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Beth Shields Middle School - Be a Superhero, Show Your Pride!

Join us at Shields Middle School to prepare for life and build a strong community. Learn about our mission, participate in fun activities, and show your PRIDE by following school procedures. Welcome to an engaging and educational environment!

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Beth Shields Middle School - Be a Superhero, Show Your Pride!

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  1. Welcome to • Shields Middle School You should be in your Homeroomclass. Teacher - ___________________ Room # - ___________________ • Be a Superhero ~Show Your Pride 2019-2020

  2. Beth Shields Middle SchoolMission & Vision Mission - To prepare all students to be productive, respectful citizens that are college and/or career bound. Vision - To Prepare Students for Life!

  3. Day 1Homeroom • Place class schedule on your desk • Bell work: Find your seat and sit at a level 0

  4. Day 1 Homeroom SEL Activity During homeroom, Shields will be participating in Social Emotional Learning Strategies (S.E.L.) to prepare us for life. We will discuss topics of interest and think about the joys and challenges we face daily. One of our goals is to build a Shields family to do that we will engage in some fun activities. Let’s try one! • Everyone please get in a circle at the front of the classroom. • Your teacher will start by throwing a paper ball to one of you. • Your job is to say your name and one thing you did this summer break that was fun! • Then it is your job to throw it to another person in the circle. • Once everyone has had a turn introducing themselves and telling about their summer break fun, discuss as a group who you think had the most interesting story.

  5. Day 1 Homeroom Please have the following forms signed and returned by Wednesday, August 14th: • Emergency Card • Media and Internet Consent Form • PTSA form & dues • Parent Compact • Parent Survey • Parent signature sheet stating they received items

  6. Day 1 Period 1 Bellwork • Copy your schedule on a piece of notebook paper. • You should include Homeroom and all of your class periods, teacher’s names and room numbers. • If you ride the bus, write your bus number. • If you are a walker, write “walker.” • If your parent picks you up, write “car rider.”

  7. Day 1 Period 1 Reading Your Schedule Schedules are listed by semester. Semester 1 and Semester 2 should be the same unless a student has a semester elective, Wheel, or Intensive Math. • All 6th grade students should have the following classes: Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, P.E., Elective Wheel or Intensive Math. • All 7th and 8th grade students should have the following classes: Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, P.E., and 2 electives or Intensive Math and/or Reading.

  8. Day 1 Period 1 Class Activity • Think about the following question: • How do I show my Shields PRIDE? • P • R • I • D • E

  9. Day 1 Period 1 What I am Learning Today? • Learning Target: I will learn the expectations, policies, and procedures of Shields Middle School so I can integrate them into my daily routine and be able to show my Shields PRIDE, and be a productive, respectful citizen that is college and/or career bound.

  10. Day 1 Period 1 How to Show PRIDE? If you are confused about what to do when you arrive at school, in your class, in the cafeteria, in the hallway, or even at an assembly, listen up while we review CHAMPS procedures. On your own paper copy the CHAMPS acronym vertically you will see on the next slide. (You will use this to take notes)

  11. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS • C – Conversation Level (When I can speak and how loud can I be levels 0 – 3) • H – Help (How do I get help from someone?) • A – Activity (What am I learning/or doing in some cases?) • M – Movement (When and where can I move?) • P – Participation (What does my participation look like?) • S – Success (When will I be successful?)

  12. CONVERSATION LEVELS 0 = No sound/No Talking Examples: Taking a test, class work 1 = Whisper/Shoulder partner talk Examples: Participating in a think/pair/share, walking inside any building 2 = Conversational voice (only people in your group can hear) Examples: Students working in a collaborative group, voice levels outside buildings 3 = Teacher voice Examples: Teacher teaching a class, student presentation

  13. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS continued • What if I need help? How do I get it? • The “H” in CHAMPS will let you know how to get help with the assignment. Some examples might be: • Raise your hand a wait quietly • Ask your neighbor/shoulder partner • “Ask 3 before me” (ask three classmates first before asking the teacher) • Check page ____ in your textbook.

