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Taking Care of Maintenance & Repair at Hawaii's DOE

Taking Care of Maintenance & Repair at Hawaii's DOE. A Case Study: Hawaii Department of Education Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic ... And Repair. Agenda. Overview Common challenges Asset management philosophy A Case Study – Hawaii Department of Education Challenges The solution

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Taking Care of Maintenance & Repair at Hawaii's DOE

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  1. Taking Care of Maintenance & Repair at Hawaii's DOE A Case Study: Hawaii Department of Education Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic ... And Repair

  2. Agenda • Overview • Common challenges • Asset management philosophy • A Case Study – Hawaii Department of Education • Challenges • The solution • Maximo & Streamlined Business Processes • Crafting a Solution • The results • R&M performance improvements and cost reductions • Migration of Maximo to neighbor islands • Possible next steps

  3. Internal Factors Demanding Change • Fragmented management • Compounded inefficiencies • Vacant and underused properties • Deferred maintenance and repair • No visible priorities • Lack of actionable information • Lack of transparency and accountability

  4. External Factors Demanding Change • Aging infrastructure • A public demanding higher service levels • Stringent regulations • Increased accountability (GASB 34 & 35) • Environmental, health & safety • Population growth / decline • Never enough funds • Constantly advancing technology

  5. Asset Management …Where do you start? • Organizations must first recognize a need to change • Redefine missions • Clarify mandates • Rework budgets • Consolidate systems • You must identify needs and plan investments • Your organization’s capabilities and productivity must improve • You need an integrated asset management system

  6. Asset Management … The Big Picture • Assets have a lifecycle – they are planned, organized, acquired, maintained, upgraded and divested • Your investment in asset management should be based on understanding the value assets generate • The goal is to: • Maximize return • Improve performance • Reduce costs • This strategy reaches across all your assets – physical, technology and human

  7. Benefits of Asset Management • Mitigated risks • More effective communication • Better service at lower cost • Increased confidence in what assets you have and its condition • Practical path to improve performance • Save $$

  8. Managing Public Sector Assets Is a Complex Business States and Municipalities are responsible for a wide range of assets: • Roads and Railways • Facilities • Fleets • IT • Aviation • Mass Transit • Water Management • Fire and Police • Solid Waste Services • Utilities • School Systems

  9. An In-depth Look at Asset Management for School Systems

  10. History of School Repair & Maintenance • Repair and maintenance were handled by the Department of Accounting and General Services, not the Department of Education • Work order process was inefficient • Color coded, paper-intensive system • Green: Emergency Work • White: Regular Work • Multiple forms for multiple purposes • CSD 501, CSD 710, B-03, BJ2a, CIP Table R • Legacy Work Order system Centralized system with limited access

  11. History of School Repair & Maintenance • The system was not effective • No ad-hoc reporting capability • No query capability • Labor intensive for clerical staff and supervisors • Work orders had to be hand-carried daily • Emergency work orders faxed or called in to Foreman • Negatively affected the schools • Fax intensive • Redundant data entry • Duplicate or lost paper work • Unknown status of work requests

  12. Elimination of Bureaucracy Required Revamping the System • School repair and maintenance functions were transferred from DAGS to DOE • All functions and resources, including crews were to be transferred to DOE by July 2005 • Transfer of resources did not include the legacy work order system

  13. Complex Transition with a Fast Approaching Deadline Do all of this in 6 months!! PHYSICAL School buildings Reduce $500 million estimated repair backlog TECHNOLOGY Develop work order process Web-based for access by schools and supervisors Flexible to fit streamlined work order process Deployable with minimal user support Scalable for future deployment to Neighbor Islands RESULT Improve customer service to schools by streamlining business processes HUMAN Develop organization structure to best support R&M Assimilate former DAGS personnel into new DOE organization Develop Metrics for accountability Define KPIs to measure and track performance

  14. The Solution: Assessing Technology Needs • DOE initially considered contracting for a custom built solution for Work Orders • TRM helped assess the schools’ business needs and technology options • Economic decision to implement Maximo • Ability to implement system in six months • Enterprise-wide system allowed for future growth and scalability • Best practices out of the box • Minimum Maximo configuration required • Any customization could be implemented rapidly with RulesManager

  15. The Solution: Maximo & Streamlined Business Processes School Work Request Screen

  16. The Solution: Maximo & Streamlined Business Processes Work Order Tracking Screen

  17. The Results: Maximo Changed The Way People Work • Flexible, practical, experiential regional training • Elimination of redundant, manual, work repair order system • Direct, immediate, data entry and processing requiring far fewer work hours

  18. The Results:Transparency and Performance • Maximo provided the DOE the capability to track the accountability of work • Visibility of all work orders submitted for all schools on Oahu and Neighbor Islands • Repair & Maintenance process time reduced • Reduction of clerical work • Quicker response to work orders • Easy input for schools

  19. The Results:Effective Work Order Process • School employees were empowered to take control of work flow • Workers’ time and efforts were maximized • Higher volume of Work Orders were completed on a timely basis • Response times improved • Proactive maintenance resulted in cost reductions • Eliminated paper process • “Manageable work” order process

  20. The Results:Pleased Constituents! Star Bulletin Article, Sunday Dec 11, 2005

  21. What’s on the Horizon? Equipment migration to Maximo Implementation of tools application Implementation of inventory management module Implementation of transportation Exploring the use of facilities condition assessment module in Maximo Continuing to Drive Value with Maximo

  22. Questions?

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