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EEGN-494 HDL Design Principles for VLSI/FPGAs. Khurram Kazi. Some of the slides were taken from K Gaj’s lecture slides from GMU’s VHDL course webpage. Arrays.
EEGN-494HDL Design Principles for VLSI/FPGAs Khurram Kazi Some of the slides were taken from K Gaj’s lecture slides from GMU’s VHDL course webpage Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
Arrays • Arrays are collection of objects of the same type. They can be one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), or one-dimensional-by-one-dimensional (1Dx1D). 2D data arays Scalar 1D 1D x 1D 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
Arrays • Scalars: BIT, STD_LOGIC, STD_ULOGIC and BOOLEAN • Vectors: BIT_VECTOR, STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR, INTEGER, SIGNED, and UNSIGNED • There are no pre-defined 2D or 1D x 1D arrays • Hence need to be specified by the user • To do so, a TYPE must be first defined, then the new SIGNAL, VARIABLE or CONSTANT can be declared using that data type. Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
Arrays: Syntax of defining an array To specify a new array type: TYPE type_name IS ARRAY (specificaiton) of data_type; To make use of the new array type: SIGNAL signal_name: type_name [:= initial value]; Example: TYPE row IS ARRAY (7 downto 0) OF STD_LOGIC; -- 1D array TYPE matrix IS ARRAY (0 to 3) of row; -- 1Dx1D array SIGNAL x: matrix -- 1Dx1D signal Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
Arrays: Syntax of defining an array Another way of constructing the 1Dx1D array TYPE matrix IS ARRAY (0 to 4) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0) Example: 2D array The array below is truly two-dimensional. Notice that its construction is not based on vectors, but rather entirely on scalars TYPE matrix2D IS ARRAY (0 TO 3, 7 DOWNTO 0) of STD_LOGIC; --2D array Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
ROM (Read Only Memory) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY rom is GENERIC ( bits: INTEGER := 8 -- # of bits per word words: INTEGER := 8 ); -- # of words in the memory PORT ( addr : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to words - 1; data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0)); END rom; ARCHITECTURE rom of rom IS TYPE vector_array is ARRAY (0 to words -1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0); CONSTANT memory: vector_array := ( "00000000", "00000010", "00000100", "00001000", "00010000", "00100000", "00000010", "01000000", "10000000",); BEGIN data <= memory(addr); END rom; Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
RAM (Random Access Memory) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY ram is GENERIC ( bits: INTEGER := 8 -- # of bits per word words: INTEGER := 8 ); -- # of words in the memory PORT ( wr_ena : IN STD_LOGIC; -- write enable clk : IN STD_LOGIC; -- clock addr : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to words -1; data_in: : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits -1 DOWNTO 0)); END ram ARCHITECTURE ram of ram IS TYPE vector_array is ARRAY (0 to words -1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0); signal memory: vector_array; BEGIN PROCESS (clk, wr_ena) BEGIN IF (wr_ena = '1') THEN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN memory(addr) <= data_in; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; data_out <= memory(addr); END ram; Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
CASE: conditional statements CASE is another statement intended exclusively for sequential code (along with IF, LOOP, and WAIT) CASE identifier IS WHEN value => assignments; WHEN value => assignments; …….. END CASE; CASE control IS WHEN “00” => x <= a; y <= b; WHEN “01” => x <= b; y <= a; WHEN OTHERS => x <= “0000”; y <= “zzzz”; END CASE; Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
RANGE • RANGE <> is used to indicate that the range is unconstrainded • INTEGER range is -214783648 to + 214783648 • NATURAL RANGE <>, on the other hand, indicates that the only restriction is that the range must fall within the NATRUAL RANGE • Natural range is 0 to +214783648 Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