  14. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS continued • The “A” in CHAMPS explains the class activity. Some examples might be: • Listen to the presentation and take Cornell notes • Get out your D.E.A.R. novel and read silently • Read the two articles on climate change and complete the Venn diagram noting differences and similarities between the articles • Take 10 minutes to review your notes from yesterday and prepare for a quiz

  15. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS continued • If you are wondering about getting out of your seat, all you have to do is look at the “M” in CHAMPS. Some examples might be: • None unless directed • You may get up to sharpen your pencil and get your supplies • Your group will rotate to the next numbered station once the timer beeps.

  16. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS continued • How will your teacher or even someone who visits your class (the Principal) know you are participating? Look at the “P” in CHAMPS for expectations. Some examples might be: • Completing your graphic organizer with your shoulder partner • In your group, brain storming ideas for classroom rules and write them on one piece of paper • Participate in Socratic Seminar by moving to the posted “Agree” or “Disagree” signs according to your opinions on the topic

  17. Day 1 Period 1 CHAMPS continued • How will I know when I am successful? Check the “S” in CHAMPS. Some examples might be: • Completed my science lab with required notes • Completed my math benchmark test • Got to my next class on time in my seat before bell rang • Ate lunch and visited with my friends correctly

  18. Day 1 Period 1 Before School Procedures • Students cannot be dropped off at school before 8:55 A.M., unless enrolled in Boys’ & Girls’ Club. Those enrolled in Boys’ & Girls’ Club can not arrive before 7:15. • Upon arrival to school in the morning, 7th & 8th grade girls go directly to the cafeteria, and 7th & 8th grade boys report directly to homeroom class with their breakfast. • 6th grade students go directly down bus ramp to the 700 hallway. Get a grab and go breakfast and report to homeroom.

  19. Day 1 Period 1 • All electronic devices are expected to be out of sight including headphones when reporting to homeroom. • Students arriving after the tardy bell regardless of their location must report to SA office to sign in & a receive tardy pass. • Students are expected to follow the CHAMPS for AM dismissal on the next slide.

  20. Level 0-during directions Level 1-in hallway Level 2- outside buildings Raise hand while seated, find nearest adult on duty when outside. AM Dismissal to Homeroom CHAMPs Movement when dismissed and walking on the right hand side directly to homeroom. Students walking directly to homeroom on right hand sides calmly and quietly within 4 minutes and staying there. Students arrive to homeroom on time with no tardies ready to learn!

  21. Day 1 Period 1 Universal Procedures • 700 is primarily 6th grade, 400 is primarily 7th grade, 300 is primarily 8th grade. • Students are expected to be in only their assigned hallways and not in any other hallway if not assigned class there at the time. • Students are expected to use stairs closest to their classroom. Students will never use the bus ramp side doors in the 300 & 400 hallways to leave or enter from. • Students are expected to exit the building only when the location of the next class requires it. • Students are expected to use hallway entry/exit doors closest to their classroom when having to leave building with the following exceptions: • far end of 300 hallway by front of school. These doors will not be used and remain locked at all times. • bottom middle of the 400 hallway doors will be locked and you will not enter or exit there. • 6th graders are expected to use 400 hall exit doors closest to the basketball courts when changing classes between the 400 & 700 buildings.

  22. Day 1 Period 1 Universal Procedures • There will be no travel between the 400 and 700 building using the upper walkway. Any approved travel between those buildings will be done using front or back bottom walkways. • Any student with a class in the back half of the 400 building and is going to or coming from a portable will use the back entrance doors to enter and exit the 400 building. • Any student in the 700 building that has to travel back and forth to portables will use the bottom walkway by basketball courts. • Students will have four minutes between classes to go to the water fountain, and/or bathroom. • Students are expected to follow change of class and dismissal CHAMPS on next slides. • Students who need to travel to the portables from any location except the back of 400 or 700 building will use the middle walkway between 300/400 halls and then travel on outside bus ramp to portables under adult supervision.

  23. Day 1 Period 1 School Map • Please look at the school map and be able to locate the following locations: Lunchroom Media Center Student Affairs Main Office Guidance Gym Bus Ramp Restrooms Make sure you know where your 2ndperiod class is and best route to get there.

