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Explore how heating impacts microbial control, including heat-induced changes in cell surfaces, membrane damage, denaturation of proteins, and factors affecting bacterial heat resistance. Learn about the Rate of Dead of Bacteria, decimal reduction time, thermal death time, and survival probabilities. Discover low-heat and high-heat processing techniques, pH considerations, and resistance of bacterial spores to heat.

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  4. HEAT INDUCED CHANGE IN THE CELL SURFACE AND MEMBRANE*) INNER MEMBRANE OUTER MEMBRANE CYTOPLASM BLEBS The bar in ea The bar in each micrograph represents 0.5µm *) Katsui, et al, 1982

  5. PENYEBAB KEMATIAN SEL KARENA PEMANASAN – RUSAKNYA SISTEM METABOLISME  KEHILANGAN KEMAMPUAN UNTUK MEMPERBANYAK DIRI KERUSAKAN MEMBRAN SEL : sifat permiabilitasnya hilang “leakage” senyawa intraseluler kehilangan ion Mg  degradasi RNA dan ribosoma kehilangan ensim periplasmik (alkali fosfatase) kehilangan ensim sitoplasmik (glukosa 6 fosfat dehidrogenase) PERUBAHAN FUNGSI SENYAWA SELULER  DENATURASI PROTEIN ( inaktivasi ensim) KERUSAKAN DNA

  6. FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KETAHANAN PANAS BAKTERI • Sifat yang melekat pada individu sel • Kondisi pertumbuhan Suhu Medium Recovery medium (minimal or enriched medium) • Lingkungan selama pemanasan Kompoisis makanan Bentuk pangan (padat, cairan) Aktivitas air Ukuran bahan yang dipanaskan pH bahan  Low Acid food (pH above 4.6) didasarkan pada ketidakmampuan C. Botulinum untuk tumbuh pada pH 4.6 atau lebih rendah dari 4,6  Acid food

  7. Mechanism the dead of cell subjected to heat • Damage in cell membrane and cell wall • Leakage of cell component • Denaturation of protein ( enzymes )  cell metabolism stopped • Denaturation of one gene essential to reproduction (Rahn, 1929) 8 7 The Rate of Dead of Bacteria Logaritmic Log Number of cells 6 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heated ( min) at t˚C

  8. BEBERAPA PENYIMPANGAN YANG MUNGKIN TERJADI 8 Activation 7 Dead of cellsLogaritmic Log Number of cells 6 Consist of two strains 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heated ( min) at t˚C

  9. RATE OF DESTRUCTION Nilai Dt : waktu pemanasan (menit) yang diperlukan untuk mengurangi populasi sebanyak 90% pada suhu t˚C 8 7 D > D > D Log Number of cells 6 5 D D D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Heated ( min) at t˚C Graphical illustration of decimal reduction time D

  10. 8 z value = ˚C required for thermal death time curve to transfer one log cycle 10 D80 = 10 minutes D93 = 1.0 minute D VALUE (MINUTE) 1 z value 0.1 80 90 100 TEMPERATURE (˚C) Graphical illustration of Thermal Death Time curve

  11. PROBABILITY OF SURVIVAL t = D (log a – log b) t = time, in minutes, of heating at a constant lethal temperature D = time, in minute, to kill 9)% of the cells in the population a = initial number of viable cells in the population b = number of viable cells in the population after time t Examples : assume that there is 1 spore of C.botulinum in each of 1012 containers, and D 250 is 0.21 . Time temperature combinations is 2.52 minutes at 250˚F. If all container are given the same process, how many should spores be expected survive?  2.52 = 0.21(log 1012 - log b) log b= 0  b = 1 Tell us that 1 container of the should not be sterillized by the process.

  12. Approximate resistance of some bacterial spore to heat*) *)The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMF)

  13. LOW-HEAT PROCESSING (Pasteurization) To destroy all vegetative cells f the pathogen and a large number of associative (spoilage) microorganisms LTLT (low temperature long time); HTST ( high temperature short time)? HIGH-HEAT PROCESSING (heating at or above 100ºC) pH>4,6  12D concept (Cl. butulinum tipe A dan B) the most resistant spores of pathogen. For spoilage studies: Bacillus stearothemophylus. pH < 4,6 spore forming B. coagulans, aciduric non- spore forming : lactobacillus dan Leuconostoc UHT : 150ºC for 2 to 3 sec. MICROWAVE HEATING Can not considered safe from pathogen  is not heated uniformly and some areas remain cold

  14. A two-way regeneration system used in juice processing Automatic valve 88˚C 21˚C -0.5˚C 13˚C 53˚C Silo tank 5 4 2 3 1 73˚C 88˚C 38˚C • Heating section • Regeneration section • Cooling with water • Cooling with chilled water • Cooling with glycol Balance tank

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