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Chapter 2. Responsibilities of Parenting . Chapter Objectives . Explain who can benefit from knowing about child development and parenting. Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents Identify pressures involved in sexual development Summarize the benefits of abstinence
Chapter 2 Responsibilities of Parenting
Chapter Objectives • Explain who can benefit from knowing about child development and parenting. • Describe the five areas of responsibilities for parents • Identify pressures involved in sexual development • Summarize the benefits of abstinence • Describe the possible consequences of sexual activity • Compare and contrast the options to a teen parent • Explain what it means to be sexually responsible
2.1 Parenting and families • Preparation For Parenthood • Being a parent is a job unlike any other. • On call 24 hours a day; 7 days a week • Rewarding • Parenting is the process of caring for children and helping them grow and develop. • Require knowing and understanding a child’s needs and then meeting them • Good Judgment • Most important role a person can have in life • Few people are trained or educated
Having reasonable expectations • “act your age.” • “How old are you, anyway?” • “Would you grow up?” • Many parents make remarks such as these • Impact on a child? • How does it make someone feel? • Not all children progress at the same rate; parents need to be aware of each individual child's development
Parenthood readiness • People considering parenthood should take a close close at all that parenting involves. • Emotional Maturity, health considerations, financial concerns, managing personal resources • Children DESERVE to be born to parents who are READY for parenthood. • EMOTIONAL MATURITY • Being responsible enough to consistently put someone else's needs before your own. • Secure enough to devote their attention to a child. • Control their temper (crying, breaking things, etc.) • Prospective- are you sure you are ready for all of the challenges ahead?
Health considerations • Both parents should have a medical check up before deciding to conceive a child. • Some medical problems can affect the health of a baby or the parent’s ability to care for a child. • Under 17 or over 35- Complications • Pregnant teens: are less likely to get proper nutrition, gain adequate weight, and seek good prenatal care. • Over 35 • Greater risk of developing diabetes and high blood pressure • Greater risk of children with birth defects
Financial concerns • Raising a child is EXPENSIVE • Clothes, health care, food, equipment, and a lot of other expenses. (Childcare) • RESOURCE MANAGEMNT SKILLS • 1. Set Goals: what is important – wants vs. needs • 2. Identify Resources: Make a list of resources needed to achieve goal • 3. Make a plan • 4. Put the plan in action • 5. Re-evaluate from time to time.
Parenting skills • Can parenting be learned??? • YES IT CAN! • Ways to build parenting skills: • Read reliable books, magazine articles, and online information about parenting. • Gain experiences working with or caring for children • Ask the advice of family and friends who have parenting experience • Observe parents and children whenever and wherever possible. • The more experience you can get, the more ideas and strategies you will have for numerous situations.
Stages of parenthood • Insert picture from textbook
Parenting responsibilities and rewards • New Responsibilities • Takes time to get used to new responsibilities and finding balance • Lifestyle Changes • Major adjustments to daily lives. • Caring for a child takes a huge amount of time and energy, • Newborns need to be feed every couple of hours • Parents have less time to themselves, and with friends
Emotional Adjustments • Emotional changes can be very stressful • Many parents feel conflicting, and sometimes difficult emotions, such as: • Fear of not being a good parent • Frustration at the loss of personal freedom • Worry about money • Jealousy of baby and attention he or she gets from the other parent, friends, and relatives. • Depression due to exhaustion and the physical changes of pregnancy and birth. • Relationship Changes • Parents can feel overwhelmed. • Lack of Sleep • Dynamic of relationships
EMPLOYMENT ADJUSTMENTS • Some parents stop working or cut back on their hours to care for their children. • Employers can be flexible, allow you to work at home, etc. • LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES • Food, Shelter, Clothing, medical Care, Education, and Legal help. • Physically fathers can walk away from parenthood more easily than mothers. • Law holds them equally responsibly • Legally required to provide support until child turns 18 • Doesn’t matter age, etc.
Rewards of parenting • There is nothing like a baby’s first smile or hearing a toddler say I LOVE YOU. • Parents feel happiness, pride, and love that they have never felt before.
2.2 teen parenthood • SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT • Teens become physically able to reproduce and have an increased interest in the opposite gender. • Choosing to make responsible decisions about sexual behavior is part of becoming mature.
Sexuality • Sexuality is your beliefs and values about sexual behavior. • Involves more than physical maturity or the ability to be sexually active. • Includes how people feel about themselves and their sense of responsibility • Adolescence is a time when boys and girls begin to develop their sense of sexuality. • Hormone- is a chemical in the body that controls the changes that occur as teens become sexually mature. • SEXUAL PRESSURES • Social development is on high gear during puberty • Teens questions authority and listen to their peers • Messages from media • Dating and Intimacy • FAMILY VALUES/INFLUENCES?
ABSTINENCE • Abstinence is a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. • Abstinence is NOT ALWAYS EASY.. Here are tips to stick with your decisions. • Talk about your feelings before you get in an intimate situation. • Say no to any situation that does not feel right. • Show affection in nonsexual ways. ABSTAINING FROM SEXUAL ACTIVITY IS THE ONLY GUARENTEEED WAY OF AVOIDING DISEASE AND PREGNANCY. • AVOID!!!!!! • “IT CAN’T HAPPEN TO ME” ATTITUDE.
CONSEQUENCES OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY • SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS (STI) • Is a disease that is spread from one person to another by sexual contact. • Also called Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) • 1 in 5 people • Completely preventable- abstinence
Hiv/aids • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) • Caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) • HIV can stay in a person’s blood for many years before it develops into AIDS. • AIDS does not directly kill its victims, it allows other diseases to enter the body. • NO KNOWN CURE
Pregnancy • Possible consequence of sexual activity. Teen pregnancy creates four basic problems. • Health Risks • Teen is not yet emotionally stable • Serious Medical conditions/complications • Babies from teen mothers are more likely be low in birth weight • Educational Challenges • Continuing education • Job-Money? • Financial Issues • Medical care • Both parents legally responsible • Parternity- legal identification of a man as the biological father of a child. • Emotional and Social Stress
Teen parenting options • Marriage • Commitment, responsibility, work • Possible Problems? • Single Parenthood • Responsibility, Time management, Financial Support • Adoption • Birth mother and father give up their rights and responsibilities for raising the child to another family. • Difficult decision • Confidential Adoption :is an adoption in which the birth parents do not know he names of the adoptive parents. There is no exchange of information after the adoption. • Open Adoption: is an adoption in which the birth parents and adoptive parents know something about each other. • There are different levels of how open the adoption is.
Take responsibility • What does it mean to be sexually responsible? • Knowing the facts about sexuality • Knowing the outcomes of your decisions/actions • Knowing your values and living by them • Many people are willing to wait until they have a relationship built on fidelity. • Fidelity: is faithfulness to an obligation, duty, or trust.