  24. Level 1-in buildings Level 2-outside buildings Find nearest adult on duty Change of class Location A CHAMPs Location B Continuously walking on the RIGHT hand side to your next class. Students calmly walking directly to class within 4 minutes, using the restroom or getting water on way to class. Students arrive on time to next class without being tardy!

  25. Level 0 Raise hand and wait for adult. Class Dismissal CHAMPs Seated until teacher dismisses by rows/tables. Students at level 0, sitting, with area clean and materials ready to travel to next class. Students exit class on time!

  26. Day 1 Period 2 Bellwork • Bellwork 1:With your shoulder partner, brainstorm proper lunchroom behavior. On your own piece of paper, write down at least 3 expectations you will be able to share with class. • Bellwork 2: Using your own paper, copy the sentences on the next slide. • Take about 5 minutes and fill in the missing blanks using the word bank.

  27. Day 1 Period 2 Lunch Procedures 1. Enter the lunchroom with your _____through the double doors nearest the _______. 2. Go directly to your __________ table and ________ seated until directed to get in line. 3. Keep ______, ______, and objects to yourself. 4. Once your table is called, line up and wait for an adult to __________ you to the next available window. 5. Have your money, student _______, and food selection ready to keep the line moving. You are _______ one trip through the line, so purchase all items at that time. 6. Make ________ choices regarding food and friends. permitted healthy assigned hands, feet number patio class direct remain

  28. Day 1 Period 2 Lunch Procedures 7. Upon getting your food, _______ to the same seat and remain seated. 8. Keep your area clean of _______ and _______. 9. After you have finished eating, you may visit with others at your table. Please use ____________voices and respect one another’s _____________. You are to remain seated until dismissed by an adult. 10.Once dismissed, clean your area, line up with your class at assigned doors with you teacher and follow your ____________back to class. 11.All food, including drinks and candy must be ____________in the cafeteria. return level 1 food consumed travel champs personal space trash teacher

  29. Day 1 Period 2 Lunch Procedures Key 1. Enter the lunchroom with your classthrough the double doors nearest the patio. 2. Go directly to yourassignedtable and remainseated until directed to get in line. 3. Keephands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4. Once your table is called, line up and wait for an adult to directyou to the next available window. 5. Have your money, student number, and food selection ready to keep the line moving. You are permittedone trip through the line, so purchase all items at that time. 6. Makehealthychoices regarding food and friends. 7. Upon getting your food, returnto the same seat and remain seated. 8. Keep your area clean of foodandtrash. 9. After you have finished eating, you may visit with others at your table. Please use level 1 voices and respect one another’s personal space. You are to remain seated until dismissed by an adult. 10. Once dismissed, clean your area, line up with your class at assigned doors with you teacher and follow your travel champs you back to class. 11. All food, including drinks and candy must be consumedin the cafeteria.

  30. Level 1-inside at all times. Raise hand, remain seated until adult comes over to help. Staying in cafeteria for breakfast or lunch. CHAMPs Enter cafeteria, purchasing food, move to assigned areas, and sitting at all times unless directed to get up. Students calmly picking up their meals, sitting in assigned areas, following adult directions, eating their food. Students enjoying their meal!

  31. Where is my 3rd period class? • Make sure you know where your 3rd period class is and the best route to get there.

  32. Level 1-in buildings Level 2-outside buildings Find nearest adult on duty Change of class Location A CHAMPs Location B Continuously walking on the RIGHT hand side to your next class. Students calmly walking directly to class within 4 minutes, using the restroom or getting water on way to class. Students arrive on time to next class without being tardy!

  33. Level 0 Raise hand and wait for adult. Class Dismissal CHAMPs Seated until teacher dismisses rows/tables. Students at level 0, sitting, with area clean and materials ready to travel to next class. Students exit class on time!

  34. Day 1 Period 3 Bell work • Bell work 1: Copy the following statement on a piece of notebook paper: Bell work is the first assignment or activity that is done at the beginning of every class.

  35. Day 1 Period 3 Bell work Answer the following questions in complete sentences. • What is bell work? • What is the teacher doing while you are doing bell work? 3. What is the purpose of bell work? 4. What kinds of assignments will bell work be?

