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Christmas in Italy. The origins of Christmas in Italy.
The origins of Christmas in Italy The Christmas season in Italy istraditionallycelebrated from December 8 to January 6.Christmas asitiscelebrated in Italy hastwoorigins: the familiarChristmas traditions and the pagantraditions from the ancient Roman empire. In ancienttimes “Saturnaliawascelebratedbetween the 17 thofDecemberand the 24 th of December and was the pagan festival in honor of the Roman god, Saturn. The date for the birth of Jesus Christ was officially set as the 25 th December by the church in Rome. Eventually, this day was recognized around the world as the official day of Christmas.
Christmas tree • The first tree has a long association with Christianity. The Christmas tree tradition began in Germany, almost 1000 years ago when St Bonifacio converted the German people to Christianity. The biggest Chrstmas tree in the world is a tree of lights on a hill in Gubbio, Umbria , central Italy
Santa Claus Santa Claus, also known as saint Nicholas, Father Christmas and simply “Santa”, is a figure with legendary origins who, in many western cultures brings gifts to the homes of the good children during the late evening and overnight hours of Christmas Eve. It is not an Italian tradition and many people prefer la Befana
Christmas in Rome During the Chistmas Season, in Piazza Navona, there is the biggest Christmas market of the city. There, you can buy gifts, Christmas tree decorations, cribs, and so on. The market is dedicated to Befana, the old lady bringing gifts on the 6th of January. In many squares of Rome, there is a big Christmas tree; the most important is in San Peter’s Square. Here there’s a lifelike crib, too. It is enormous!
Christmas Eve’s dinner • Traditionally, a meatlessdinneriseaten on Christmas eve with the family, followedby a living nativity scene and midnight mass. In parts of southern Italy a sevenfishdinneristraditionallyserved on Christmas Eve
Buon Natale!!!!