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LIFELONG LEARNING SKILLS AND COMMUNITIES. SHEFFIELD COMMUNITY LEARNING TRUST PILOT. Sheffield Community Learning Trust Pilot. 15 pilots across the country Funded by Community Learning allocation from Skills Funding Agency Runs for the academic year 2012/13

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  2. Sheffield Community Learning Trust Pilot • 15 pilots across the country • Funded by Community Learning allocation from Skills Funding Agency • Runs for the academic year 2012/13 • Will be supported by Niace and evaluated by an external company • Aims to increase the numbers of learners through a ‘universal offer’ • Further develop the localism agenda: the squid model

  3. Transformational changes • Develop a strategic approach with funded and non funded partners • Further develop our ‘universal offer’ • Build capacity of our community based partners to ensure a local approach and improve quality • Build curriculum pathways that lead from engagement to more formal learning

  4. Themes • Each pilot trust as asked to identify two themes. Sheffield’s are: • Using on line technology to increase engagement and learning • Linking to the Building Successful Families project which is SCC’s response to the government’s ‘troubled families’ initiative

  5. On line technology • Join the Dots project: working together with Sheffield College • Train learning champions to be ‘Dots’ mentors • Video conferencing facilities: pilot the use of this to engage more learners • Also use this to raise quality by recording good teaching sessions to use for training

  6. On line technology • Supported by UK online, developing e-reading rooms

  7. Building Successful families • Offer a ‘prescription for learning’ to those families identified as part of the project • Link learning champions to families within each assembly area to facilitate engagement

  8. Evaluation • Proving the ‘value’ of Community Learning towards the next government spending review • Apply Social Return on Investment ‘SROI’ measures to Community Learning • ‘Pound plus’ and value for money measures • Wider outcomes for learners: Case studies showing how learners move from engagement through learning to employment/volunteering

  9. SROI • Calculated by establishing the cost of delivery or ‘initial investment’ • Adding a monetary value to aspects which result from an adult engaging in learning • These aspects are: -health -employment -social relationships -volunteering

  10. Formation of the ‘Trust’ Board • The ‘Trust’ Board will include representatives from the following: The Sheffield College Northern College Workers’ Educational Association Higher Education Community Assemblies Local Learning Partnerships Learning Champions Voluntary Organisations

  11. Sheffield Community Learning Trust Forum • An Adult Learning Summit will be held in May 2013 during Adult Learners’ Week. • All organisations involved in adult learning in the city will be invited to attend the Forum meeting • Reports will be available re the progress of the CLT pilot and representatives will be invited to discuss these and contribute to the future shaping of the pilot

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