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Religion: Crime and Punishment Homework Booklet. Homework 1: Two Tasks. 1) Learn the key vocab below for a test and answer the exam questions Christianity/Islam and Justice. Why justice is important for Christians.
Religion: Crime and Punishment Homework Booklet
Homework 1: Two Tasks 1) Learn the key vocab below for a test and answer the exam questions Christianity/Islam and Justice
Why justice is important for Christians • The Bible says that God is just and will reward the righteous (those who are just) and punish those who sin, if not in this life, then in the next (i.e. in heaven) • The Bible says that people should be treated fairly and not cheated, and that God want the world to be ruled justly and so they believe that Christians should be concerned about fairness. • Jesus said that the rich should share with the poor and there are many statements in the New Testament about how Christians should treat people fairly and equally. • The Christian Churches have made many statements about the need for Christians to work for justice and fairness in the world. • The Christian Churches began the campaign to get governments to cancel 3rd World debt as they believed it was unjust to expect countries to pay up to 80% of their income on the interest on these debts.
Why justice is important for Muslims • The Qur’an teaches that God is a just God who will reward the good and punish the bad on Judgement Day. If Muslims do not work for justice they may be sent to Hell. • Islam teaching on the Last Day talks about the need for the good to be rewarded and the evil punished, which is the basis of justice. • Islam teaches that it is part of their role as vice-regents of God’s creation to behave justly to other people and ensure the world is ruled fairly. For Muslims the way to do this is by following Shari’ah law – they believe the law of the land should be the law of God, so Muslim justice systems are always based on courts with strict rules. • Islam teaches that charging interest is unjust as it takes money from the poor and gives it to the rich, when it should be the other way around. Therefore, they are not allowed to be involved in this practice. • Islam teaches all people have equal rights so Muslims should work for a fairer sharing of the Earth’s resources. Zakah and the work of Muslim charities all work for this.
Exam Questions • 2) Answer the exam questions below: • b) Do you think Christians always behave justly? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) • c) Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain why justice is important for the followers of that religion (8 marks) • d) ‘Non-religious people don’t care as much about justice as religious people.’ In your answer you should refer to at least one religion • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks) • Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks) Homework 2: Religion, drugs and alcohol • All Christians are against illegal drug use because: • It’s against the law for good reasons and Christians should obey the law as long as it’s just • St Paul taught that a Christian’s body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and should not be abused – taking drugs is doing this • Taking drugs has mental effects that make it difficult to worship God properly or follow the Christian way of life • All Christian churches teach that the use of illegal drugs is wrong
There are 2 different attitudes to tobacco and alcohol among Christians. • Most Christians believe the correct approach is moderation because: • First miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine so he must have approved of drinking alcohol • St Paul said Christians could drink in moderation • Jesus drank wine during his life and even at his death (he was given wine vinegar on the cross) • Jesus used bread and wine at the Last Supper and told his disciples to continue the decision • Most Churches use alcoholic wine in their communion services so Christians must be able to drink in moderation • Some Christians believe in total abstinence. This means they neither drink nor smoke at all because: • They believe that alcohol and tobacco abuse God’s temple as much as taking drugs does • The Bible warns against drunkenness so they prefer to abstain completely • The Bible teaches that alcohol impairs judgement, inflames passions and invites violence • They are concerned about the socialand health problems associated with alcohol and tobacco and believe Christians should set a good example by abstaining • Many of these Christians work with alcoholics and know how much it helps them in social situations if others refuse to have alcoholic drinks either (recovering alcoholics can’t have any alcohol at all)
Islam teaches that alcohol and drugs are prohibited for Muslims (haram) because: • The Qur’an says that Satan uses intoxicants (drugs, alcohol etc) to keep people from God and from saying their prayers so Muslims should abstain • Muhammad said that every intoxicant is khamr and everything that is khamr is forbidden to Muslims • Islam forbids suicide and Muslim lawyers have said that taking drugs and alcohol equates to this because it is harming your body • Muslim lawyers take Muhammad’s statement ‘do not harm yourself or others’ to mean alcohol and drugs are forbidden because they all harm the body • Muhammad said that not only should Muslims not drink or take drugs, but they must also have nothing to do with the production or sale of alcohol • Answer the exam questions below: • b) Do you think religious people should run shops selling alcohol? Give two reasons for your answer (4 marks) • c) Explain the attitudes to alcohol consumption in one religion other than Christianity (8 marks) • d) ‘You can still be a good Christian and drink alcohol.’ In your answer you should refer to at least one religion • Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks) • Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks)
Homework 3: End of Unit Test • What is law? (2 marks) • Do you think Muslims should drink alcohol? Give two reasons for your point of view (4 marks) • Explain why some Christians agree with capital pun shment but some do not (8 marks) • ‘It is never right to break the law.’ • (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks) • (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks) • In your answer you should refer to at least one religion