CASE: Two-digit Counter with Seven Segment Display Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY counter IS PORT (clk, reset : std_logic; digit1, digit1 : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0)); END counter; ARCHITECTURE counter of counter IS BEGIN PROCESS (clk, reset) VARIABLE temp1: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10; VARIABLE temp2: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10; Begin IF (reset = '1') THEN temp1 := 0; temp2 := 0; ELSIF (clk'event and clk = '1') THEN temp1 := temp1 + 1; IF (temp1 = 10) THEN temp1 := 0; temp2 := temp2 + 1; IF (temp2 := 10) THEN temp2 := 0; END IF; END IF; END IF; CASE temp1 IS WHEN 0 => digit1 <= "1111110"; --7E WHEN 1 => digit1 <= "0110000"; --30 WHEN 2 => digit1 <= "1101101"; --6D WHEN 3 => digit1 <= "1111001"; --79 WHEN 4 => digit1 <= "0110011"; --33 WHEN 5 => digit1 <= "1011011"; --5B WHEN 6 => digit1 <= "1011111"; --5F WHEN 7 => digit1 <= "1110000"; --70 WHEN 8 => digit1 <= "1111111"; --7F WHEN 9 => digit1 <= "1111011 --7B WHEN OTHERS => NULL; END CASE; CASE temp2 IS WHEN 0 => digit2 <= "1111110"; --7E WHEN 1 => digit2 <= "0110000"; --30 WHEN 2 => digit2 <= "1101101"; --6D WHEN 3 => digit2 <= "1111001"; --79 WHEN 4 => digit2 <= "0110011"; --33 WHEN 5 => digit2 <= "1011011"; --5B WHEN 6 => digit2 <= "1011111"; --5F WHEN 7 => digit2 <= "1110000"; --70 WHEN 8 => digit2 <= "1111111"; --7F WHEN 9 => digit2 <= "1111011 --7B WHEN OTHERS => NULL; END CASE; END PROCESS; END COUNTER; CASE: Two-digit Counter with Seven Segment Display Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP As the name says, LOOP is useful when a piece of code must be instantiated several times. There are several ways of using LOOP FOR/LOOP: The loop is repeated for a fixed number of times [label:] FOR identifier IN range LOOP (sequential statements) END LOOP [label]; FOR i IN 0 TO 5 LOOP x(i) <= enable AND w(i+2); y(i) <= w(i); END LOOP MyLoop; In the code the love will be repeated unconditionally until it reaches 5 (i.e. six times) Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP WHILE/LOOP: The loop is repeated until a conditon no longer holds [label:] WHILE condition LOOP (sequential statements) END LOOP [label]; WHILE (I < 10) LOOP WAIT UNTIL clk’EVENT and clk = ‘1’; (other statements) END LOOP; In the code the love will be repeated as long as i < 10 condition holds. Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP EXIT: Used for ending the loop [label:] EXIT [label] [WHEN condition]; FOR i IN data’RANGE LOOP CASE data(i) IS WHEN ‘0’ => count := count + 1; WHEN OTHERS => EXIT; END CASE; END LOOP; Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP NEXT: Used for skipping loop steps [label:] NEXT [label] [WHEN condition]; FOR I IN 0 TO 15 LOOP NEXT WHEN i = 10; (……..) END LOOP; In this example, NEXT causes LOOP to skip one iteration when i = 10 Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP: Example: Leading Zeros The design counts the number of leading 0s in a binary vector, starting from the left end. This solutions shows the usage of LOOP/EXIT. In this example, the loop will end as soon as a ‘1’ is found in the data vector. Therefore, it is appropriate for counting the number of zeros that precede the first one. Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
LOOP: Example: Leading Zeros LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY LeadignZeros IS PORT (data : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0); zeros : OUT INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 8 ); END LeadingZeros; ARCHITECTURE behavior of LeadingZeros IS BEGIN PROCESS (data VARIABLE count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 8; BEGIN count := 0; FOR i IN data'RANGE LOOP CASE data(i) IS WHEN '0' => count := count + 1; WHEN others => EXIT; END CASE; END LOOP; zeros <= count; END PROCESS; END behavior; Simulation results should be: With data = “00000000” (decimal 0), 8 zeros are detected; when data = “000000001”, seven zeros are encountered Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
Assignment: Write test benches for the ROM and RAM (slides 6 & 7) • For the ROM the testbench should read all the memory locations as listed in the lecture code • Modify the constants in the ROM and read the all the locations • RAM: Write arbitrary data in RAM and read it back • Modify the code to make the RAM bigger. It should have 255 addresses • Modify the testbench such that all data in written into the RAM locations • Testbench should read the stored data to ensure that the written data is the same as the read data. • Write a report that explains what you did • Due date October 26 Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494
PROJECT TALK • Let us discuss Final projects • Moving forward we will be using Mentor Graphics Leonardo for Synthesis of RTL code into gates. Kazi Fall 2006 EEGN 494