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The Article Prepared By : Dipakbhai V. Parikh Principal, Vakal Vidyalaya , Bajuwa , Baroda. What is an article ? Basically , an article is an adjective . Like adjectives , articles modify nouns . English has two articles : the and a/ an .
The Article Prepared By : Dipakbhai V. Parikh Principal, VakalVidyalaya, Bajuwa, Baroda. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Whatisanarticle? Basically, anarticleisanadjective. Likeadjectives, articlesmodifynouns. English has twoarticles: the and a/an. Theisusedtorefertospecificor particular nouns; A/Anisusedtomodify non-specificor non-particular nouns. Wecallthethedefinitearticle and a/antheindefinitearticle. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
the = definitearticle a/an = indefinitearticle Forexample, if I say, "Let'sreadthebook," I mean a specificbook. If I say, "Let'sreadabook," I mean anybookratherthanspecificbook. Here'sanotherwaytoexplainit: Theisusedtoreferto a specificorparticularmember of a group. Forexample, "I justsawthemost popular movie of theyear." Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
There are manymovies, butonlyone particular movieisthemost popular. Therefore, we use the. "A/an" isusedtoreferto a non-specificornon-particularmember of thegroup. Forexample, "I wouldliketogoseeamovie." Here, we'renottalkingabout a specificmovie. We'retalkingaboutanymovie. There are manymovies, and I wanttoseeanymovie. I don'thave a specificone in mind. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Normally, we use a/antorefertosomethingforthefirst time. Forexample, “Wewentto a museum in Paris. We ate at themuseumtoo”. IndefiniteArticles: a and an "A" and "an" signalthatthenounmodifiedisindefinite, referringtoanymember of a group. Forexample: "My daughterreallywantsadogfor Christmas." Thisreferstoanydog. Wedon'tknowwhichdogbecausewehaven'tfoundthedogyet. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
"Somebodycallapoliceman!" Thisreferstoanypoliceman. Wedon'tneed a specificpoliceman; weneedanypolicemanwhoisavailable. "When I was at the zoo, I sawanelephant!" Here, we'retalkingabout a single, non-specificthing, in this case anelephant. There are probablyseveralelephants at the zoo, butthere'sonlyonewe'retalkingabouthere. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Remember, using a orandependsonthesoundthatbeginsthenextword. So... a + singular nounbeginningwith a consonant: aboy; a car; abike; a zoo; adog an + singular nounbeginningwith a vowel: anelephant; anegg; anapple; anidiot; anorphan a + singular nounbeginningwith a consonantsound: auser (soundslike 'yoo-zer,' i.e.beginswith a consonant 'y' sound, so 'a' isused); auniversity; aunicycle Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Now see the following example: a/e/i/o/u/+’a’ U=Vowel . There is a university in London. Y= Consonant sound When we pronounce university “U” has a consonant sound in the beginning. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Now pronounce Umbrella & University and listen the sound carefully and feel the difference. O=Vowel . He is a one –eyed man. W= Consonant sound Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
When we pronounce ‘one’, it has a consonant sound in the beginning. Now pronounce Orange, Office & One, listen the sound carefully and feel the difference. “An” is used with Vowel sound and “A” is used with Consonant. Consonant He is an M.L.A. AM=Vowel sound Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
When we pronounce M.L.A., it has a “Vowel” sound in the beginning. Now pronounce Mange, Money & M.L.A., Listen the sound carefully and feel the difference. Consonant She has given an N.D.A. exam. An= Vowel Sound Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
When we pronounce N.D.A. it has a “vowel” sound in the beginning. Now pronounce Number, Needle & N.D.A., listen the sound carefully and feel the difference. Uses of Indefinite Article: It is to be used in singular only. Any noun beginning with vowel takes An article (In most of the cases.)Ex. An egg, an apple Any noun beginning with ‘h’ and if ‘h’ remain silent, it takes ‘an’ article. Ex. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
An hour, an honest man. (4) Any noun indicates uncertain person, thing, animal, bird etc., it takes ‘a’ Ex. A cow is standing there. (5) When the noun represent the whole class in singular form ‘a’ can be used. Ex. A horse can jump. (6) In the expression of counting such as – a dozen, a couple, a score Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(7) For mentioning price, motion, or quantity, article ‘a’ can be used. Ex. Twenty rupees a kilogram, twice a day. (8) When ‘one’ indicates any one only, at that time article ‘a’ can be used. (9) When we give specific noun to a personal pronoun, article ‘a’ can be used. Ex. VinobaBhave was a Gandhiji. (10) When we want to say something In the context of counting,. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
