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Discovering Our Extensive Ape Relatives - A Journey Through Evolution

Embark on a fascinating journey through evolution as we explore the extensive family tree of our ape relatives with Lemurs, Orangutans, Gorillas, and more. Learn how we are connected to diverse mammalian, marsupial, and monotreme relatives, tracing back to our common ancestor, shedding light on our shared heritage. Delve into the world of reptiles, birds, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates, uncovering the intricate web of life forms that make up our biological family tree.

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Discovering Our Extensive Ape Relatives - A Journey Through Evolution

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  1. We are all cousins!

  2. 4 1 3 2 Gorilla 2 2 12 2 today 6 m 14 m 18 m 7 m Orangutan Gibbon Bonobo

  3. 1 3 4 2 CHIM-pan-zee, BO-no-bo AF-ric-an GO-ril-la A-sian o-RANG-u-tan GIB-bons of MAY-lay-sia THESE • • ARE • our TAIL-less ape REL-a-tives

  4. 6 8 5 7 Lemur 7 100 50 Bushbaby Loris Tarsier 58 m 59 m 40 m Madagascar 100 25 m

  5. 6 8 7 5 MON-keys of AF-ri-ca AND south a-MER-i-ca TAR-siers with BIG round eyes LE-murs and LOR-is-es THESE • • ARE • our PRI • mate REL-a-tives

  6. 9 2,070 10 tree shrew 61 m 20 60 m capybara 275 of us

  7. 9 10 TREE shrews who LIVE in the TROP-ics of VI-et-nam RO-dents and RAB-bits and BEAV-ers who BUILD a dam THESE • • ARE • some MAM-mal-ian REL-a-tives

  8. 11 2,000 62 m Laurasiatheres 2,365 of us

  9. COY-o-tee, TI-ger, rhi- NO-cer-os, CAR-i-bou CA-mel and HY-en-a BAT, seal, and DOL-phin too THESE • • ARE • laur-A-sia-there REL-a-tives 11

  10. 30 12 63 m 4,365 of us giant ground sloth

  11. 12 ANT-eat-ers, TREE sloths and GROUND sloths of LONG ago ALL south a-MER-i-can ‘CEPT ar-ma-DILL-e-oh THESE • • ARE • our ZEE-nar-thran REL-a-tives

  12. 13 aardvark hyrax manatee golden mole Africa Afrotheres 70 64 m 4,395 of us

  13. 13 AARD-varks and GOL-den moles HY-rax-es, EL-e-phants ALL born in AF-ri-ca E-ven the MAN-a-tees THESE • • ARE • our AF-ro-theer REL-a-tives

  14. 66 million years ago . . .

  15. your great-great-great-great great-great grandparent! Cretaceous

  16. 14 272 140 m 4,465 of us Marsupials

  17. 14 KO-a-la, KANG-a-roo WOM-bat and BAN-di-coot ALL just aus-TRAL-ian ‘cept VIR-gin-ia O-poss-um THESE • • ARE • mar-SU-pi-al REL-a-tives

  18. 15 Spiny Echidna 5 180 m - Jurassic 4,737 of us Monotremes Duck-billed Platypus The common ancestor that humans share with Monotremes laid eggs partly a mammal partly a reptile

  19. 15 NOT quite a MAM-mal are AUS-tral-ian EGG-lay-ers SPI-ny e-KID-na and DUCK-bill-y PLAT-y-pus THESE • • ARE • our MON-o-treme REL-a-tives

  20. 16 17,370 4,465 of us 310 m - Carboniferous (Paleozoic)

  21. BIRDS of the SKY and the MAR-shy mud CROC-o-diles LIZ-ards and TUR-tles and SNAKES that are SO a-gile THESE • • ARE • rep-TILE and bird REL-a-tives 16

  22. 17 5,000 340 m Carboniferous 22,112 of us Amphibians

  23. LAY eggs in PONDS and streams ALL frogs and TOADS it seems SAL-a-man-DERS and newts WEAR a wet BIRTH-day suit THESE • • ARE • am-PHIB-i-an REL-a-tives 17

  24. 18 19 20 23,500 2 Lungfish 425 m 450 m Silurian Coelacanth 27,112 of us 6 417 m Devonian

