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ADULT EDUCATION By Dr. Ken Mayton. Point of Emphasis. Bible. Teacher. Learner. Point of Emphasis. Bible. Teacher. Learner. The Learning Cycle. Lesson-Plan Steps. Lesson Approach Bible Content Personalizing the Lesson Applying the Lesson. HOOK. BOOK. LOOK. TOOK.
Point of Emphasis Bible Teacher Learner
Point of Emphasis Bible Teacher Learner
Lesson-Plan Steps Lesson Approach Bible Content Personalizing the Lesson Applying the Lesson HOOK BOOK LOOK TOOK
Adult Development Tasks Young Adulthood (Ages 18-35) Selecting a mate (or adjusting to unmarried adult status)--Learning to live with a marriage partner--Starting a family--Rearing children (or learning to relate to the children of others--Managing a home--Getting started in an occupation--Taking on civic responsibility--Finding a congenial social group
Adult Development Tasks Middle Adulthood (Ages 36-65) Achieving adult civic and social responsibility--Establishing and maintaining an economic standard of living--Assisting teen-age children to become responsible and happy adults--Developing adult leisure-time activities--Relating oneself to one’s spouse as a person--Accepting and adjusting to the physiological changes of middle age--Adjusting to aging parents
Adult Development Tasks Older Adulthood (Ages over 60-65) Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health--Adjusting to retirement and reduced income--Adjusting to death of spouse--Establishing an explicit affiliation with one’s age group--Meeting social and civic obligations--Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangements
Characteristics of Adults • Adults are people with years of experience and a wealth of information. • Adults have established values, beliefs and opinions. • Adults are people whose style and pace of learning has probably changed. • Adults relate new knowledge and information to previously learned information and experiences. • Adults are people with bodies influenced by gravity • Adults have pride • Adults have a deep need to be self-directing. • Individual differences among people increase with age. • Adults tend to have a problem-centered orientation to learning.
Adults as Learners • Adults are autonomous and self-directed. • Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge. • Adults are relevancy-oriented. • Adults are goal-oriented. • Adults are practical. • As do all learners, adults need to be shown respect.