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Funding PARIS21 Inspired Work Relationship Between Partners

Learn about the relationship between national, bilateral, and multilateral budgets, trust funds, and advocacy efforts in funding statistical capacity building. Explore the projected expenditure and resources needed for PARIS21 activities.

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Funding PARIS21 Inspired Work Relationship Between Partners

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FundingPARIS21 Inspired Work Relationship Between Partners National Budgets Bilateral Budgets Multilaterals Trust Funds RESOURCES Advocacy Influence PARIS21 Activities Statistical Capacity Building website task teams workshops Refine Goals goals

  2. FINANCING OF STATISTICAL CAPACITY BUILDING • Biggest contribution from national budgets • Support from international and bilateral agencies • Step-wise increase needed in both • PARIS21 advocacy, awareness raising • increased resources • from national budgets • technical assistance


  4. PARIS21 Projected Expenditure

  5. Funding sequence PARIS21 Secretariat=> WB Trust Fund => “traditional” sources Sustainable Statistical Capacity Building Funded by: National budget Bilateral donors Multilateral donors & other Trust Funds PARIS21 Secretariat Role Regional Workshops leading to Country Action Plans WORLD Bank Trust Fund Role part-fund Strategic Statistical Plans leading to Specific projects for national and donor funding

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