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Joining Up: The Call to War

Explore why men enlisted in WWI and whether enlistment posters influenced them. Analyze historical sources appealing for recruitment and societal attitudes towards joining up. Consider the impact of public speeches and letters on recruitment efforts.

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Joining Up: The Call to War

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  1. Press ‘ESC’ at any time to stop the presentation Joining Up Stimulus Material “Let it be recorded to our eternal shame that young men were playing cricket and football while the nations call for soldiers continued unfulfilled.” From an article that appeared within the Western Mail Des Quinn and Martin Williams

  2. When war was declared in August 1914 many men, young and old, went to their local Recruitment Office to ‘join up’. Why did they do this?What made them want to go to war? Photographs courtesy of M. Williams

  3. Discuss whether this enlistment poster would make you consider joining up. Translation

  4. Come with me, Boys! “When the call came to move forward, there was a smile on every face.” Enlist today.

  5. Source A “At the request of Mr. Gibbon the audience took off their hats to the gallant Belgians and cheered them to the echo. When they considered the atrocities of the Germans Mr. Gibbon went on to say it made his blood boil…If he was 30 years younger he would not be there that night. He was aware he was addressing men who were heroes. Every man who worked underground was a hero. He asked them to consider what the Germans had done with some of their comrades in Belgium…Shut them down the pit. He asked everyone who was capable to join the army so as to crush the German Emperor.” The Glamorgan Gazette, September, 1914.

  6. Source A “At the request of Mr. Gibbon the audience took off their hats to the gallant Belgians and cheered them to the echo. When they considered the atrocities of the Germans Mr. Gibbon went on to say it made his blood boil…If he was 30 years younger he would not be there that night. He was aware he was addressing men who were heroes. Every man who worked underground was a hero. He asked them to consider what the Germans had done with some of their comrades in Belgium…Shut them down the pit. He asked everyone who was capable to join the army so as to crush the German Emperor.” The Glamorgan Gazette, September, 1914. • Who is Mr. Gibbons appealing to? • How does he encourage the men to enlist at this meeting? • Why should we use this source of evidence with caution?

  7. Source B “Players should enlist and spectators drill.” I would like to draw attention to the indifference displayed by ordinary men in this country to the issue at stake. Our existence is in the balance. There is a football match, Tottenham Hotspur v Cardiff City. I suggest to the football authorities that the game should be cancelled, that the directors of these football clubs hand over the grounds as training fields for the young recruits. A letter that was published in The Western Mail, August, 1914.

  8. Source B “Players should enlist and spectators drill” I would like to draw attention to the indifference displayed by ordinary men in this country to the issue at stake. Our existence is in the balance. There is a football match, Tottenham Hotspur v Cardiff City. I suggest to the football authorities that the game should be cancelled, that the directors of these football clubs hand over the grounds as training fields for the young recruits. A letter that was published in The Western Mail, August, 1914. • What kind of person do you think wrote this letter? How much importance does he place upon the recruitment of young men? • Do you agree with the comments made in the source?Give clear reasons for your answer.

  9. Source C “…a number of homes in Wales would have been happier…if during the past six months, the line of British heroes had been just a little bit thicker. (Applause). Nevertheless, although the odds had been so much as ten to one, there had been no complaining, no harsh or angry words uttered by our soldiers in the firing line, but they sometimes did say...”We wonder sometimes what the boys at home are thinking about! If only they knew, we feel sure they would come.” Part of a speech by Sir Clement Killock Cooke, M.P. at a public meeting in Pontycymmer.

  10. Source C - continued “Men of Wales! Are you going to do it? Are you coming forward to fight side by side with our brothers? Gallant little Wales has been at the foremost to fight the battle of freedom in the past. The names of Welshmen were written large upon the scroll of honour, and opportunity was now presenting itself to the men of Wales to follow in their footsteps. What would the answer be? Yes! We are coming as our fathers did before.” Part of a speech by Sir Clement Killock Cooke, M.P. at a public meeting in Pontycymmer.