  25. 18 19 20 LUNG-fish and SEEL-a-canth BACK to the SEA ad-vance SWIM-mers the RAY-finned fish SAL-mon and TU-na-fish THESE • • ARE • our FINE fish-y REL-a-tives

  26. 21 something is missing 850 460 m - Ordovician 50,620 of us

  27. 21 FROM now on NO more bone CAR-til-age STANDS a-lone IN ev’ry SHARK and ray THEY func-tion FINE that way THESE • • ARE • some FER-o-cious REL-a-tives

  28. 22 24 23 2,000 25 565 m 560 m lamprey lancelet sea squirt (tunicate) 84 Each meeting point loses something . . . 530 m 51,470 of us

  29. 23 22 24 LAM-preys then LANCE-e-lets NO gills: get USED to it BREATHE through your SKIN and lose BRAIN like a TUN-i-cate THESE • • ARE • our CHOR • date REL-a-tives

  30. Echinoderms 25 6,000 570 m 53,579 of us

  31. 25 STAR-fish and SAND dol-lar SEA ur-chin, BRIT-tle star RA-di-al SYM-me-try QUITE un-like YOU and me. THESE • • ARE • e-KINE-o-derm REL-a-tives

  32. 26 1,100,000 590 m 53,579 of us

  33. IN-sects and SPI-ders too ALL join in ONE fell swoop RI-ver of LIFE grows big WITH worms and CLAMS that dig THESE • • ARE • all VER-y cool REL-a-tives 26

  34. 27 28 9,000 700 m 330 630 m lose something! 1,159,579 of us

  35. 27 28 FLAT-worms and JELL-y-fish COR-al, a-NEM-on-ees POOP and eat THROUGH one hole STAY a-live THAT’s the goal THESE • • ARE • some a-MAZ-ing REL-a-tives

  36. 29 31 30 32 10,000 140 100 placozoan choanoflagellate 780 m 900 m 800 m sponge comb jelly 1 740 m 1,168,909 of us

  37. 30 29 31 32 COMB jell-ies LOVE the sea PLAC-o-zo-AN LONE-ly SPONG-es dis-IN-te-grate KO-an-o-FLAJ-el-late THESE • • ARE • some VER-y strange REL-a-tives

  38. 33 34 35 1,500,000 5,000 DRIP (no picture) Amoebozoans 1,000,000,000 m (1 billion) 1,200,000,000 m (1.2 billion) Fungi 30 950 m 1,179,150 of us

  39. 33 34 35 DRIPS are all PAR-a-sites FUN-gi can GROW at night MUSH-rooms and MOLD on bread A-me-bas HAVE no head THESE • • ARE • some REAL biz-zarre REL-a-tives

  40. 36 35,000 named • maybe 100,000 total 1.5 billion 2,684,180 of us

  41. THINK of your FA-v’rite tree AND red and GREEN al-gae LET-tuce and LI-ma beans ALL feed on SOL-ar beams THESE • • ARE • our LIGHT eat-ing REL-a-tives 36

  42. Eukaryotes 37 Brown algae Foraminifera Radiolaria Giardia Diatoms 50,000 named lots more to discover! 2,784,000 of us 2 billion years ago

  43. 37 RA-di-o-LAR-i-a MAKE shells of SIL-i-ca DON’T drink gi-AR-di-a FOR-a-min-I-fer-a THESE • • ARE • some SING-le cell REL-a-tives

  44. Archaea 38 Yellowstone hot spring volcanic vent in deep ocean maybe 3 billion years ago

  45. 38 FIND these in REAL hot pools AND in your STINK-y stools THEY don’t like BREATHE-ing air THEY’RE sing-le CELL-u-lar THESE • • ARE • our ARK-ee-uh REL-a-tives

  46. 39 Eubacteria

  47. 39 OH! eu-bac-TER-i-a SOME bring dip-THEER-i-a OTH-ers re-CY-cle trash WITH-out them WE would crash THESE • • ARE • bac-TER-i-al REL-a-tives

  48. 40 Ocean of Origin

  49. JOUR-ney of LIFE starts in O-cean of OR-i-gin MYS-t’ry of MYS-ter-ies THIS makes us FAM-i-ly WE • • HAVE • a VER-y big FAM-i-ly 40

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