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Life International Fellowship of Ecclesia Apostolic Network “ Developing Effective Leaders for the 21 st Century”. Apostle Lorenzo Irving Governing Apostle. Life International Fellowship of Ecclesia.
Life International Fellowship of Ecclesia Apostolic Network“Developing Effective Leaders for the 21st Century” Apostle Lorenzo Irving Governing Apostle
Life International Fellowship of Ecclesia • Functions to provide covering, accountability, spiritual impartation, and activation to leaders in all phases of their gifting and five-fold ministry. There is an Apostolic Mantle and Mandate upon Apostle Irving to father, raise up, and train leaders for this time to fulfill the purpose that God has for their lives. Life Fellowship is the tool in which God has placed in the hands of the Apostle Irving to accomplish His task in the earth to raise up the next generation of leaders who will flow fully in their calling and walk in strict obedience and holiness, that God has required of all that will follow Him. • L.I.F.E is not a denomination but rather a fellowship of called out ones “Ecclesia”, who are passionate about pleasing the Lord of their calling. Apostle Irving has been called with a gathering anointing in these last days to bring together Men and Women of Purpose and Power who understand the importance of fellowship and accountability for perfecting and equipping of the saints, and to see the body of Christ walking in unity, accomplishing the Great Commission in the earth.
Statement of Purpose • L.I.F.E is a fellowship of Christian Ministries under the Apostolic Covering of Apostle Lorenzo Irving, united to foster connection, validation, accountability, and affirmation for each unique call and gifting in the Body of Christ.
Vision • Life Fellowship will function as a Paracletos, or one who goes alongside, to walk and work with the member ministries helping them to fulfill their purpose and destiny. • Life Fellowship will function as an Apostolic Work, under the leadership of Apostle Lorenzo Irving who has been given the mandate to father, raise up, and train leaders in the Body of Christ, to fulfill their purpose in the earth. • Life Fellowship is an Intercessory Work, who’s members are committed to a fervent prayer life, interceding for the needs of fellowship members and others. • Life Fellowship will function as a Perfecting Work, committed to maturing member ministries through specialized conferences, meetings, seminars, revivals, workshops, etc. • Life Fellowship will function as a Correcting Work, without which it would be impossible to grow into maturity.
Statement of Faith • We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Holy Men of old spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. • We believe our God is one, but manifested as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, being co equal. Philippians 2:6 • We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son God and that He was crucified, died and was buried, and on the third day, He arose from the dead and ascended on high, where He took His seat at the right hand of God the Father Almighty until His enemies become His footstool. I Corinthians 15:3-4 • We believe man is a created being made in the likeness and image of God, but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world. “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 2:23 • We believe man’s first step toward salvation is godly sorrow that worketh repentance. The new birth (being born again) is necessary to all men, and when fulfilled produces eternal life. 2 Corinthians 7:10 • We believe in water baptism by immersion, which is a direct commandment of Jesus, and is for believers only. Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19 • We believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit Himself gives utterance. Acts 2:38-39 • We believe in the divine healing by the power of God through prayer and faith, laying on hands and speaking the Word. I Peter 2:24 • We believe the Bible teaches that without Holiness no man shall see the Lord. The doctrine of Sanctification is a definite, yet progressive work of grace. Hebrews 12:14 • We believe in hell and eternal retribution. The one who physically dies in his sins with out Christ is hopless and eternally lost. Revelation 19:20
Who Can Join & What is Required to Join? • Churches, Para-Church Ministries, Evangelistic Associations. • A sincere desire for connection, fellowship, accountability, and affirmation of the ministry whereto you are called. • A willingness to submit to the Apostolic Covering of Apostle Lorenzo Irving for spiritual impartation and leadership. • Acceptance of the fellowship’s doctrinal statement. • Participation in regular events sponsored by the fellowship: conferences, seminars, gatherings, meetings, etc. • A willingness to sow seed into the fellowship and ministry of Apostle Irving. • A commitment to pray regularly for the fellowship members and Apostle Irving. • An approved application.
Application for Membership • Name_________________________________________________________________________ • Church Address_________________________________________________________________ • City__________________State________________________________________Zip__________ • Home Address__________________________________________________________________ • City__________________State________________________________________Zip__________ • Ministry Phone Number________________________Home Phone Numebr__________________ • Ministry Calling________________________________Are you ordained?___________________ • Church________________________________________________________________________ • Church Organization_____________________________________________________________ • How long have you been saved?____________________________________________________ • How long have you been in the ministry?_____________________________________________ • Are you currently affiliated with a denomination?_______________________________________ • How you reviewed the Fellowship requirements and Doctrinal Statement?___________________ • Are you in agreement with them?___________________________________________________ • If no, what part do you not agree with?_______________________________________________ • ______________________________________________________________________________ • Signature__________________________________________________________Date________ • Approved By_______________________________________________________Date_________