‘a’ can be used before a noun. Ex. She could not speak a word. (11) At the time of using ‘such’ before countable singular, after such ‘a’ can be used. Ex. I have never seen such a nice picture. (12) If there is an adjective after so, between noun and adjective indefinite article can be used. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(13) If the knowledge is used for specific or special noun, article ‘a’ can be used. Ex. A knowledge of history is useful. (14) Hair is always used in plural form but if one hair is specified, article ‘a’ can be used. (15) When the material noun is used in specific meaning, article ‘a’ can be used. Ex. I read a news paper, give me a glass of milk. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Use of Article “The” (One and only One) One and Only one- Part of your body: the head, the neck, the backbone, the forehead, the tongue etc. One and Only one- In your home: the ceiling, the floor, the main gate , the kitchen, the boundary wall etc. One and Only one-In your classroom: the blackboard, the duster, the 1st boy, the last boy, the monitor, the tallest boy Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
-the weakest student, etc. (4) One and Only One- In your school: the Head master, the Prefect, the Head boy or girl, the head of the department, the school bell, the main gate etc. (5) One and Only One-In your play ground: The last batsman, the 3rd umpire, the goal post, (each part of the play ground) the first half of game, the match point, the man of the match, man of the series etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(6) One and Only One-In a university: the Vice Chancellor, the head office, the head of the department, the library, the D.E.N. etc. (7) One and Only One- In your city: the District Magistrate, the M.L.A., the Police Commissioner etc. (8) One and Only One-Inyour state: the Chief Minister, the Governor, the Capital of state, the State education minister etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(9) One and Only one: In a court: the High Court, the Supreme Court, the Judge, the Public prosecutor, the Capital punishment (once in a life) the Life imprisonment (once in a life) etc. (10) Once in a life-The date of birth, the date of death, the 1st marriage anniversary, the golden jubilee celebration, the lifetime achievement award etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(11) One and Only one- In your office: the boss, the head clerk, the staff in charge, the date of salary (in a month), the General Manager, the Director, the Personnel Manager etc. (12) One and Only one-In your country: the President, the Prime Minister, the Ruling party, the Home Minister, the Capital city, the boundary line, the Chief Justice, the Foreign Minister, the Defence Minister etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(13) One and Only one- Buildings and Monuments: the TajMahal, the QutubMinar, the BulandDarwaja, the Gateway of India, the Red Fort, the Elephanta Cave, the Minakshi Temple etc. (14) One and Only one – Rivers and Oceans: the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Kaveri, the Saraswati, the Brahmaputra, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Red Sea etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(15) One and Only one- In the world: the World Bank, the U.N.O., the SAARC, the Asia, the Europe, the British Airways, the Indian Air Force etc. (16) One and Only one- In the Universe: the Sun, the Moon, the Jupiter, the Earth, the Sky, the Heaven, the Hell etc. (17) One and Only one- Direction/Caste/Religion: the North, the South, the East, the West, the Hindu, the - Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
-Sikh, the Muslim, the Koran, the Gita, the Guru Granth Sahib, the Parsi, the Brahmin etc. (18) One and Only one-Historical events: The Independence day, the Republic day, the Gulf War, the World War etc. (19) One and Only one- Ordinal: the 1st boy, the last girl, the next episode etc. (20) One and Only one- Proper noun (names) qualified by Adjective: Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
The great king, Samudra Gupta, the brave man, Hercules etc. (21) One and Only one-Book: the Bible, the Quran, the Gita, the Mahabharata, etc. (22) One and Only one-Train/Ship etc: the Rajdhani Express, the Vaishali Express, the Punjab Mail, the Titanic etc. Note: Articles cannot be used with Material Noun, Abstract Noun, Name of a person etc. Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
Example: Ram works hard to pass the examination. (Name of the person) White gold is precious metal. (Material Noun) Honesty is the best policy. (Abstract Noun) Man is mortal. (Common Noun) Articles can be used with Material Noun, Abstract Noun, Common Noun, Name of- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
-a person etc., If some words or phrases have been used after it. (1) The man, whom you know, is a teacher. Clause (Common Noun) (2) The woman, in trouble, is a beggar. -Phrase (Common Noun) Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh
(3) The gold, which I bought from America, Clause has been robbed. (Material Noun) (4) The honesty, of my brother, is well- ----Phrase. -known. (Abstract Noun) ------------------The End.----------------- Prepared by :Dipakbhai V. Parikh