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EOC Vocabulary List. Inference- (n.) the process of arriving at a conclusion. To infer is to conclude. Evaluate – (v.) to judge the reasonableness and / or quality of ideas. Satirical- (adj.)something that relates to or contains satire. Satire = humorous ridicule or ridicule of faults.
Inference-(n.) the process of arriving at a conclusion. To infer is to conclude. Evaluate – (v.) to judge the reasonableness and /or quality of ideas. Satirical- (adj.)something that relates to or contains satire. Satire = humorous ridicule or ridicule of faults. Perceptive- (adj.) observant, responsive, knowing, insightful. Emphasizes- (v.) highlights or to draw attention to Week 1 EOC Practice
Correlation – (n.) something that shows a relationship • Sentimental – (adj.) emotional attachment, lovey-dovey, mushy, romantic, tear-jerking • Gratification – (n.) a source of satisfaction or pleasure, reward • Convey – (v.) to communicate, to show • Frequency – how often something occurs Week 1 EOC Practice
PracticeExercise1: List 5 words from the previous list. For each word think of 3 to 5 synonyms that relate to the word. Ex. Abundant – plentiful, copious, rich Plaintive – mournful, sorrowful, wistful, sad. Peruse- examine, inspect, read carefully, scrutinize Dainty– elegant, delicate, refined Rhetoric – oratory, pomposity, speech-making Synonyms -- Week 1 Vocab Practice
PracticeExercise2: Get into a group of 3 Write a sentence using one of the vocabulary words. You must attempt to tell a story. 3) Pass the page to the person to the right. 4) Add a sentence to your partner’s story. 5) Repeat for 6 words. Story Round Table Week 11
Uletavae 2) Lernatioorc 3) Vyenocu 4) Ceerepvtp 5)Ueqrefync Use 2of these 5 words correctly in a sentence: EocWeek 1 Word Scramble
PracticeExercise 3: 1) To Kill a Mockingbird is considered a _______________ work which shows the harm done by racism. 2) Romeo is a romantic and _______________ character. 3) There is a high frequency of ______________________ in 3rd period English. 4) The principle emphasizes ____________________ for all students at ADHS. 5) Write a compound sentence (two independent clauses, using [fanboys] or conjunctive adverbs) using a words below of your choice. Week 2 Vocab Practice – Fill in the Blank
PracticeExercise3: Hang Man Use the word in a sentence : 1 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 1 Vocab Practice Convey (v) - to communicate, to show
PracticeExercise3:Hang Man Use the word in a sentence: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 1 Vocab Practice Evaluate (v.) to judge the reasonableness and /or quality of ideas.
PracticeExercise3:Hang Man Use the word in a sentence: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 1 Vocab Practice Perceptive (adj.) observant, responsive, knowing, insightful.
Students are divided into two teams. • A word will be placed on the board. Those that know the answer stand. • Those that don't and wish to "bluff" the answer can stand, too. • A student is called on to give the definition. • If correct, the number of points of students standing is awarded to the team. • If incorrect, the number will deducted by half the people standing. EOC Bluff
Perceptive observant, responsive, knowing, insightful.
Evaluate To judge the reasonableness and /or quality of ideas.
Inference the process of arriving at a conclusion. To infer is to conclude.
Convey To Communicate or show.
a source of satisfaction or pleasure, reward Gratification
something that shows a relationship Correlation
Imply (v) - to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated • Copious (adj) - large in quantity; abundant • Evoke (v) - to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.) • Jovial (adj) - endowed with or characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship: • Ambiguous (adj) – uncertain, capable of being understood in more than one way Week 2 EOC Practice
Remorseful (adj) – to be sorry for something • Nebulous (adj) – lacking definite form or limits; vague • Engender (v) - to produce, cause, or give rise to: • Ex. Hatred engenders violence. • Obscure (v or adj) - (of meaning) not clear or plain • Prolific (adj) – producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive Week 2 EOC Practice
Correlation: There is a correlation between high school dropouts and crime. Eoc Week 1 Word Draw 3 Words
PracticeExercise3:Hang Man Use the word in a sentence: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 2 Vocab Practice • Ambiguous (adj) – uncertain, capable of being understood in more than one way
PracticeExercise3:Hang Man Use the word in a sentence: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 2 Vocab Practice Nebulous (adj) - lacking definite form or limits; vague
PracticeExercise3:Hang Man Use the word in a sentence: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Week 2 Vocab Practice • Prolific (adj) – producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive
PracticeExercise 3: There is a copious amount of ____________ in Shakespeare’s works. 2) Sampson and Gregory bite their thumbs to _________ That they want to fight. 3) Sometimes Old English can seem _____________ to modern readers. 4) Write a compound sentence (two independent clauses, using [fanboys] or conjunctive adverbs) using a word of your choice. Week 2 Vocab Practice – Fill in the Blank
PracticeExercise1: List 5 words from the previous list. For each word think of 3 to 5 synonyms that relate to the word. Ex. Abundant – plentiful, copious, rich Plaintive – mournful, sorrowful, wistful, sad. Peruse- examine, inspect, read carefully, scrutinize Dainty– elegant, delicate, refined Rhetoric – oratory, pomposity, speech-making Synonyms -- Week 2 Vocab Practice