  36. Relationship Building Activity • You have 30 seconds find a partner with the same first initial as yours (example: Gail and Gabriel) • Discuss with your partner if you could have a superpower what would it be and why? • You have 3 minutes. • Be ready to introduce your partner and their superpower to the class.

  37. Where is my 4th period class? Make sure you know where your 4th period class is and best route to get there.

  38. Level 1-in buildings Level 2-outside buildings Find nearest adult on duty Change of class Location A CHAMPs Location B Continuously walking on the RIGHT hand side to your next class. Students calmly walking directly to class within 4 minutes, using the restroom or getting water on way to class. Students arrive on time to next class without being tardy!

  39. Level 0 Raise hand and wait for adult. Class Dismissal CHAMPs Seated until teacher dismisses rows/tables. Students at level 0, sitting, with area clean and materials ready to travel to next class. Students exit class on time!

  40. Day 1 Period 4 Bell work • Bell work 1: Copy the following statement in your planner: Once you enter the classroom, you are not to leave without permission. • Bell work 2: Using your own paper, please copy the sentences on the following slides, then using the word bank, fill in the blanks.

  41. Day 1 Period 4 Tardy Policy and Pass Procedures • All students are expected to be ________to class. • A student is tardy when he or she is not in their assigned _______ or workstation when the bell rings _________ the beginning of class. • If you leave class for ANY reason, you must have a _________. • In order to leave class, you must get ___________ from the teacher or be called by the office. Upon leaving class, you must sign the _________________. Upon returning to class, you must sign back in. • Students can only use the restroom during class if it’s an _______________. sign in/out log emergency pass on time permission wearing seat signaling

  42. Day 1 Period 4 Tardy & Pass Procedures Key • All students are expected to be on time to class. • A student is tardy when he or she is not in their assignedseator workstation when the bell rings signalingthe beginning of class. • If you leave class for ANY reason, you must have a pass. • In order to leave class, you must getpermissionfrom the teacher or be called by the office. Upon leaving class, you must sign the signin/out log. Upon returning to class, you must sign back in. • Students can only use the restroom during class if it’s anemergency.

  43. Day 1 Period 4 Tardy Consequences Tardies 1-7 Verbal Warning  8th Tardy - Warning Letter   9th Tardy - Parentlink tardy notification call  10th Tardy - 1 Day Work Detail  11th Tardy - 3 Days Work Detail  12th Tardy - Saturday School  13th Tardy - 1 Day ISS  14th Tardy - 2 Days ISS  15th Tardy - Refer to Intervention (Guidance, Student Success Coach, etc..)  16th Tardy - Conference with parent  17th Tardy - Willful Disobedience (Out-Of- School Suspension)  * Students will have a new start at the beginning of each nine weeks!

  44. Where is my 5th period class? Make sure you know where your 5th period class is and best route to get there.

  45. Level 1-in buildings Level 2-outside buildings Find nearest adult on duty Change of class Location A CHAMPs Location B Continuously walking on the RIGHT hand side to your next class. Students calmly walking directly to class within 4 minutes, using the restroom or getting water on way to class. Students arrive on time to next class without being tardy!

  46. Level 0 Raise hand and wait for adult. Class Dismissal CHAMPs Seated until teacher dismisses rows/tables. Students at level 0, sitting, with area clean and materials ready to travel to next class. Students exit class on time!

  47. Day 1 Period 5 Bell work • Bell work 1: Copy the following statement in your planner and be prepared to discuss: • The dress and grooming of students shall be that which contributes to the health and safety of the individual and which is non-disruptive of the educational activities and processes of a school.

  48. Day 1 Period 5 Uniform Dress Code Policy • All students at Shields are expected to wear their Shields Uniform shirts each and every day. • If you wear your school hoodie, you must tuck in the hoodie and keep it on all day or have school uniform shirt on underneath if you remove your hoodie to be considered in dress code. • Remember if you look in the mirror in the morning and think “does this violate dress code” – it probably does.

  49. Why do these people wear a uniform?

  50. Uniform Shirts

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