  11. Source C “…a number of homes in Wales would have been happier…if during the past six months, the line of British heroes had been just a little bit thicker. (Applause). Nevertheless, although the odds had been so much as ten to one, there had been no complaining, no harsh or angry words uttered by our soldiers in the firing line, but they sometimes did say...”We wonder sometimes what the boys at home are thinking about! If only they knew, we feel sure they would come.” “Men of Wales! Are you going to do it? Are you coming forward to fight side by side with our brothers? Gallant little Wales has been at the foremost to fight the battle of freedom in the past. The names of Welshmen were written large upon the scroll of honour, and opportunity was now presenting itself to the men of Wales to follow in their footsteps. What would the answer be? Yes! We are coming as our fathers did before.” Part of a speech by Sir Clement Killock Cooke, M.P. at a public meeting in Pontycymmer. • Can you identify the following in Sir Clement’s speech: • Patriotism, Guilt, Criticism, Pride

  12. Source D “Mr. A. Beveridge, Stockport said…He was proud that Wales was second to none in the call to arms…We intend to smash the Germans…this could be done if we have more men. There are one or two men in the audience who had come from the trenches. Why had they not been compelled to remain so long in the trenches at a stretch? Because they had no one to relieve them…more men meant less suffering…75% of Kitchener’s New Army were married. He felt ashamed of the single men. They thought too much of frivolity (not taking the war seriously) and too little of responsibility…no man had the right to shield himself at the back of another.” Taken from a report in the Glamorgan Gazette on a recruiting meeting held at Nantyfyllon, Maesteg, Feb. 1915.

  13. Source D - continued “Sergeant Longville of the 10th Welsh (Rhondda Pals) said ‘one would never imagine there was a war in evidence today by the cool manner in which young men were sitting in the audience smoking cigarettes. Did they not realise that there was a call for them.” Taken from a report in the Glamorgan Gazette on a recruiting meeting held at Nantyfyllon, Maesteg, Feb. 1915.

  14. Source D “Mr. A. Beveridge, Stockport said…He was proud that Wales was second to none in the call to arms…We intend to smash the Germans…this could be done if we have more men. There are one or two men in the audience who had come from the trenches. Why had they not been compelled to remain so long in the trenches at a stretch? Because they had no one to relieve them…more men meant less suffering…75% of Kitchener’s New Army were married. He felt ashamed of the single men. They thought too much of frivolity (not taking the war seriously) and too little of responsibility…no man had the right to shield himself at the back of another. Sergeant Longville of the 10th Welsh (Rhondda Pals) said ‘one would never imagine there was a war in evidence today by the cool manner in which young men were sitting in the audience smoking cigarettes. Did they not realise that there was a call for them.” Taken from a report in the Glamorgan Gazette on a recruiting meeting held at Nantyfyllon, Maesteg, Feb. 1915. • How does the tone of this speech differ from that of Source C? • Why do you think that the tone has changed?

  15. Who was Mr. David Lloyd George and what jobs did he hold during the war?www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRgeorge.htm

  16. What makes this printed letter so persuasive and effective(such good propaganda)?

  17. How do the organisers of this event try to encourage as many people to attend as possible? Clues:Look at the language usedLook at the list of speakersWhat other entertainments are offered? Can you read the small print right at the bottom of the poster?

  18. Reproduced with the kind permission of:The Western Mail and Echo Ltd. The next slide displays the caption that accompanied this cartoon.

  19. Two of the Right Sort Ardent rivals for the hand of a fair lady, they engage in fisticuffs until their country calls them to more serious business. Following the example set by Mr. Frank Gaskill, the Unionist candidate for South Glamorgan, the Hon. Roland Philipps, the Liberal candidate has joined our military forces.

  20. Reproduced with the kind permission of:The Western Mail and Echo Ltd. The next slide displays part of a speech that accompanied this cartoon.

  21. Remember Your Past. “Men of Wales, of whom I see so many thousands in this gathering. Men of Wales, let me say one last word to you: Remember your past. (Applause). Think of the villages and the mountains which in the old days were the shelter and the recruiting ground of your forefathers in the struggles which adorn and glorify your annals. Never was a stronger and a more compelling appeal been made to all that you as a nation honour and hold dear. Be worthy of those who went before you – (Hear, hear” and “Clywch, clywch”) – and leave to your children the richest of all inheritance – the memory of fathers who in a great cause put self-sacrifice before ease and honour above life itself. (Loud cheers).” Mr. Asquith at Cardiff

  22. The Glamorgan Gazette, Friday, Dec. 4th, 1914 Highlight the positive words used within this article from The Glamorgan Gazette, 1914.

  23. The Glamorgan Gazette, Friday, Dec. 4th, 1914 Discuss:How effective do you think this article was in encouraging young men to enlist (join up)?

  24. By 27th August 1914, Glamorgan had provided 2,500 recruits for Kitchener’s New Army with recruiting still very brisk. Which area had the highest enrolment figures? Do you find this surprising?Explain your answer carefully. How many men from Glamorgan enrolled in total?

  25. Methods used to Encourage men in Wales to join up END

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