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WELCOME. ESSENTIALS of KAIROS INSIDE (EKI ) TRAINING WEEKEND 9 th Feb – 10 th Feb 2013 Alix Scott Community Centre Castle Hill. OBJECTIVE of EKI TRAINING.
WELCOME ESSENTIALS of KAIROS INSIDE (EKI) TRAINING WEEKEND 9th Feb – 10th Feb 2013 Alix Scott Community Centre Castle Hill
OBJECTIVE of EKI TRAINING “To enable all Kairos volunteers to understand and deliver the mission of Kairos within the boundaries of KPMA as described within approved policies and manuals.”
OBJECTIVE of EKI TRAINING “To enable all Kairos volunteers tounderstandand deliver the mission of Kairoswithin the boundaries of KPMA as described within approved policies and manuals.”
KAIROS MISSION STATEMENT “The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry International is to bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work with them, and to assist the incarcerated in the transition to becoming a productive citizen.”
OBJECTIVE of EKI TRAINING “To enable all Kairos volunteers to understandand deliver the mission of Kairoswithin theboundaries of KPMAas described within approved policies and manuals.”
AIMS for the WEEKEND • To pursue an understanding of the philosophy and essentials of the Kairos ministry – The Why (ethos) and the How (methodology). • To clarify the principles and practices underlying the delivery of a Kairos program, including the Short Course and the Continuing Ministry. • To introduce support resources, including Ezra.
KAIROS LEADER'S PRAYER Lord, grant that we may understand the necessity for depth in Kairos, rather than surface luster. Convince us of the truth that it is not colourful moments, but your presence which bears fruit. Multiply, O God, the self-sacrificing souls among us who know how to give everything for your cause: our time, our faculties, our health and even our lives, if necessary.
Instill in us boldness in our initiatives, good judgment in our choices of the right means and that courage, which in spite of failures, assures victory through your redeeming love. Cleanse us of the tiny rivalries, sensitivities, vanities, discourtesies . . . everything which distracts from you, everything which divides or discourages us. Help us to maintain, at a high level, meaningful, supernatural and mutual love among ourselves, so that each one will seek by preference the most humble tasks and will rejoice at the good performed by others.
Grant that we be united in a purpose and share in a single spirit... your spirit, Lord Jesus. Grant that your attractive goodness be seen in all of our faces, your warm accents of love heard in all of our words. In our lives, may we show something of you to the world, something which proclaims your living presence among us.... Amen
INTRODUCTIONS • Your name • Something about your family (optional) • Your hometown and/or church • Your Kairos experience • What you would like to get from this weekend
COMMON MISUNDERSTANDINGS Knowing the difference between Kairos and the experience for our guests and our Cursillo/Emmaus etc experiences
What motivates an inmate to come to Kairos? • For the food • Out of boredom • To manipulate us • For the parole board • To get some grease with the officer who recommended them
After the reputation of Kairos spreads • To be accepted as an individual • Because they are lonely • Because they like what they see in those who are active in the Kairos community • Because they really want to be loved but they can tell their buddies it was “for the biscuits” • Deep down they have run out of answers
Things to avoid • Don’t make the course too “churchy” or “holy” • The impression that it is an “exclusive club” • “Buying” the guests participation • Excessive emphasis on agape • Applause after talks etc • Special dress • Emphasis on performance • Having inmates give thanks, poems, songs etc • Denominationally specific expressions REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A SERVANT MINISTRY
BLESSING BEFORE MEALS Bless our friends, bless our food, Come, O Lord, and sit with us. May our talk glow with peace, Bring your love to surround us. Friendship and peace, may it bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Bless our friends, Bless our food, Bless our dear land forever.
THANKS AFTER MEALS Hear our thanks, Father God,, Thanks, O Son, for being with us. Thanks for words giving peace, Urging love strong and sincere. Friendship and peace, may it bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Thanks for friends, Thanks for food, Thanks for freedom, dear Father.
CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS “I was in prison and you visited me” Matthew 25:36
WHY and WHAT • Committed to the Mission of Kairos: Bringing Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in their transition to becoming productive citizens. • All can expect highest standards of attitude and behaviour. • As Christians, we live in humility, faithfulness and in the power of the Holy Spirit, expressing this in loving relationships. • Protect the reputation and integrity of the ministry. • We need to recognize the ethical dimension and adhere to the values.
KAIROS VALUES • Honour God in All we do • Giving God all the credit. • Diligently sharing His gifts to achieve His purposes. • Seeking Him in Spirit in worshipping, sharing and praying together. • Relinquishing all anxiety to his care.
Grow and Build Up one Another • Talking personal responsibility for ourselves - be authentic. • Building up each other - listening encouraging spirit of compassion. • Single family caring deeply - if so need no rules.
Maintain Integrity and Excellence • Reviewing operational content. • Incorporating best practice in manuals, training, conduct and ethics. • Adhering to published procedures standards and guidelines.
Practice responsible stewardship • Honour corporate responsibilities • Choose best value within budgets • Respond to overall organisational need
OUTCOMES Beliefs and Values Choices Ranking of our values Honouring God Building each other up Maintaining integrity Pursuing excellence Exercising stewardship
CONFIDENTIALITY • Builds safety and trust – what is shared around family table stays there. • Demonstrates respect – do not disclose information shared in confidence even to other team members of family members. • Guarantees protection of participants – when using case studies when promoting Kairos, must safeguard privacy.
National Privacy Policy Act (1988) • Option of interacting anonymously with you • Use fair and lawful ways to collect personal information • Ensure individual is aware of what it will be used for • Particular care with publication of personal information • Must protect privacy of individuals
COMPLIANCE WITH KPMA POLICY AND MANUALS • Kairos is a company of directors (Board), staff and volunteers. • Compliance underpins the credibility and reputation of programs. • Manuals – all volunteers will comply with requirements. • Operations Manual outlines structures and functions. • Correctional Institutions have own code of conduct we must comply with. • Security guidelines must be followed. • State and Commonwealth Laws must be obeyed.
MONEY MATTERS Financial affairs to be managed to high level of integrity, transparency and accountability. PERSONAL BEHAVIOURS We shape our lives and service according to the teaching and example of Jesus Christ.
DUTY OF CARE TO PARTICIPANTS • Must be courteous and fair. • Comply with direction of persons in authority. • Treat residents, families and team members with equal respect. • Dress appropriately. • Do not give or receive gifts.
Kairos events are alcohol free. • Be beyond reproach with language or behaviour that could be construed as sexual or racial etc. • Lead balanced life spiritually, recreationally, physically and relationally. • Resist forming personal relationships with residents outside Kairos - letters or visits. • Focus of Kairos - encourage inmates to develop relationship with Christ and each other.
ENGAGEMENT IN KAIROS PROGRAMS • Commit to whole program - Team Formation, Short Course and Journey Program or Reunions (Kairos season). • One third of each team to be new volunteers. • Individuals limit to one program per year. (Other church involvement) • Do not be in KI and KO at the same time. • Men with men and women with women. (other than support teams) • Never engage in “one on one” discussions with opposite sex.
INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS • We are guests of institution’s Manager. • Respect the position of the Chaplain. • Memorandum of Understanding • Communication with staff of institution only through Course Leader, Coordinator or Regional Committee Chair. • Follow direction of officers without question. • Always address DCS staff respectfully.
PUBLIC COMMENT • Includes speaking engagements, radio, television, newspapers (including Christian), books, journals, internet. • permission must be sought from CEO of KPMA or Board Chairman. • Use up-to-date material. (Presentation Kit available)
REPORTING BREACHES OF CONDUCT All have duty to report conduct that places at some risk other staff or volunteers, participants or ministry. COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Advice Counselling Apology Warning Leave ministry report to DOCS or police (unlawful behaviour)