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TOPIC ORGanization Communities

TOPIC ORGanization Communities. How organizations are structured psychologically . Skyscraper of communities. # 1 COW: C ommunity O f W ealth #2 COP: C ommunity O f P ower #3 COMCS : C ommunity O f M iddle C lass S tatus #4 COM: C ommunity O f M eaning

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TOPIC ORGanization Communities

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  1. TOPIC ORGanization Communities

  2. How organizations are structured psychologically

  3. Skyscraper of communities

  4. #1 COW: Community Of Wealth #2 COP: Community Of Power #3 COMCS: Community Of Middle Class Status #4 COM: Community Of Meaning #5 LIZ: Labor Isolation Zone #6 IVEs: Internal Value Employees #7 EVEs: External Value Employees

  5. Top floors: COW, COP, EVEs Middle floors: COMCS & IVEs Lower floors: LIZ All floors: COM

  6. #1 COW = Becoming financially wealthy by helping others (especially investors) become financially wealthy Wealth = More money than can be spent in the short-run In most corporations, the COW = the upper echelon executiveshired to maximize profit & shareholder wealth.

  7. #2 COP = Board members, executives, & select operations managers who unilaterally make all the org’s majordecisions (strategy, policies, & rules). The larger the org, the more isolated & disconnected COPs are from org employees & constituents (people served by the org).

  8. #3 COMCS = Mostly non-executive career professionals (with 1 or more college degrees + professional certifications) & key non-professionals in org profit-centers (sales, marketing, innovation). COMCS employees focus on “CARS”:

  9. Career success: promotions & upward mobility Affluence: upper tier of middle-class income & materialism Recognition: professional awards& civic status Self-fulfillment: personal happiness & goal attainment

  10. #4 COM= Employees in any of the other org communities who focus on serving (deriving personal meaning from) constituents more than serving self via teamwork; cooperation; leading & following on an informal basis; going the extra mile; coaching & mentoring; avoiding exploitation of people or business systems.

  11. #5 LIZ= Mostly “blue-collar” employees, part-timers, & temps who work alone or in a independent environment most of the time (“making a living” with a job, not a career). Community in the LIZ is typically limited to superficial relationships (work breaks) due to the non-interdependent nature of most of the work & high job turnover.

  12. #6 IVEsInternal Value Employees = Mostly white-collar employees (accounting, MIS, HR, finance, etc.) who work forconstituents inside the org doing complex jobs that cost the company money because they make only indirect contributions to profit. IVEs are involved more in technical expertise professions than actual business (generating profit).

  13. #7 EVEsExternal Value Employees = The org’s “business core” employees (executives, upper echelon managers, sales reps, & negotiators) who serve constituents outside the org to generate profit (“impact the bottom line”) via competitive strategy, marketing, & innovation. These are the org’s highest paid pros.

  14. Some employees work in just one community; others work in multiple communities some of the time. Most employees are not cognizant of the communities they work/interact in. Most employees have never consciously thought about which communities they would prefer to work in. All employees have the option of working in the COM.

  15. How many people do you abstract away at work b/c you work in different communities?

  16. The higher you are promoted in your org, the more you will serve the org’s impersonal power nexus of investors, strategists, & competitors. The less time you will spend in the personal community of employees & clients.


  18. Tandy Otonares

  19. Surprising her friends, Tandy turned down the promotion to vice president of international operations. • “I’ve developed such good relationships through the years with our clients.”

  20. “And I love to try out my creativity on the custom designs. Maybe pay isn’t everything after all. Taking the VP slot would pull me into an impersonal world of profits, growth charts, and stock value.”

  21. Is Tandy insane? Yes, by cultural standards.

  22. Delton Koslowsky

  23. “ No way do I want that supervisor job. Right now I only got my own work to do, but the super has to mess with everybody else’s work. He gets all of the problems and gripes. Plus he gets no overtime ‘cuz he’s exempt. Taking that promotion is gonna cost me money!”

  24. How much (1-5 scale) would the following events potentially damage a team’s community of meaning?

  25. Five-year member of the team quits to take a better job. (2) Employee co-pays on the org’s health insurance plan doubles. (1) A team loses its most profitable client to another company. (2)

  26. A virtual team receives a new micro-managing supervisor. (4) HR assumes 100% of hiring process(3) Two key team members have a dispute and refuse to work together. (2) Team members receive no annual raise due to the org’s profit troubles. (2)

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