Abstract In 2006 the LWS TR&T Program funded us to develop a strategic capability model of slowly evolving coronal active regions. In this poster we report on the overall design, and status of our new modeling suite. Our design features two coronal field models, a non-linear force free field model and a global 3D MHD code. The suite includes supporting tools and a user friendly GUI which will enable users to query the web for relevant magnetograms, download them, process them to synthesize a sequence of photosphericmagnetograms and associated photospheric flow field which can then be applied to drive the coronal model innner boundary, run the coronal models and finally visualize the results. Typical MHD Application Start GUI Query AR database for magnetograms relevant for AR XXXX Download selected magnetograms Generate initial solar surface grid for model Start MAGIC (See adjacent poster) Interpolate each magnetogram to model surface grid Determine consistent surface flow fields for each magnetogram using the DAVE4VM optical flow analysis tool. For each time, synthesize global B by merging selected full disk and synoptic magnetograms and their associated flow fields v Construct temporal B-spline fits to surface (B,v) field values at every surface grid node. Execute MHD model using B-spline coefficients to drive evolution. Visualize results using SWx Adaptive tetrahedral grid – shows outer boundary at 30Ro Differential rotation test case – surface flows shearing a dipole field SWx Modeling Active Region EvolutionA New LWS TR&T Strategic Capability Model SuitePeter MacNeice, Joel Allred, Pete Shuck (NASA/GSFC), Kevin Olson, Dan Spicer (Drexel Univ.), John Dorband (UMBC), Hong Luo (NC State Univ), Thomas Weigelmann, Julia Thalmann, TilayeTadesse (Max Planck Lindau) Test with dipole field being stretched out by solar wind flow. Colors: surface - field strength, vertical plane - pressure, equatorial plane- wind speed • Model Suite Components • GUI • Active Region Database • Magnetogram Synthesis Tool (MAGIC) incorporating optical flow analysis • NLFFF Models • MHD Model • Visualization Tools • Uses CCMC’s KAMELEON libraries for internal file formatting and interpolation SWx • MHD Model • 3D Global Model • Unstructured tetrahedral adaptive mesh grid • Can refine on multiple active regions • Algorithm • High order Godonov solver • based on discontinuous Galerkin scheme (Luo et al 1995) • both explicit and implicit versions • Complex energy equation including • explicit heating and pondermotive force source terms • optically thin radiative losses • field-aligned thermal conductivity • Includes flow-through radial boundary conditions to support solar wind solutions • Parallelized using MPI Static coronal solution based on daily Kitt Peak synoptic magnetogram (CR2066,Lon 305). SWx SWx Solis LOS Magnetograms • Non-Linear Force Free Models • Wiegelmann et al • Uses variant of optimization approach which solves force-free equation by minimizing appropriate integrals • Includes cartesian grid version for limited surface area patches • Includes spherical grid version for larger patches and global cases • Use NLFFF solutions to initialize MHD code Acknowledgements Funding support from NASA AISR and LWS TR&T programs Tadesse et al, Solar Phys, 2011