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600-1450 C.E.

600-1450 C.E. All You Need to Know. 600-1450 is referred to as the Post-Classical Era. The chapters about this time period cover the Middle East, Europe, South America, Africa, Asia. Maps. Timeline, Wooohooo!. Timeline. 500 C.E. 570-632 Muhammad 589-618 Sui Dynasty. 600 C.E.

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600-1450 C.E.

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  1. 600-1450 C.E. All You Need to Know

  2. 600-1450 is referred to as the Post-Classical Era. • The chapters about this time period cover the Middle East, Europe, South America, Africa, Asia

  3. Maps

  4. Timeline, Wooohooo!

  5. Timeline • 500 C.E. • 570-632 Muhammad • 589-618 Sui Dynasty • 600 C.E. • 618-907 Tang Dynasty • 661-750 Ummayad Caliphate • 668 Korean Independence • 700 C.E. • 750 Abbasid Caliphate • 777 North African Islamic kingdoms form • 800 C.E. • 800-814 Charlemagne Empire • 900 C.E. • 960-1127 Song Dynasty • Tula established by Toltecs • Vladmir I converts to Christianity • 1000 C.E. • 1054 Schism between Eastern and Western Christianity • 1055 Abbasid caliphate controlled by Seljuk Turks • 1066 Feudal monarchy on the rise • 1096-1099 First Crusade (to Palestine)

  6. Even More Timeline • 1100 C.E. • 1100 China invents exploding powder • 1150 Toltec Empire declines and ends • 1185-1333 Kamakura Shogunate • 1200 C.E. • 1231-1392 Korea ruled by Mongols • 1236 Mongols capture Russia • 1258 Baghdad captured by Mongols, Abbasid caliphate ends • 1265 First English parliament • 1279-1368 China ruled by Mongols • 1300 C.E. • 1320s Europeans use first cannon in war • 1320-1340 Bubonic plague originates in Gobi desert and spreads • 1325 Rise of the Aztecs • 1338-1453 Hundred Years’ War • 1350 Rise of Inca • 1400 C.E. • 1405-1433 Chinese trading expeditions • 1453 End of Byzantine Empire

  7. Vocabulary

  8. bedouins Umayyad Quran five pillars caliph Sunnis Jihad Abbasids Mongols Sufis manorialism serfs three-field system feudalism vassals Magna Carta Parliaments Hundred Years War guilds black death bushi samurai seppuku shogun daimyos sinification Vocabulary

  9. Important People!

  10. Charlemagne United Western Europe Regarded as the Founder of France and Germany Muhammad Founded Islam His revelations inspired writing of Quran

  11. Mansa Musa Ruled the Mali Empire Had almost half of the world’s gold Vladimir I of Kiev Introduced Christianity to the Rus’

  12. Major Developments

  13. Major Developments • Rise of Islam • Bubonic Plague • Parliamentary Government • World Trading Network • Tang/Song Dynasty • Byzantium and Orthodox Christianity • American Empires • African Empires • Feudalism

  14. Rise of Islam • Muhammed (570-632)- bedouin tribes in present-day Saudi Arabia. • Arabian tribes eventually united by Islam and the booty from continued raids against other areas • Bedouin tribes take over Iran, Iraq, North India

  15. World Trading Network • Strong Muslim Empires bridged gap between East and West • Technology spread due to trade

  16. Bubonic Plague • 13th to 16th century- Black Death swept through Eurasia • 1/3 of population was killed

  17. Parliamentary Government • Began in England in the 1100s • Idea spread from England to rest of Europe

  18. Tang/Song Dynasty • Scholar-gentry • Examinations • Expanded territory west to Caspian Sea and north to Lake Baikal

  19. Byzantium and Orthodox Christianity • Created from eastern part of Roman Empire • Russia inherited Orthodox Christianity and the Byzantine tradition • The Byzantine Empire was surrounded by Muslims to the south and Turkic tribes to the East

  20. American Civilizations • Maya-Yucatan Peninsula • cities abandoned in 700s • Toltecs-came after Mayas, set up capital city in 968 in central Mexico • Aztecs-came after Toltecs • Incas-1300-1400s, took over much of western South America

  21. African Empires • Originally mostly stateless society – no bureaucracy or professional military • Islam spread quickly through Africa, with its ideas of equality • In Northeast Africa, the Sahel, several kingdoms emerged. In order: Ghana, Mali, Songhay. • Before the 400s, there were already Christian converts in Egypt and Eastern Africa • Ethiopian kingdom and Copts in Egypt were Christian

  22. Feudalism • Rome fell, chaos reigned from 500s to 900s • Catholicism provided only organization • Charlemagne created feudal empire based on Papal support • Soon other groups also did this

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