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Nanolithography Techniques and Limitations in Top-Down Approaches

Explore issues in current photolithography, quantify nanomanufacturing needs, define improvements in lithography processes, and discover new methods. Learn about the limitations and advancements in top-down nanomanufacturing.

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Nanolithography Techniques and Limitations in Top-Down Approaches

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  1. Lithography in the Top Down MethodNew Concepts

  2. Lithography In the Top-Down ProcessNew Concepts • Learning Objectives • To identify issues in current photolithography • To quantify the needs of nanomanufacturing • To define improvements in photolithography • To explore new lithography processes • To define the limitations of these new processes in top-down nanomanufacturing

  3. What are the limitations of current photolithography processes? • Light sources from traditional mercury vapor lamps have little “deep UV” spectra • Finer feature sizes require shorter wavelength sources • Photoresist must be sensitive to appropriate wavelengths of light • Lenses and optical components have limited numeric aperture

  4. Why Shorter Wavelengths? • Minimum Feature Sizes are dictated by the following relationship F = K (λ/NA) Where F = Feature Size in nM λ = Wavelength (nM) K = Process Constant NA = Numeric Aperture

  5. Shorter Wavelength Sources • Replace the mercury vapor lamp an excimer laser source with shorter wavelength emission • ArF – 193 nM – Shorter wavelength than so-called “deep UV” peak of 248nM • F2 Laser – Low output but at 157nM • Matching photoresist that is sensitive to this spectra is also required. • Laser sources under development – 13.5 nM! (extreme UV or EUV range)

  6. Numerical Aperture • Light passing through the mask will be subject to diffraction. The numerical aperture of the lens used determines its capability to bring the diffracted pattern into a single point of focus. • NA = n sin θ where n = index of refraction of the media in which the lens is working (air) and θ is the angular spacing between objects making up the image

  7. Numerical Aperture (2) • sin θ = 1.22 λ/D where θ is the angular spacing between objects and D = diameter of the lens • A larger diameter lens helps, but is difficult to manufacture • Depth of Field Issues limit the use of larger diameter as a solution Increased NA reduces depth of field Source: MATEC Module 41

  8. Improving the Index of Refraction

  9. Improving the Photomask • Sharp edges in photo-masks are not well reproduced as feature sizes shrink • Optical proximity correction techniques put borders on corners and edges to correct for this

  10. Phase Shift Masking • More complex mask includes “trim mask” • Destructive interference optical effects attenuate patterns • Effectively appears to be higher resolution http://www.asml.com/asmdotcom

  11. Double Patterning • Adjacent features are on two masks • Avoids Rayleigh constraints on resolution • Requires double the number of steps • Requires additional masks and critical alignment of masks

  12. Practice Questions Click once for each question. 1. What limits feature sizes in photolithography? Wavelengthof the light source used Numerical aperture of the lens 2. What effect causes blurring in photomasks? Diffraction of the light source 3. What is the limitation that occurs when numerical aperture is increased? Depth of field is decreased

  13. Alternative Exposure Methods Electron Beam Lithography • Use of exposure sources other than UV light have been studied for some time. • An electron beam is exceptionally “narrow”, and does not require a mask • Low throughput limits use in manufacturing

  14. Electron Beam Lithography (2) • E-beam lithography also serves as a tool for mask making • Throughput is not an issue in this case, since the masks are made once, and used many times. • Sub-50 nM feature sizes are possible

  15. X-Ray Lithography • Synchrotron radiation sources can be used • Masks use “absorber” materials on a membrane • X-rays pass through the membrane • PMMA photoresists can be used

  16. X-Ray Lithography Issues • Spacing, mask dimension, and wavelength are critical So-called “sweet spot” will provide small feature size for a given wavelength exposure and defined mask feature nfxrl@xraylithography.us

  17. Nano-Imprint Lithography • Concept – To use a “stamp” of precise dimension to create features in resist • Advantages • High Throughput • No issues in diffraction • No secondary emission • Can be carried out in non-vacuum environment

  18. Nano-Imprint Lithography (2) • T-NIL (Thermal Nano-Imprint Lithography) • PMMA resist similar to that used in X-ray lithography is spin coated onto surface • Stamp is pressed into contact with surface • Substrate is heated to glass temperature of resist • Pressure is applied to “stamp” imprint • Substrate cools and stamp can be removed Http://www.nilt.com/Default.asp? Action=Details&Item=219

  19. UV-Nano Imprint Lithography • UV-NIL (Ultra-violet Nano-Imprint Lithography) • A UV sensitive resist is used • The stamp must be UV- transmissive • UV light is applied through the stamp • Pressure is applied to “stamp” imprint Http://www.nilt.com/Default.asp? Action=Details&Item=219

  20. Issues in Nanoimprint Lithography • Alignment of layers can be more difficult than with projection lithography • “Proximity effect” of having large stamp areas near small features may cause uneven feature sizes • Residual layer thickness and profile may vary • Patterned areas may “stick” to stamp

  21. AFM Probe Lithography • An atomic force microcscope cantilever writes a pattern in resist • Extremely precise • “Scratching the surface” http://www.pacificnanotech.com/afm-modes_active-modes.html

  22. AFM “Dip Pen” Lithography • An atomic force microscope cantilever writes a pattern on the substrate • Extremely precise • Deposit inks or conductive coatings http://nanoink.net/WhatisDPN.htm

  23. Sources and References 1] Maricopa Advanced Techology Education Center (2001) Module 40 The Photolithography Process  [2] Chang, C.Y., & Sze, S. M. (1996). ULSI technology. New York: McGraw Hill.  [3] Garza-Lopez, T., & Sancaktar, E. (2002) Excimer lasers, how they work and ablate. Vacuum and Coating Technology, 3, 52-59.   [4] Hand, A. (2002) NGL: Forever next generation? Semiconductor International, 25, 57-64.   [5] Quirk, M., & Serda, J. (2001) Semiconductor manufacturing technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.  [6] Van Zant, P. (2000). Microchip fabrication: A practical guide to semiconductor processing (4th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.  [7] Wolf, S., & Tauber, R. N. (1986). Silicon processing the VLSI era. (vol. 1). Sunset Beach, CA: Lattice Press.  [8] Xiao, H. (2001). Introduction to semiconductor manufacturing technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.  [9] Bohr, M.T. (2006) “Intel’s Silicon R&D Pipeline, Intel Developer Forum, Moscow, April 26, 2006 [10] Brunner, Gil, Fonseca, and Seoung (2004) “New Opportunities for Semiconductor Manufacturing”, 2004 Immersion and 157nM Symposium, Sematech, August 3, 2004  [11] Sematech News, 21 May, 2007, International Sematech http://www.sematech.org/corporate/news/releases/20070521.htm  [12] Peters, Lauren (2008) “32nM Marked by Litho, Transistor Changes”, Semiconductor International http://www.semiconductor.net/article/CA6515401.html?nid=3656  [13] R. S. Dhaliwal, W. A. Enichen, S. D. Golladay, M. S. Gordon, R. A. Kendall, J. E. Lieberman, H. C. Pfeiffer, D. J. Pinckney, C. F. Robinson, J. D. Rockrohr, W. Stickel, and E. V. Tressler PREVAIL—Electron Projection Technology Approach for Next-Generation Lithography,IBM Journal of Research and Development V.45 #5 (2001)

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