30 Meet at Leadership Center and load buses for field trip • 18.00 Social (cash bar)/Dinner at Little Bohemia

  17. One more thing…. Meet people Talk science Have Fun!

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