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Healthy and beautiful skin is the end result of proper skin care. The key to beautiful skin is consistency and patience. It should be natural to do skincare daily.
Get a Full Night of Sleep • You skin is affected by the amount you sleep. An inadequate amount of sleep can leave you with dark circles and pale, dull skin. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Get a Full Night of Sleep • A lack of sleep can also lead to increased occurrences of embarrassing breakouts. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Tanning is not Good • Stop tanning if you're trying to look good. • Many people tan to look younger, even though it actually has the opposite effect. • Tanning booths damage skin and can cause premature aging signs. If you truly want to look attractive and healthier avoid tanning booths all-together. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Don’t Use Bar Soap • Bar soap is very harsh on your face and should never be used. Bar soap should be used only from your neck going down and not on your face. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Use a Home Made Mask • Form a smooth paste out of olive oil • raw almonds • Milk • Orange peels that have been ground should be added to the mixture next. • Apply directly to your face, and let it sit for around 15 minutes. Then wash your face (gently) and rub it down with an ice cube. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Avoid Tanning Beds • Despite manufacturers efforts to promote these machines as safe and harmless, they are now known to be otherwise. • Your skin is still exposed to radiation, regardless of the type of UV rays the machines emit. • Tanning beds cause premature aging and can increase the risk of developing skin cancer. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Healthy and beautiful skin is the end result of proper skin care. The key to beautiful skin is consistency and patience. It should be natural to do skincare daily. http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss
Discover the skin care secrets the big companies don't want you to know. Visit http://skinlooksyounger.com/ss and receive a FREE special report on Skin Care Products