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MAJOR ARTERIES SUPPLYING HEAD AND NECK. Arteries supplying Head & Neck. The major arteries supplying head and neck derived from : C ommon carotid i. internal carotid artery ii. External carotid artery Subclavian arteries Vertebral artery (branched from 1 st part of subclavian a.).
Arteries supplying Head & Neck The major arteries supplying head and neck derived from : • Common carotid i. internal carotid artery ii. External carotid artery • Subclavian arteries • Vertebral artery (branched from 1st part of subclavian a.)
Common Carotid Artery • CCA runs upwards to the sup. border of thyroid cartilage at C3 • Bifurcates into external and internal carotid a.
Blood supply- Arteries • IThe external carotid artery provides the major blood supply for the face and mouth. • The two major terminal branches of the external carotid artery are the maxillary and the facial arteries.
Blood supply- Arteries • i. The maxillary artery is the large of the two terminal branches of the external carotid artery. • It arises behind the angle of the mandible and supplies the deep structures of the face.
Blood supply- Arteries • Major branches of the maxillary artery: • Infraorbital artery • Posterior superior alveolar artery • Inferior alveolar artery 1 2 3
Blood supply- Arteries • Infraorbital artery gives branches to anterior and middle superior alveolar arteries. Their distribution to the maxillary incisors and cuspid teeth and to the maxillary sinuses. • Posterior superior alveolar artery. Its distribution is to the maxillary molar and premolar teeth and gingiva. • Inferior alveolar artery. It descends close to the medial surface of the mandibular ramus to the mandibular foramen. Before entering the foramen, it gives off the mylohyoid branch which supplies tissues in the floor of the mouth.
Blood supply- Arteries • ii. The facial artery is the other major branch of the external carotid artery. • It enters the face at the inferior border of the mandible. It passes forward and upward across the cheek towards the angle of the mouth. • It continues upward along the side of the nose and ends at the medial canthus (inner corner) of the eye.
Blood supply- Arteries • iii. The lingual artery also is a branch of the external carotid artery. • Its distribution is along the surface of the tongue.
Internal Carotid Artery • There are no branches of ICA in the neck; passes superiorly in the neck within carotid sheath anterior to transverse process of upper cervical vertebrae and enters skull thru carotid canal • At its root, ICA has a dilatation area a.k.a carotid sinus • Inside skull, gives off to opthalmic a. (supplies optic nerve, eye, orbit an scalp)
Arterial supply of the brain • Normally divided into anterior and posterior cerebral circulation • Two main pair of artery supplying cerebral artery and cerebrum: • Int carotid a. • Vertebral a.
Meninges (singular Meninx) • Def: are 3 membranous envelopes; Dura mater, Arachnoid and Pia Mater - surrounding brain and spinal cord • Functions: • Protecting the brain and spinal cord from mechanical injury • Providing B.S. to skull & hemispheres • Providing a space for the flow of CSF
Meninges Dura mater -most superior -toughest & inflexible -”Tough mother” (latin name) Arachnoid -middle layer -Spider web-like of B.S. Pia mater -innermost layer -”tender mother” (latin name)